Chapter 43

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The door opened to reveal Yoongi. The alphas walked to him, anger showing on their faces. Jin was far behind them, silently looking at Yoongi. Yoongi looked at them, eyes wandering to find Jin.

"Hyung where were you?" Namjoon asked. He thought it would be better if he spoke up first instead of others incase they couldn't control their anger. It wasn't like he wasn't angry but he had better control.

"At a hotel. Where's Jin?" Yoonhi asked. After his question, Jin came from behind, arms crossed. Yoongi gasped at his appearance. It was very clear that he was sick, thin and pale. "Do you have anything to say to me?"

"I'm sorry." Yoongi said.

Jin scoffed "Hyung do you really think just a simple sorry will work? First you blame Jungkook then you expose my body infront of all of us. Then you leave in anger and don't come back for four days. Doesn't call or leave a message. You keep yourself distanced. While you are at a hotel here, your omega, your mate is in pain. I don't know if you are dead or alive. I don't know if have gone back home or staying in this city. Do you even know what kind of thoughts passed through my mind? Do you even know how much pain I have been in? No you don't. A sorry won't work hyung. Not this time." Jin's body was shaking not with crying or sadness but with anger. It was clear that the omega was angry.

"Jin I'm sorry. I needed some time to think. After what I did" Yoongi said looking towards Jungkook "I was thinking about my actions."

"You could have atleast told me or anyone of us. A single word hyung. A single word that you were alive." Jin eyes filled with tears. He was just so angry. His emotions were all messed up. He wanted to shout at Yoongi. But at the sametime he wanted to feel him, wanted to know that he was alive.

"I know what I did was wrong. I know I should have called..."

"Then? Then why didn't you!?" Jin asked, tears and anger all showing. "Why did you leave!? I was in so much pain! I was so scared! My omega was breaking from inside! I was breaking! Losing a mate is the worst pain and burden in the world and you gave me that pain! I thought I lost you!" Jin sobbed, falling on his knees. Alphas rushed to his side but he pushed them all away.

"No! Stay away!" Jin shouted at them.

"Hyung please. You are hurting yourself like this." Jungkook said and tried approaching him but Jin slapped his hand away.

"No!" Jin turned to look at Yoongi "I hate you! I hate you! How could you do this to me!?"

Yoongi brows furrowed. The way Jin's body was rocking back and forth, the way he was sobbing it could harm his knees. They were constantly rubbing against the floor. His body was already weak, already in pain, it was not good for him to get hurt.

"Jin. Pancake." Yoongi crouched, and tried reaching him but Jin growled at him.

"Stay away!" Jin shouted.

Namjoon tried reaching Jin and crouched near him "Jin. Please. You will hurt yourself." But Jin just growled at him.

"Jin. Don't hurt yourself." Yoongi said, trying to touch Jin.

"Do you even care!? Do you even care that I was in pain!? No you didn't! I know you were feeling and that your alpha told you that I needed you! Then where were you!? Now don't pretend to care for me!"

"Jin I never pretended. I do care." Yoongi tried saying but Jin spoke up "Then why did you hurt me!? Then why didn't you come back!?"

Jin sobbed, body still rocking. His knees began to get scratched. But he wasn't stopping. He hugged himself, tears running down his face. It hurt. It hurt so much. And yet Yoongi came back like nothing happened, like he didn't cause pain to him. It really infuriated him

"I hate you! Hyung I hate you! I don't want to see you!" Jin sobbed. Jin cried when his knees began to bleed but he still remained in his position.

Alphas noticed that he was bleeding. But Jin was still pushing them away.

"You are bleeding. Jin please." Hoseok said, taking his hand. Surprisingly Jin let Hoseok stand him up and pick him bridal style. Jimin and Taehyung ran to get medical kit. Namjoon and Jungkook made place on the couch as Hoseok sat Jin on it.

Yoongi was behind them, awkwardly standing. Jin was still crying, as the alphas tried to calm him down. When Jimin and Taehyung came back with first aid, Namjoon cleaned the open wounds and covered them. The bleeding had stopped but there was a chance of the wound opening.

Jimin touched Jin's head, to massage him but he gasped as he felt that he was burning with fever.

"He has a fever." Jimin informed them. Namjoon touched his neck "He has a fever." Namjoon comfirmed. Hoseok took out a pill giving it to Namjoon. He passed it to Jin but he shook his head.

"Jin you need to take the pill." Namjoon said. Jin shook his head.

"Jin please. Take the pill." Hoseok said, sitting beside him. Jin shook his head again.

"You have a fever. Just take the pill and you will feel better." Taehyung said but Jin's response was the same. Alphas were now stuck. Jin was stubbron when he wanted to be. They couldn't do anything.

They were thinking of ways to persuade Jin when he whimpered. They looked at him. Jin whimpered again and pressed his legs together. They were thinking what was wrong with him when a sweet smell hit their noses. They all gasped. Jin was in heat.

"Jin you are heat." Namjoon said.

Jin whined at his words "I don't want to be in heat right now."

"That doesn't mean you aren't in heat. You need to mate Jin. You can't resist. You will end up being hurt." Jimin said.

"N-no." Jin moaned out. All the alphas's breath hitched. The sweet smell was increasing. If Jin didn't mate with anyone right now all the alphas will start fighting over him.

"Jin be reasonable. Just tell me who do you want to mate with." Namjoon said. But Jin shook his head, breathing getting heavy. He moaned out as a heat wave went through his body.

A sudden growl came from behind them. They all looked behind to see Yoongi, eyes red, breathing heavy.

"He is in rut." Hoseok said.

Yoongi growled again, breathing getting heavier. Jin mewled as a response, eyes on Yoongi. Yoongi's eyes were glued on Jin's too.

"Do you want to mate with Yoongi hyung?" Namjoon asked. This was going downhill. First Jin was in heat now Yoongi was in rut. If only Jin was in heat they could have dealt with him. The fact that they both were still fighting wasn't good.

"No. I ca-can't. I don't want to m-mate wi-with him." Jin whimpered. Yoongi growled at his rejection. It hurt if your mate ejected you in your heat or rut. Rejecting was nearly impossible when both were in heat and rut but Jin had just rejected him and it proved how broken their relationship was.

"Hyung won't it be cruel if you leave Yoongi hyung like that?" Jungkook asked.

Jin shook his head whimpering in pain. Yoongi was growling at his continous rejection.

Namjoom looked between Jin and Yoongi. Should they mate? There is a chance Jin might forgive him. But he might feel angry if he forgives him just because they both were needy and their wolfs had taken over. But Jin is rejecting him. So he is in control,  not his omega. And if they don't mate they will be in continous pain and their bodies will get hurt.

"Hyung take Jin." Namjoon said looking at Yoongi. Yoongi quickly came forward and picked him up, while Jin thrashed in his arms.

"No! Let go!" Jin shouted at Yoongi as he took him to the room. Jin looked at Namjoon, hurt visible in his eyes "Namjoon..."

As they both disappeared in the room, the alphas looked at Namjoon, confused

"Namjoon hyung was it right thing to do?" Jimin asked.

"Jin might hate you." Taehyung said.

Namjoon stayed silent, watching the room, praying for the best.

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