Chapter 39

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Suddenly, Jin felt the cock being removed from his entrance and then heard a loud thud. Jin slowly opened his eyes, to find Hoobin on the ground with Yoongi standing over him. Jin let out a sigh of relief and sank on the ground, hiccuping.

"How dare you touch my omega!?" Yoongi yelled, grabbing Hoobin's collars. Before he could reply, a punch was landed on his face.

"You fucker! I'm going to kill you for touching what's mine!" Jin gasped when Yoongi punched him. But he didn't stop at one and continued. Hoobin apologized and begged but Yoogi was blind with rage. He continued to punch him, Hoobin's face was now completely red with blood.

Jin sobbed and hiccuped, shaking with fear. He watched as Yoongi continued to beat him. He had never seen Yoongi like this and it scared him. He knew he would kill Hoobin if he didn't stop. Jin tried standing up, but his legs were shaking too much and he fell back on the ground with a groan. He then decided to call Yoongi

"H-hyung." But it wasn't heard. He tried again "Yoo-yoongi Hyung. Please."

Yoongi looked at Jin, when he heard him calling. Looking at the teary eyes and face, ripped clothes, shaking body only fueled his anger. He turned towards the beaten alpha, growling before landing another punch.

"How did you even think of touching him when I made it clear that he was mine!"

"Hyung. Please I'm scared." Jin hiccuped. Yoongi left Hoobin after hearing Jin. He quickly walked towards him, hands bloody, face grim. He made Jin stand, before yanking his clothes back on him. Jin whimpered at his rough touch, grabbing his biceps to steady himself. Yoongi picked him up, shooting a glare at the figure lying on the ground. He growled

"I wa-want to go home." Jin said weakly in his arms.

Yoongi looked between Jin and Hoobin, deciding. After what felt like hours, during which Jin was afriad that Yoongi would go to Hoobin and kill him but Yoongi didn't. He decided his mate was more important and needed attention. So he carried Jin back to his home.


Yoongi sat Jin on his bed. And he began to look for something that Jin could wear. Jin quietly sobbed, still scared after what happened. He wanted the alpha to pay him attention, to bury him in affection but something told him that he was angry. Maybe angry with him. Jin whimpered at that thought, his wolf sad to have made his mate unhappy.

"Hyung... " Jin quietly said, not sure if he heard him. Yoongi came towards him and handed him a clean pair of clothes.

"Take a bath. You reek of his disgusting scent."

Jin quickly grabbed the clothes and dashed towards the bathroom. He shut the door and filled the bath with water. He slipped in the water and let his tears run down his face. It was clear now. He had made his mate angry. Maybe he was disgusted with him, that he let another alpha touch him, to leave marks on him. He sobbed while sitting in the bath. He rubbed his neck and chest furiously wanting the marks the alpha left to disappear. But they didn't . He cried again, he hated himself. How could he let another person to touch him? What if Namjoon, Hoseok and Yoongi find him disgusting and leave him?


Yoongi was walking around the room, anger radiating from him. He was just so furious with what happened. He almost saw Jin being raped. He couldn't protect him. What kind of alpha was he? He growled angrily, as the scene of helpless Jin against the wall, clothes ripped, exposed, while Hoobin stood over him, came to him. He wanted to kill Hoobin, how dare he touch Jin? But he didn't because Jin was scared and he was more important than that alpha.

And another thing he was furious about was that he had not shown the care, affection Jin needed right now. He instead said that. He hated himself. He hated that he couldn't control his anger and couldn't show his feelings. He might have hurt him. He shouldn't have said that. He shouldn't have sent Jin to take a bath in this state.

He sighed, trying to control his anger. Then he knocked on the bathroom door but received no answer. He knocked again, worry spreading through his mind.

"Jin open the door."But to no avail. He banged on the door "Pancake open the door right now! Jin! Don't make me break the door!" He waited then he heard a sob and the door opened to reveal a tear stained face of Jin. His heart stopped when he saw red nail scratches on his neck, where the alpha left marks.

He immediately hugged him, holding him tightly. Jin sobbed harder which only hurt Yoongi. He took his face in his hands and said "I'm sorry Jin-ah. I'm sorry I let that happen to you. I'm sorry that I acted cold towards you. I should have calmed you down instead of saying that. I'm sorry."

"It's ok. Y-you did say not to go there but I s-still did. And I l-let him to-touch me and mark me. A-and I do reek of him. I'm so-sorry." Jin sobbed, tears running down his face.

Yoongi kissed him suddenly, causing Jin to moan. He sucked on his lips, grazing his tongue against his lips. Jin moaned at the sucking and opened his mouth. Yoongi quickly pushed his tongue inside Jin's warm mouth. He explored the wet craven, sucking and tugging on his tongue. He moaned at the strawberry taste of Jin's mouth before pulling back.

"You did nothing wrong, pancake. It's fine now. That basted will never touch you. Fuck! no one but I will touch you. And don't worry about the marks or his scent. I will erase them all." Yoongi said, attacking his neck. Jin moaned at his words, baring his neck to give him more access. Yoongi licked at them all, sucking sometimes too. He growled causing Jin to flinch

"Don't you ever do this again. Do you understand?" Yoongi said haskily. He was pointing towards the nail scratches Jin had left on himself. "Don't ever hurt yourself again."

Jin nodded, mewling. He hugged the alpha burying his head in the crook of his neck. When he inhaled the scent of cherries he began to cry, causing Yoongi to panick.

"What is it? Am I still scaring you? Should I call Namjoon or Hoseok? Would they make you feel better?" Yoongi asked, holding the crying omega in his arms. Jin shook his head and mumbled something.

"What? Pancake I didn't hear you." Yoongi said.

Jin looked at him, eyes still teary "Where were you? I called. I looked for you. But you just disappeared."

"Oh god. Jin is that why you were at the night club?" Yoongi asked looking at him.

"I wanted to see you. I missed you. I th-thought something h-happened to you." Jin said, tears slipping from his eyes. Yoongi picked him up made his way to the bed. He laid him down while lying down beside him. He hugged him, letting the omega cry in his chest.

"It's ok now pancake. I'm here. You can smell me right?" Jin nodded "See? I'm with you." Yoongi rubbed his back. After sometime Jin calmed down. Yoongi kissed him

"Do you want to know where I went?" Yoongi asked. Jin nodded.

"I wasn't really a nice person Jin. I had problems. I made problems. I had many enemies. But when I met you, Jin you changed me. I wanted to see you smile. To be the reason of your smile. But I couldn't be close to you if I continued to do what I did. It would have put you in danger. So I decided to leave all that. I went to the head and told him I quit. He owned me a favor so he let me go. But quiting isn't easy. I had to clean up my mess. So that no one comes to hurt you or me."

"What were you?" Jin asked quietly.

Yoongi hesitated before saying "A member of mafia."

Jin remained silent thinking about what he just heard. Yoongi felt afraid. Afraid that Jin reject him. Would be scared of him.

"Jin?" Yoongi asked after few minutes of silence. "What do you think of... me?"

Jin looked at him "Did you really quit all that? Are you speaking the truth?"

"Yes pancake."

Jin kissed him, surprising Yoongi. He pulled back and smiled at Yoongi "I think you are really brave for doing that. And you made the right choice. I'm proud of you Hyung."

"Do you still love me? After knowing the truth?"

"Of course Yoongi hyung. You are here with me that shows you changed. You changed for me. And that proves to me how much you love me. And I love you back. More than ever hyung."

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