Chapter 34 (smut)

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Jin was sitting in his room. There were four rooms in total. The alphas were sharing while Jin was alone. It was a choice they made unconsciously. This way no one would fight over having Jin for the night. If anyone wanted to sleep with Jin he would have to go to his room. This plan was working out fine. Jimin and Hoseok were together, while Taehyung and Jungkook were sharing a room and Namjoon and Yoongi were sharing too. They mostly spent most of their time in the lounge only going to their rooms to sleep.

It was their eighth night at the beach, they were watching a movie. Jungkook and Yoongi had their heads in Jin's lap, while Jimin was hugging him from behind. The others were in their own seats. During the movie Taehyung had asked if anyone wanted dinner. When everyone said yes they began to discuss what they wanted to eat. In the end they decided to eat chinese. So the alphas except Jungkook went to get it. Jungkook was feeling really tired after being in continuous pain due to his approaching rut so he didn't go with the others even though he really wished to. Jin decided to keep him company.

Jungkook was still in Jin's lap, watching the movie. While Jin was stroking his hair and using phone. After few minutes Jungkook asked

"When will they come back?"

Jin smiled at him "It will take a while. There might be many people so they can be late, like about one hour."

"That's too much."

"If you are hungry, I can get you a snack."

"Ramen?" Jungkook asked his doe eyes sparkling.

Jin chuckled "How is that a snack? Ok I will get it for you." Jin kissed his forehead before pushing him off his lap and standing up. He went to the kitchen and started to get the things he needed. Jungkook walked in the kitchen, looking at Jin while he worked.

"Kookie you should sit down. You must be tired." Jin said giving a side glance to Jungkook. Jungkook shrugged his shoulders

"I been sitting all day. And looking at my hyung won't hurt me more." Jungkook said.

At his words Jin's face heated up but he tried to hide it. He continued to work while Jungkook watched silently. Jin was going to put the ramen in water when a strong scent of pine trees hit him. He wobbled a bit, his head getting dizzy with the intensity of it. He turned to look at the young alpha

"Kookie ar-re you in ru-rut?" Jin stuttered, the scent making him dizzy. It was the only logical explanation for the increase in the scent.

"I don't know. It just hurts more." Jungkook said, not sure. He was bending, pain in his body increasing.

"Kookie." Jin said while approaching him. He cupped his face "You are burning."

Jungkook suddenly growled, grabbing Jin's waist and pushing their bodies together. Jin yelped, surprised by the sudden manhandling. Jungkook buried his face in his neck, sniffing his scent.

"Your scent helps hyungie." Jungkook mumbled, grabbing him tightly. Jin whimpered, the alpha's scent getting stronger and making him dizzy. He mewled when Jungkook sucked on his scent gland.

"Ah.. Kookie." Jin said trying to push the alpha away but he only growled, baring his new fangs. Jin gulped, he was sure now that Jungkook was in rut. The increase in his scent, burning body and the sudden appearance of fangs were proof enough.

"Kookie... Let go." Jin said patting the alpha's back in an attempt to free himself.

Jungkook growled "You are staying with me." He slowly sucked and nibbled on Jin's neck. Jin mewled and bared his neck, giving the alpha more access. He shut his eyes as the alpha furiously sucked on his neck, leaving a bruise. He was getting turned on by alpha's rut. The deeper voice and the increased scent of Jungkook was driving him crazy. And the way the alpha was holding him was a major turn on. His face was buried in his neck, arms around his back and waist and their crotches were rubbing together. It appeared as if the alpha wanted him to just become a part of him by how strongly he was gripping him. A huge dent was visible infront of Jungkook's pants. Jin mind was having wild imaginations as his crocth rubbed against his. He was nearly salivating at the sight. He just wanted Jungkook to claim him and to mate him. His body was reacting to the alpha's rut, his was getting hotter, he member was getting hard and his hole was getting wetter and wetter. But Jungkook was not letting him go. Jin just wanted to go to his room so the alpha could claim him. He didn't want his first time with the alpha to be in a kitchen.

"Jungkookie. Please. Let's just go to my room then you can do whatever you want." Jin tried again.

"You are staying with me." Jungkook said again.

"Yes love. I'm not going anywhere. I'm just trying to help you. Come with me to my room, we will be together there, ok?" Jin said in soothing voice. He was quite surprised that Jungkook was possessive. He didn't appear to be a possessive alpha. Out of all alphas only Yoongi was this much possessive but he was always like that in and out of rut. So you can say he knew how to deal with it.

He patted the young alpha, kissing his cheek, trying to prove he was going to be with him. Jungkook looked at him, his eyes red


"Yes love. I promise." Jin said, pecking his lips. Suddenly Jungkook picked him up, bridal style. Jin immediately wrapped his arms around his neck. The alpha carried the omega to the room, kicking open the door. He threw him on the bed, and began to take his clothes off.

"Jungkookie love. The door. Please." Jin said. Jungkook stopped and growled but he did close the door. He threw his shirt and pounced on the omega. He ripped off Jin's clothes until he was naked. Jin tried stopping him from ripping his boxers but he just ripped them too.

"Love slow down. " Jin said, brushing his hair. Jungkook attacked his neck again, not listening to him. Jin whimpered as a result. After much sucking Jungkook stopped, his next attack Jin's lips. Jin groaned when Jungkook pushed his tongue inside, hungrily sucking his tongue. Omega's hands went to Jungkook's neck, pushing their mouths together. He moaned when the alpha continued the abuse of his lips.

After their heated session Jungkook moved to remove his pants and boxers. Jin gulped in anticipation when his eyes fell on young alpha's cock. The head angry red, leaking precum and fully hard. Jin mewled and opened his leys wider, giving space to the alpha. Jungkook growled at the invitation, his eyes full of lust as they watched the omega's, pretty pink, dripping hole. He settled between Jin's legs, the cock teasingly touching the entrance of omega's hole. Jin whined when Jungkook didn't put his cock in but instead began to suck on his abdomen. He bucked his hips in hope that the cock might enter him. But it didn't work. Jungkook shot him an angry glare causing him to whimper

"But I want you to claim me alpha." Jin whimpered. He yelped when Jungkook flipped him on his stomach. He attached his teeth to Jin's nape, marking him. Jin moaned in pleasure, as he felt the alpha's teeth pierce his skin. Jungkook released his neck and began to lick over the wound.

"Mine." He growled against Jin's neck.

"Yours." Jin said.

Jungkook moaned after hearing that. He pushed Jin's back causing him to raise his hips. He then moved to Jin's ass and spread his cheeks. He moaned again at the sight of the pink hole.

"Alpha hurry." Jin mewled, wiggling his ass.

"Call me that again." Jungkook said, before thrusting into the tight heat.

Jin moaned, as the cock entered him. He grabbed the sheets under him, as the alpha thrusts increased. The bed began to bang against the wall. Jungkook pushed Jin's head in the pillows as a result his back arched more. He groaned when his cock went deeper into Jin, walls clenching tightly on his cock.

"Alpha." Jin moaned. Jungkook thrust rapidly trying to find his prostate. When a specific moan escaped Jin's lips he knew he had hit it. He continued to abuse that spot, enjoying the sweet moans he was producing.

"Am I good?" Jungkook asked, one hand snaking around to get hold of Jin's cock. Jin bucked his hips when Jungkook grabbed his member and began to pump it. He moaned as the alpha thrust into him at an animalistic pace and pumped his member.

"Yes al-alpha." Jin said, his voice muffled by the pillows. He moaned continously as Jungkook kept thrusting. The thrusts were direct hit on his prostate and it was driving him crazy. He came quickly, white cum spurting on the sheets. His body went limp, no energy left in him. But Jungkook's hands around his waist and hip held him up, as the alpha continue to thrust into his hole.

After few moments the alpha's thrusts began to get sloppy. Jin moaned as the rhythm changed, the cock getting deeper in him. He felt it grow indicating the alpha was going to knot him. The alpha thrusted until the cock got big enough and he thrust one final time, and he was buried in omega balls deep. He panted and groaned his rut calming down.

"A-alpha" Jin whimpered as the cock spurted cum slowly in his hole. He was feeling so warm. He began to get sleepy. But he couldn't sleep in the position they were in. He tried looking at Jungkook, wanting him to change their position.

Jungkook grunted, understanding what he wanted. He carefully picked him up and lay down next to Jin. Jin whimpered as the knot moved a bit.

"Does it hurt hyungie?" Jungkook asked, arms snaking around to hug him.

"A bit. A knot from back isn't really comfortable." Jin chuckled.

"I will remember that next time. I'm sorry if I hurt you." Jungkook said, nuzzling in his neck.

"Oh love it's ok. You did amazing for first time." Jin said patting Jungkook's arms.

"Yeah? Did I satisfy you?" Jungkook asked as he nibbled on the mating mark he left behind Jin's neck.

"Y-yes." Jin said, blush appearing on his face.

"Don't worry. You will get more of me now."

Jin punched him in his stomach "Don't get cocky."

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