Chapter 30

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It was now five more days before summer vacations started. They were all excited. They had packed their stuff and planned things thoroughly.

But something was bothering the alphas. It was that Jin still didn't know that he was infertile. They were deciding whether to tell him or not. They thought that Jin should be told before going to the beach so that if he gets sad and cries, he could feel better during the vacation. The alphas were scared of telling Jin, mostly about his reaction. Would he become silent like before? Would he ever recover? These thoughts were in their minds. They didn't want him to get hurt. Neither they wanted him to have false hope about having pups. They discussed it many times but still they were stuck. They even got advice from their parents. In the end they all agreed about telling Jin the truth.

It would hurt, yes but they couldn't lie to him, not to their love, not to their life. So it was decided that they will tell him today five days before their vacation together.

They were all sitting together, watching movie. Jin between Yoongi and Hoseok. Namjoon and Jimin on separate sofas while the youngest ones in Jin's feet, clinging to his legs. The movie was a action. At last the movie ended. The atmosphere suddenly got tense, as the alphas knew what was going to happen. Namjoon shot them a glance, telling them to get ready.

"That was a nice movie. I'm going to get a snack do you want one?" Jin asked looking at them.

"Yeah. But there is something we want to talk about first." Yoongi said placing a hand Jin's back. Jin leaned back in the sofa

"Ok." Jin said, waiting for them to speak. But no one was saying anything, they were all silent. They were still hesitant about it.

"What's wrong?" Jin asked, worriedly, as no one was speaking. He looked at them all but they avoided his eyes.

"Jin I'm sorry for bringing it up but" Namjoon said hesitantly making eye contact with Jin "When we lost the baby." Jin flinched at that. Namjoon had purposely used 'we' to show that losing the baby wasn't his fault at all but it was theirs.

"Yes?" Jin asked, voice nearly breaking due to the emotions he was holding back. He still couldn't forgive himself. Even if he was not to be blamed for it but it still hurt. Why would they do it? Why did they hate me so much? Jin asked this many times. He couldn't understand how Mr and Mrs Kim did such a thing. It hurt a lot to know what had truly happened. The alphas were hesitant about telling him but they knew he will figure it out himself, so they told him. It was mostly Namjoon telling the story. After hearing the truth Jin was surprised and hurt. But he let it go, he didn't forgive them but he tried forgetting that they were the reason of his miscarriage.

After the story Taehyung had asked to forgive him. There was a part of him that hated having the same blood as that of the person who killed his baby. He was beating himself from inside. And it hurt Jin. He explained to Taehyung that it wasn't his fault and he didn't hate him or anything. They had a long conversation about it. And later they were cuddling and sleeping together.

"So the doctors told us that you are unable to have children. The poison and the miscarriage were too dangerous and they harmed your body." Namjoon said.

Jin was silent for a bit then asked "No children as in forever?

"Yes. Though there might be a chance. Who knows what might happen?" Hoseok said taking Jin's hand.

"The doctors are never wrong." Jin whispered.

"But we shouldn't give up hope right? Maybe they made a mistake." Jimin said.

"We can hope for the best." Taehyung said.

"Do you want me to have false hope!? Do you want me to wait and hope then find out it was nothing!?" Jin shouted, at them and they were surprised. He stood up.

"Its not what we ment Jin." Yoongi said, reaching for Jin's hand. Jin stepped back from him, denying him.

"I want to be alone." Jin said and went to his room. The alphas were confused and afraid. Jin's reaction was different from what they expected it to be.

He had shouted at them, he had denied Yoongi which was a big thing.

"Was our way of approaching the topic wrong?" Jungkook asked. No one of them had ever seen Jin like this.

"Maybe. But what was the right way?" Namjoon said.

"Jin never acted like this before." Hoseok said, staring to where Jin had run off to.

"Well all these things never happened before too." Yoongi said.

"Shouldn't we go to him?" Taehyung asked.

"Let him have his time." Jimin said. They nodded understanding that Jin needed to sort out his emotions. They stayed there, not speaking.

After some time Hoseok spoke up "Will we never be fathers?"

They all looked at him, they were wondering this too.

"Yes we might not be." Jimin said. It hurt to say it, to admit the bitter truth. They might never be able to fulfill their dream, a single dream that they were ready to do anything for. They might not have said it but being a father was a wish they all had.


Jin was pacing around his room. Tears were running down his face. He was trying to understand and accept what he had been told.

"I never can be a mother. Even after all those prayers, after hoping so much I... What am I? I'm an omega, whose purpose is to give birth. To give pups to my alphas. How will Namjoon's company run when he doesn't have any heir. What about Hoseok and Jimin? They were very clear about that they wanted pups. Jungkook, Jungkook of course would want to be a father. How happy he was when my pregnancy was revealed. Yoongi might have never said it but he wanted to be a father and he would have been a great one. Taehyung too wanted to have pups. If I can't do what was I made for then what is my use? I can never fulfill my purpose, I can never fulfill dreams of my alphas."

Jin broke down, tears streaming down his face. He cried and cried. His sobbing and wailing filling the room.

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