Chapter 14

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Jungkook has still not moved in with them becasue he was waiting for his parents to come back. Jin was terribly missing Jungkook, he would often text him, talking about random things. As Jin was missing him, he was clinging more with other alphas, not that they complained. They were pitying him, bonded omegas or alphas couldn't live without seeing each other. They often told Jin to meet with him but he always said that he has school and he shouldn't be bothering him.

Jin got a bit distracted when Namjoon threw a party at his company to celebrate his contract with GS. Jin began to prepare for it, buying clothes, giving ideas about the decorations, helping Namjoon, Taehyung, Jimin and Hoseok to chose their outfits. Yoongi wasn't going to come since he was going to Busan for meeting a composer and stuff. Jungkook wasn't coming either because his parents hadn't allowed him.


Namjoon, Jin, Jimin, Hoseok and Taehyung entered the party hall. Bright lights, cameras, people, wine, music surrounded them. A lot of people gathered when they saw Kim Namjoon cooming in with his mate Jin and his mates. Many handshakes, many praises, many invitations to parties were given and some questions were also thrown, mostly to Jin.

"Seokjin ssi it's been a long time. How have you been?"

"My! Seokjin ssi you have grown more beautiful."

"How's your relationship going with ceo Kim Namjoon ssi?"

"Are there any pups coming?"

Jin answered all of them politely, nodding and smiling. Then a arm was wrapped around his waist, he looked up to see Namjoon and he was angry.

"Well that's enough. I'm taking him to rest a bit. Please do enjoy the party." and he dragged Jin away from the crowd to sit in a corner. Jin laughed when Namjoon grabbed his forehead and sighed.

"I totally forgot about that part of throwing a party."

"Yup. They were all around Jin this time." Taehyung said, a possessive growl escaping him.

"Clam down both of you." Jin said to them. "People are curious that's all."

"Well they have no business putting their noses in other people's life." Jimin said.

"The thing to notice is that how Jin manages them." Hoseok said, looking at Jin. "So polite but not giving them any space." Jin blushed.

"True. I'm so proud of you Jinnie. You manage this better than me." Namjoon said and kissed Jin lightly on the lips.

"Oh goodness! Stop praising me. It's not a big deal." Jin said pushing Namjoon away slightly.

"Why? Because you get red as a rose when we praise you?" Taehyung teased. It was true, Jin's face was getting flushed.

"S..shut up Tae." Jin said, trying to cover the fact that it was true. The four alphas chuckled at Jin.

"Kitten do you know you get a shade of rose on your cheeks when you blush?" Namjoon said, not stopping from teasing him.

"You look stunning tonight sweetie, like a beautiful rose." Hoseok praised Jin. Jin's face was deep red but thank goodness a worker came to get Namjoon for some business. He left Jin, Hoseok, Jimin and Taehyung. Jimin and Taehyung went to get drinks, as Jin asked for a drink.Leaving Jin sitting with Hoseok.

"Are you going to eat something hyung?" Jin asked.

"Nah. Not feeling like it."

"You have been quiet today." Jin noted.

"It's nothing. Just feeling tired. A very important competition is coming up, so I've been worked up about it."

"You should have stayed home then, gotten some rest." Jin said, worrying about Hoseok. He grabbed Hoseok's hands and intertwining their fingers.

"It's fine. Just sleep with me tonight to help me get some rest."

"You are just finding ways for me to sleep with you." Jin knew Hoseok was playing a game.

"What can I do? You slept with Yoongi hyung, Taehyung and Jimin. I'm just jealous." Hoseok pouted. Jin kissed him on the cheeks

"Ok ok. I will sleep with you." Jin said giving up. Hoseok smiled, very happy after getting what he wanted.

"Jinne. Got you a drink." Jimin and Taehyung said.

"It's nonalcoholic right?" Jin asked as he took the glass.

"Yep. Now you drink the kids drink while we go and drink real stuff." 

"It's not kid's drink. Second alcohol is not good for you." Jin defended himself. But they were already gone. Jin sighed.

"Let them sweetie. It's been a while for them." Hoseok said, massaging Jin's shoulders.

"We have lectures tomorrow. I hope they don't drink too much."

"They will be fine."

Then they saw Namjoon coming back.

"Where are Jimin and Taehyung?" Namjoon asked. Jin sighed again "They went to find adult's drink."

Namjoon nodded understanding. "I'm going to give a speech." He said nervously. Jin noticed "Hyung you would do fine."

"Yeah Joon. Go ahead we will be listening." Hoseok said in a encouraging way.


Namjoon made his way towards Jin through crowd of people surrounding him. He sensed that Jin was distressed, his alphas instincts kicking in, trying to find his omega to comfort him, to kill anyone who was hurting his omega. He quickly gave replies to the people and excused himself. He went to where Jin was, seeing that Jimin, Taehyung and Jin were standing up, around Hoseok.

"What's wrong?" Namjoon asked. Jin turned towards him "Namjoon hyung Hoseokie hyung is in rut." Namjoon looked at Hoseok who was sitting there, sweating, his eyes turning from brown to red. Hoseok looked at Namjoon

"Sorry Joon. I did take my medicines but..." Hoseok stopped when a heat wave shot through his body.

"It's not your fault, Hoseok. It was supposed to happen. I will call my driver and he will take you home." Namjoon said. Hoseok nodded. Jimin and Taehyung said "Jin should go with him."

"Yeah. Jin go..." Namjoon was talking when Hoseok nearly shouted "No!" They all stared at Hoseok, he was panting. "No. It would not look good if Jin left your side right now Namjoon."

"Oh for heaven's sake Hoseok, you worry too much about these things. Jin is going to go home with you." Namjoon said.

"Hyung you can't spend your rut alone." Jin tried to convince Hoseok. But still Hoseok didn't listen "Listen Namjoon, I will go home. You guys come back when the party is over."

"Hoseok use your head man! You need Jin to be there." Namjoon's anger was rising. He couldn't believe that such an intelligent man was being so silly, caring about public's views, they all talked shit anyway, they didn't need a specific reason to criticize any person, Namjoon thought.

"Hyung why are you doing this?" Jin asked, he was on verge of tears. He was feeling a bit of the pain Hoseok was going through as they were bonded. He couldn't understand why his hyung was not just going home with him. They always mated when either of them got rut or heat. Was he rejecting him? Jin's heart dropped. Was Hoseok rejecting him? Did he do something that caused him to distance himself from him?

Jin couldn't bear the thought of his mate rejecting him, it hurt him too much. He began to cry. Jimin, Taehyung and Namjoon noticed, pulling him into a hug.

"What's wrong?" Jimin asked. "Why you crying baby?" Taehyung asked. "Jin don't cry. Tell us what's wrong?" Namjoon asked.

Jin said while hiccuping "Hoseok hyung are you rejecting me?" All alphas gasped.

"Jin no. My sweet no. I would never reject you." Hoseok quickly began to explain, kissing Jin's every part. It was a very hurtful for a bonded omega, alpha or beta if they were rejected by their mate. Often rejected mate would die. It was unimaginable for any bonded omega, alpha or beta to be rejected or reject.

But Jin was still crying. He clung onto Namjoon, not letting him go. Jimin and Taehyung were saying soothing words to him, patting him.

"Baby, Hoseok hyung didn't reject you." Taehyung said.

"He's just trying to think what's best for our public image." Jimin said.

"Jinnie, stop crying. He's not rejecting you." Namjoon said, kissing his head. But Jin wasn't stopping.

"Jin sweetie..." Hoseok tried to take Jin from Namjoon's arms and hug him but Jin pushed him away, screaming "No! I don't want to be near you!" Tears streaming down his face.

Hoseok's heart stopped after hearing those words. Jin just said to stay away from him. He couldn't believe his Jin, his life just pushed him away.

Jimin, Taehyung and Namjoon quickly understood the situation, they knew Jin wasn't going to clam down now. He never shouted at them, it just showed how much hurt and affected Jin was. Taehyung picked Jin up, bridal style. Jin buried his head in Taehyung's chest, sobbing.

"Namjoon hyung I think we should take Jin to more private place." Namjoon nodded, people were beginning to look. He told Taehyung and Jimin the way to a spare guest room. Then Taehyung carried crying Jin away, Jimin trailing behind.

"Hoseok you should go home." Namjoon said.

"I can't. I need to tell Jin it's not true!" Hoseok tried running after Taehyung and Jimin. But Namjoon held him down. "It would be better if you go home. Jin is very sensitive right now, your hormones, your scent might make him cry more. Don't worry we would clam him down and make him understand."

Hoseok knew Namjoon was right but he was hurting from inside, he couldn't believe that he made Jin think that he was rejecting him. He wanted to hug him, tell him that it was not true. He would never reject his omega, he wouldn't be able to. But Namjoon, Jimin and Taehyung weren't letting him near Jin. It was like they were protecting him from Hoseok.

"Jin would understand, Hoseok. We will take him home after he calms down." Namjoon tried reassuring him.

Hoseok just nodded, tears were almost going to spill from his eyes. It would be better if Jin was away from, away from someone who hurt him.

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