Chapter 41

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"The food is ready. Should we wake them?" Jimin asked, as he made the table.

"They must be hungry. So yeah let's wake them up." Namjoon replied.

Jimin went to the room, to see that they were still asleep. Jin's head was buried in Jungkook's chest, while Jungkook's nose was in Jin's head and Taehyung's head was buried in Jin's back. He cooed at the sight of his omega, looking so adorable between his mates. He took a picture, wanting to remember this moment forever. Then he quietly went to the bed,

"Jin-ah, Taetae, Kookie-ah." Jimin called out their names. But they were still asleep. He ran his fingers through Jin's hair, slowly saying his name. The omega whined, not wanting to wake up. He snuggled into Jungkook. However Jin's movement woke the alphas. They opened their eyes, wanting to know why Jin was whining. When they noticed Jimin, they understood and relaxed.

"What is it Jiminiee?" Taehyung asked, yawning.

"It's evening." Jimin said.

"So what? We can sleep longer." Taehyung said, holding Jin's waist.

"Aish! Aren't you hungry? I cooked and I came to call you guys to eat." Jimin said. At the word of food both the alphas fully woke up.

"We are awake!" They shouted. At their voice Jin whined, slowly opening his eyes. He looked at them a bit annoyed for waking him up.

"Baby I prepared food. Let's go and eat." Jimin said patting his head.

"No." Jin said, closing his eyes.

"Hyung why don't you eat first? Then you can sleep." Jungkook said, caressing his cheeks.

"Just a bit of food. Ok?" Taehyung said, kissing his shoulder.

Jin shook his head "I'm not hungry."

"But baby just eat a bit. Just few spoons." Taehyung said. Jin shook his head again. Alphas looked at each other, asking each other what to do next.

"Jin-ah if you don't eat Namjoon hyung would get angry. Do you want him to?" Jimin asked

Jin shook his again. "No. But I feel nauseous. I don't want to eat."

"Just a few spoons. Hyung, food will make you feel better." Jungkook said, kissing his cheek.

Jin sighed, defeated. He nodded his head causing the alphas to smile. Taehyung picked him up, carrying him to the kitchen while the alphas followed. They reached the table to find Namjoon sitting, waiting for them.

"You guys took your time." Namjoon said.

"Someone was whining." Jimin said, chuckling and pointing towards Jin. Namjoon looked at the omega in Taehyung's arms and smiled.

"You aren't hungry kitten?" Namjoon asked as Taehyung sat down taking Jin in his lap. Jin pouted "No. I feel nauseous but they say I have to eat."

"Hyung some food will help you." Jungkook said.

"Jungkookie's right kitten. You should keep your energy up." Namjoon said. Jin pouted more, then he looked around and asked "Hobi hyung?"

A heavy silence fell. The maknaes avioded looking at Namjoon, while Jin stared at him.

"He is in his room." Namjoon replied.

"Why isn't he here? Is he asleep?" Jin asked.

"No. But he wanted to stay away and think." Namjoon said, putting food in his plate.

Taehyung brought a spoon to Jin's mouth but he moved his face away. "Namjoon-ah what did you say to Hoseok hyung."

The maknaes stared at Jin. It was first time Jin didn't use honorifics with Namjoon.(infront of them, otherwise he did use it during mating, or when they were alone)

"Nothing. I told him to apologize to you and think about his actions."

Jim stood up, "I'm bringing Hoseokie hyung." and he went to his room.

He knocked on his door and entered. Hoseok was on his laptop watching something. He turned towards Jin as he entered 

"Sweetie." Hoseok quietly said.

"Hyung,  Jimin prepared food for everyone. Let's go and eat." Jin said, taking his hand and dragging him.

"Jin." Hoseok called out but Jin was still dragging him "Sweetie stop." Jin stopped and looked at him.

"Why aren't you coming?"

"I need to apologize to you. I'm sorry. I..." Hoseok stopped when Jin placed a finger on his lips.

"No need. Hyung you did speak the truth. I wasn't giving equal attention to you all. But I will do better. I promise."

"Sweetie, I was wrong. You have done so good. You have maintained peace and calm between all of us. Jin its six alphas. You have made six alphas to live in a house. It's admirable. And I was an idiot to say those things."

Jin suddenly connected their lips. "Please just forget about it now. I don't want anyone one of us to fight anymore. I just want to get along please. Please don't be awkward with Namjoon hyung. He is angry but it isn't that bad. Please make amends. I just want to have a happy family." Jin said, tears forming in his eyes.

Hoseok kissed him, "Ok. Namjoon and I will make amends. We will be a happy family. Don't cry now ok? Everything will be fine." Hosoek hugged him, kissing his forehead.


Jin and Hoseok came back to the kitchen. The others were waiting and hadn't started their food. Jimin smiled when they came "Finally! Now please eat everyone. I cooked for us all. The food is getting cold."

"Are you this eager just because you want to hear praises about your food?" Taehyung said, taking a spoon. Jimin shot him a glare "No. I just want everyone to eat because they all are hungry."

"If you say so." Taehyung replied.

Jin smiled at the conversation between the two. They always teased each other. Jin sat down next to Taehyung with Jungkook on his other side. Hoseok was sitting next to Jimin.

"Are you saying I'm lying?" Jimin asked.

"I never said that." Taehyung replied, eating his food.

"You..." Jimin stopped when Namjoon spoke up "Jin you better eat. Even if it's a bit."

They all looked at Jin who was playing with the food in his plate. Jin pouted "I will."

Namjoon wasn't going to be fooled by his games. He knew Jin long enough to know that he will skip his meal. So he needed to be watched.

"Let someone feed you." Namjoon said, looking at Jin who rolled his eyes.

"I can eat myself."

"No." Namjoon said in a defiant tone. Jin pouted. He was getting annoyed with Namjoon. He was not a kid. He didn't need to be watched.

"Hyung let me feed you." Jungkook said, making Jin sit in his lap. He didn't want Jin and Namjoon to start fighting. Thank god Jin didn't say anything and quietly sat in his lap. Jungkook brought a spoon filled with soup to Jin's mouth. Jungkook smiled when Jin eat it. He scooped another one and Jin ate it too.

Namjoon sighed contently, as he watched Jin eat. He was worried that he will starve himself. He knew eating was a hard thing when Jin's mind was on Yoongi but he couldn't let him harm his body. Jin had gotten weak after his miscarriage. His weight wasn't back to normal. He often slept because he sometimes got dizzy.

After taking few spoons Jin said "Stop now Kookie. I had enough." and tried standing from Jungkook's lap. But he had a arm wrapped around Jin's waist. Jungkook looked at Namjoon, asking should he let Jin go.

Namjoon caught what Jungkook was asking with his eyes "How much you ate kitten?" Namjoon asked.

"Few spoons." Jin answered truthfully.

"Shouldn't you eat more?" Jimin asked, looking at Jin. Jin shook his head "I don't want to."

"How about you try to eat a bit more?" Namjoon asked. Jin's brows furrowed at his question. "I already feel bad, hyung. I don't want to through up after eating. So I think what I ate is enough."

Namjoon sighed. "Ok then. But stay here until we finish." Jin nodded. He tried sitting on the chair from Jungkook's lap but he said "Hyung stay in my lap."

"Isn't it uncomfortable to eat like this?" Jin asked. Jungkook shook his head. Jin sighed, he sure had some stubborn alphas.

After seeing the talk between the two Taehyung got a bit jealous and said "Jin sit in my lap."

Jin looked at him, confused. But Jungkook wasn't going let Jin go "No. Hyung will stay with me."

Taehyung whined at his comment "He sat with you right? It's my turn now."

Jin smiled. He understood what was going on. He looked at Jungkook. He kissed his cheek "Let me sit with Tae ok?"

Jungkook pouted but after some thinking he nodded and let him go. Jin kissed him again and walked towards Taehyung. The alpha smiled from ear to ear as Jin approached him. He patted his thigh, motioning Jin to sit. When Jin sat, he whined again

"What?" Jin asked, trying to find a comfortable position in his lap.

"Where is my kiss?" Taehyung asked.

"Don't whine. Here." Jin said kissing him. "Now let me sit and eat quietly."

Taehyung whined. Other alphas laughed at how Jin shut him up.

After they had finished eating, they decided to watch tv. But Jin didn't want to. So he was going to sleep in his room.

The alphas were watching tv. They all were either on the carpet or the couches. Namjoon was thinking and making phone calls. As a phone call ended, he leaned back in his chair, sighing. He looked at the alphas watching tv. Then he said

"Can someone go and check on Jin? We need to make sure he's alright."

All the alphas nodded. Then Taehyung stood up and went to Jin's room. He knocked on the door but received no answer so he thought that he might be asleep. He opened the door and walked in. He was surprised to know that Jin wasn't in his bed. Then he noticed a light coming from the bathroom. He walked towards it. It was not locked and slightly open.

"Jin?" Taehyung asked before pushing the door open.

Jin was on the floor, head bent over the toilet. He weakly turned to look at Taehyung. But he gagged and vomited in the toilet. Taehyung immediately ran to him,

"Hey when did you start vomiting?" Taehyung asked. Jin couldn't answer as he vomited more "Ok. Ok let it all out. It will get better if you let it out." Taehyung said soothingly, while rubbing Jin's back. Jin vomitted few more times while Taehyung stayed by his side. When it appeared that the vomiting stopped Taehyung asked

"Feeling better?" Jin nodded a bit "That's good. Tell me does anything hurt or if you want something?"

"Tae..." Jin tried saying but his voice broke. Taehyung cupped his face, rubbing his thumbs in circular motion on his cheeks. Jin leaned into his touch, almost falling asleep.

"Tell me." Taehyung said. Jin nodded again then pointed towards his clothes. Taehyung understood "Let's give you a bath." Taehyung picked him and sat him on the sink. He kissed his forehead

"Just wait ok? You will feel better after a bath." Jin nodded at Taehyung's words.

He filled the bathtub with water. As it was filling he went to get something clean and comfy for Jin to wear. When he came back the bath was filled. He undressed Jin, throwing away the dirty clothes. He gently sat Jin in the bath and cleaned him. As he cleaned his head, Jin leaned onto his chest, too tired to sit without support

"You must be tried right? Just a bit more." Taehyung said as he cleaned Jin. After the bath he again sat him on the sink, drying him with towels. During the drying Jin fell asleep, his body being supported by Taehyung's. Taehyung gently dried his hair while keeping him steady so he doesn't fall. After that he clothed Jin and moved him to the bed. Jin sighed as he hit the soft sheets, still asleep. Taehyung kissed him on his forehead before going out to the others and informing them of what happened .

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