Chapter 25

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Taehyung had called his parents, telling them to come and talk at their family house. Mr and Mrs Kim were surprised by his request but decided to come anyway. They entered the lounge where Teahyung was sitting, waiting for them. They noticed something different about him. But couldn't tell what.

"Why did you suddenly call us?" Mr Kim asked, sitting down.

"You know your father is very busy. Calling him and demanding him to be here so suddenly is rude." Mrs Kim said.

"Father? But I have none." Taehyung said.

"Taehyung! I'm your father! You are my son! I don't understand how you grew up to be like this!" Mr Kim shouted. But Taehyung didn't even flinch, he seemed bored by it.

"Calm down for fucks sake. I'm not here for this shit talk." Taehyung said. Mr and Mrs Kim were shocked. They couldn't even speak.

"Tell me, did you give that tea to Jin?" Teahyung asked.

"Don't say that whore's name." Mrs Kim said. She gasped when Taehyung pionted a gun at her.

"Be very careful with your words. If a single word leaves your mouth against my Jin I would put a bullet in your head." Taehyung said, his gun pionted at them.

"How!? How can you point a gun at your own parents!?" Mr Kim asked, he was trembling.

"First, you aren't my parents. Second, dear ex father did you forget what you did to your own brother? Did you forget what your grandfather and father did to raise the status of Kim Hyun enterprises?" Taehyung asked.

Mr Kim was bewildered, how could Teahyung have know that?

"What are you saying Taehyung?" Mrs Kim asked. Taehyung looked at her then at Mr Kim, a smile formed on his face.

"So she doesn't know."

"Shut up!" Mr Kim shouted.

"What is he talking about husband?" Mrs Kim asked, looking at Mr Kim.

"Let me tell you. The man who is your mate and who you call your husband killed his own brother to be the head. His grandfather and father were mafias. Killing people, stealing money, raping betas and omegas. You think his grandfather just rose to power? No no. He used his powers as a mafia to make Kim Hyun enterprises. Ever heard of AD?" Mrs Kim eyes flew open "Yes. He is the member of the biggest mafia in Korea."

Mrs Kim looked at her husband wanting him to say something. To deny what Taehyung was saying but he didn't. "Is it true!? Tell me!?" She shook him but he didn't move. She gasped when she realized he was paralyzed.

"So it's working." Taehyung said looking at paralyzed Mr Kim, who would just move his eyes and breathe.

"You did this!?" Mrs Kim asked. "How can you!?" She stood up, slamming her hands on the table.

"Calm down before I shoot you." Taehyung said, pointing his gun at her forehead. Mrs Kim sat down.

"Now as everyone is now sitting and not shouting shit. Let's come back to the real topic. Did you or did you not give that tea to my Jin?"

"What's with the tea? He told me to give tea to that omega as a present. I said no but he said it was necessary. I didn't understand but I took it anyway. And before coming back from that omega's house I left that tea there." Mrs Kim said. She flinched when Taehyung stood up, eyes red. He stormed towards them, placing a gun at Mr Kim's forehead. Mrs Kim screamed at his actions "Taehyung! What are you doing!? It's your father!"

"Shut up! Shut up!" Taehyung shouted at her. Mrs Kim fell down, she was an omega and there was no way she could stand against an angry alpha.

"Do you know what you did!? How much pain you caused him!?" Taehyung shouted, burying the gun in Mr Kim's forehead.

"Ha! That bitch must have died! He must have died with the pup he was carrying!" Mr Kim shouted. Taehyung roared at him, his fangs out.

"You! I will kill you!" Taehyung shouted. Mr Kim just laughed. "Can you? Can you!? Ha! You don't have it in you! You fucking piece of shit!"

A bang was heard and Mr Kim's body fell down from the chair and hit the floor. Mrs Kim screamed. Taehyung didn't look fazed.

"Maybe I'm your son. Atleast in this aspect."

He wiped the gun and placed it in Mr Kim's hand. He stood up and looked at Mrs Kim. She tried to distance herself from him but Taehyung caught her. She trashed around, screaming

"Monster! Monster! You killed your own father! Stay away from me! I hate myself for giving birth to you! What did we do to deserve you!"

"You killed my pups! You nearly killed my omega! My mate! My life!" Taehyung yelled.


"That tea contained poison. And it killed my children! Your grandchildren! It almost killed my mate! That means you killed me!"

"No! No! I did-didn't kn-ow. I-i ne-ver wanted that. I wanted my grandchildren. I didn't kill them!" Mrs Kim yelled. Her body trembling, mind not able to process what was said. She wasn't able to hold the guilt. "Forgive me Teahyung! My son! My beautiful son!" She tried reaching Taehyung but he stepped away.

"Say that to my children and my mate." Then Taehyung walked out the door but before going out he said "Oh I forgot. You are going to jail in charge for trying to kill an omega and killing the unborn pups. Bye."

Namjoon was sitting in the lounge looking at the news. It's been two days since he last saw Taehyung. Taehyung had left after saying all those things to Yoongi and him and hadn't come back. Yoongi was beginning to think that Taehyung left them but Namjoom had tried to reassure him that it was not possible.

He leaned forward to take sip of his coffe when a news came. Mr Kim and Mrs Kim had been charged for poisoning the mate and killing the pups of their son Kim Taehyung. The same mate as that of Kim Namjoon. Before the police could take them in custody Mr Kim had shot himself. While Mrs Kim has now become mentally ill and she will moved to a prison.

Namjoon's mouth was hanging open after hearing the news. Did Taehyung do this? How could he have done this all in two days? Namjoon thought. He looked around to see Taehyung coming in.

"Hey hyung." Taehyung said and went to the kitchen. He opened the fridge, got an apple and then he came and sat down beside him.

"Taehyung where were you?"

"Didn't you hear the news? They were behind it." Taehyung said taking a bite of the apple. "I got them to confess. Now one of them is dead while the other is in prison. Though I must go and apologize to Yoongi hyung for I wasn't able to kill them like I promised."

"Don't you feel a bit of sadness? They were your parents afterall. You..." Namjoon was cut off when Taehyung stared at him. "Hyung please don't refer to them as my parents. Tell me do parents do what they did?"

"Ok." Namjoon said quietly.

"Hyung I need your help in the future." Taehyung said.

"With what? " Namjoon asked.

"They are dead and in prison so Kim Hyun enterprises is now without a head. Since I didn't withdrew my right as an heir, that makes me the next head. I need to make decisions about the future of the company. I hope you will help me." Taehyung smiled.

"Of course Tae. When will you start?"

"After Jin gets better. I'm not leaving him." Taehyung said. He frowned when Namjoon sighed. "Hyung how is Jin?"

"He's still the same I guess. He mostly sleeps. The only thing he does is to say he wants someone to stay with him all the time." Namjoon said "I'm worried Tae. I never seen Jin like this."

Taehyung hugged him "He will get better. Hyung we just need to help him. Don't worry everything will work out."

"Hyung you back?" Jungkook's voice made them break the hug.

"Hey Jungkookie." Taehyung smiled at the younger.

"You want to play?" Jungkook asked. 

Taehyung smiled fondly at the boy. He was really amazed by Jungkook. He had been strong when Jin was in such a situation. He did whatever he could to help the alphas and Jin. He was keeping the house clean, making food and making everyone eat it. And he was just nineteen.

Taehyung stood up, ruffling Jungkook's hair "You are great Jungkookie. I'm sorry but I will play with you later. I'm going to see Jin." Jungkook nodded then he began to talk with Namjoon hyung, about dinner.

Taehyung opened the door to Jin's room. He saw Jimin laying down beside Jin who was asleep. Jimin looked at Taehyung and smiled. He stood up, walking towards him

"Hey Tae you back. I heard the news. Are you ok though?" Jimin asked.

"I'm fine Jimin. How have you been? " Taehyung asked.

"I'm ok as I can be." Jimin said looking at Jin. Taehyung nodded. No one can be ok until Jin got better.

"Any improvements?" Taehyung asked. Jimin shook his head "He refuses to eat, even if he does eat he throws up. He's getting thinner and he hardly speaks."

Taehyung hugged Jimin "It will be fine. Why don't you go and rest? I will stay with Jin." Jimin nodded then left.

Taehyung moved towards Jin. He stopped when he saw Jin shift in his bed, his hands searching something on the bed. When he couldn't find what he wanted, his eyes flew open, panic in his eyes. Taehyung reached out and took Jin in his arms. He felt Jin relax into his embrace.

"It's ok Jin. I'm here. Taehyung's here." Taehyung said in a soothing voice. Jin relaxed more, leaning against Taehyung's chest, he looked at Taehyung. Taehyung leaned forward to kiss him on his forehead.

"Jin do you want to eat something?" Jin shook his head lightly. Taehyung sighed. He made Jin lie down again while laying down beside him. He ran his hand on Jin's back. He saw Jin lean into his chest, sniffing him then he closed his eyes.

"You are now safe Jin. No one will dare hurt you." Taehyung whispered as he hugged Jin. But Jin had fallen asleep.

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