Chapter 31

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Yoongi knocked at Jin's door. When he got a little yes, he opened the door. Jin was on the edge of bed. He looked up when Yoongi came and sat with him. They sat in silende, no one speaking.

Slowly Jin inched his hand closer to Yoongi's, which was lying on his thigh. When Yoongi noticed what he was doing he took his hand, intertwining their fingers.

"I'm sorry that I shouted at all of you. I will go and apologize." Jin said, looking at their intertwined fingers.

Yoongi hummed as an answer. "Its ok. You don't have to feel too bad. It was a normal reaction."

"I just couldn't understand what I was told. I-i didn't want to believe it." Jin said. Yoongi remained silent, listening as he spoke. "It was my dream to be a mother. A dream that was near to being full filled but it was snatched right before."

Jin became silent again, holding his tears back. Few minutes later he spoke again "What am I going to do now? What's my use?"

Yoongi looked at him "What do you mean?"

"Hyungie I'm an omega. The world sees me as a birthing machine. That was the reason we were injected. What will they say? They will say bad things. They..."

Jin was cut off by a kiss from Yoongi. He pulled back looking at Jin 

"Why you do this? Why you belittle yourself? Haven't we already told you? You are more then just an omega. Who cares what the world says? You weren't bothered by them before and you shouldn't be this time too. Let them say their bullshit and eventually they will stop."

"But Hyung I wanted a pup. You all wanted to be fathers too." Jin said, sobbing.

"Fuck being a father. Jin I never wanted a pup if it ment losing you. You are enough for me, enough to spend eternity with. I can live without being a father but I can't live without you. Understand?" Yoongi said, staring into Jin's eyes. Jin sobbed, hiccups not letting him form words. Yoongi pulled him in his lap, holding him tightly. He patted omega's back, as he sobbed on his shoulder.

"Listen, if you want a pup then we can think about adopting. The pup will get a home while we become parents. It would be a win win on both sides. How about it?" Yoongi asked, making Jin look at him.

Jin smiled lightly "I like it."

Yoongi smiled, wiping Jin's tears. "We can think about it slowly. Whenever you are ready." Yoongi slowly pecked his lips, enjoying the warm, plump lips.

"But you promise me right here right now. You won't ever think of yourself as a birthing machine or something like that. You won't ever think that all this is your fault because it isn't. You won't ever let the world beat you down. You are Kim Seokjin, my Jin, my omega, my pancake, my life. You were never bothered by them before and you won't ever be. Ok?"

Jin sobbed, burying his head in Yoongi's chest. "I promise I will try my best."

Later Jin apologized to everyone. Of course they forgave him. They all went out to eat then to an amusement park. They spent their whole day laughing, hugging and kissing. Through this all Jin was thanking god for this, for these moments, for his alphas.


Jin was in his room, reading a book. It was night, every alpha was in his room, sleeping or doing whatever they wanted. A knock was heard on his door, he said yes and watched as the person walked in. It was Jungkook. He seemed flustered, his face red.

"Hi hyung." Jungkook said.

"Hello Kookie. Is something wrong? You seem very red." Jin asked putting his book away.

"I feel uncomfortable hyung. S-so I ca-came t-to y-you." Jungkook stuttered, causing him to get more red.

Jin stood up hearing his words, he cupped his face "What's uncomfortable Kookie?"

"I don't know. Maybe all of my body." Jungkook said.

"Can you explain a bit so that I can help you?" Jin asked as he took his hand dragging him to his bed to sit.

"I can't put it in words. My gums hurts but they have been hurting for a while. My heads hurting too since I'm getting scents suddenly, it's really confusing. Now my body aches and I feel hot." Jungkook said, worriedly.

Jin ruffled his hair. He couldn't help it. Jungkook looked too cute in his loose hoodie and pants, his lips nearly forming a pout.

"Kookie I think it's due to your rut. You should ask Namjoon or Hoseok, anyone you want. I never seen them go through rut their first time so I don't really know. But it will get better when you get your rut." Jin said smiling.

"I'm a-a b-bit hesitant. " Jungkook said, bowing his head.

"Aww my Kookie. You are too cute. It's fine to ask them. After all you are a young alpha and they are your elders. They won't make fun or anything. Just yesterday Jimin came to me saying that you weren't paying enough attention to him. I hope you can somehow give your attention to everyone. They get jealous and whiny really quickly."

"I didn't think they would get jealous over me." Jungkook looked surprised.

"Kookie they are crazy over you. You are like a baby brother to them." Jin said pinching his cheek "And I too believe that you are a baby."

Jungkook pouted at his words "I'm not a baby hyung. I'm a alpha like them."

Jin hugged him "Kookie of course you are. You are my alpha. I didn't mean that I see you like a baby it's just that you are too cute. I can't help myself from hugging and kissing you."

"You don't have to restrain yourself." Jungkook mumbled.

Jin was surprised "I don't want to Kookie but you seemed a bit hesitant about skin ships so I... Well, I tried giving you space."

"I know I was shy and hesitant at first. But I'm ok now so..." Jungkook stared in Jin's eyes, "I would love if do you it." His eyes moved towards Jin's luscious plump pink. Jin noticed his gaze, he smiled lightly. He stood up and straddled Jungkook's lap. The alpha's hands went to his waist while his on alpha's shoulders.

"I would love it too." Jin whispered before connecting their lips. The kiss was soft, light and patient. No lust, no hunger just love. After few moments Jin pulled back, looking in Jungkook's eyes. The alpha tried reaching for his lips again but he pushed his chest lightly.

"Slowly Kookie. Don't rush. This is a precious moment." Jin said, his hands playing with alpha's hair. What came next was unseen by the omega. He yelped as he felt himself being picked up and thrown on the bed. His mouth was open as breath was knocked out of him. He gasped when he saw the alpha's expression, hunger, that's all he saw. He couldn't even process when alpha's lips were on his. The kiss was anything but sweet. The alpha's tongue played ferociously with his lips, tugging and bitting them. Omega gasped as the alpha bit his upper lip and a tongue entered his mouth. He tried not to moan as the wet muscle explored his mouth, but failed miserably when the alpha growled during the kiss and a moan left his mouth in submission.

He moaned again as the alpha's hands went to his waist, massaging his sides. He got goosebumps when he felt leg between his own. He unconsciously bucked his hips, his crocth rubbing against alpha's leg. The alpha noticed his action and pulled back from the kiss to look at him.

"Who was saying don't rush?" Jungkook asked smirking.

Jin shot him a glare "You started it. Now kiss me." He tried grabbing alpha's neck, but he stood up. Jin looked at him in confusion

"Hyung wait until my rut. Until then you are not getting this." The alpha pointed towards his body. He smirked at the desperate expression of the omega, before going out the room.

Jin stared at the door in complete disbelief. Was that my Kookie? Jin thought He wa-was so s-so aarrgghh! Jin sighed in frustration as he sat up. He was needy now. He couldn't believe his alpha did that. He needed help.

Who will be awake? Jin thought. Maybe Hobi hyung. I should text him.

Jin texted his hyung, asking if he was free. When he received a yes, he went to his room. He knocked at his door and entered. Hoseok was on his desk working on something. He turned towards him, smiling

"What's wrong sweetie? Why come to me at night?" Hoseok asked.

Jin pouted and sat in his lap. "I need help." He whispered in alpha's ear.


Can you guys help? Should I make the next chapter smut or should I just mention that they did it and then they go to their vacation? Tell me what you think.

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