Chapter 35

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The alphas walked in, they put the boxes in the kitchen. They looked around a bit, not finding Jin and their youngest.

"Where are they?" Hoseok asked.

"They can't be asleep right?" Jimin asked.

"I don't think so." Namjoon said.

"It took too long for us to get this food. Don't tell me they are having fun while we waited one and half hour for the food." Taehyung said crossing his arms.

"Anyway what's this scent?" Yoongi asked ignoring Taehyung.

"Isn't it Jungkookie's scent?" Namjoon said sniffing around.

"Ah! Hyungs you are back." Jungkook voice came from the room. He ran towards them, "It took too long to get this. You must be tired. You sit down while I open the boxes."

"Why is your scent lingering Jungkook?" Hoseok asked, looking at the boy as he opened the boxes.

"I had my rut hyungie." Jungkook said

They were surprised.

"Really? Jungkook you feeling ok?" Jimin said, making him open his mouth. They gasped at the new fangs.

"I'm fine Jiminie hyung. But Jin hyung is..." Jungkook was cut off by Yoongi "Where's Jin?"

"In his room. He is sleeping." Jungkook said. Yoongi walked towards the young alpha, grabbing his collar "Did you hurt him!?"

"W-what?" Jungkook said scared by how the eldest was acting.

"Hyung calm down. He just mated with Jin and nothing else. How..." Namjoon said but was cut off by the eldest.

Yoongi growled at him "Shut up! You!" He turned his attention to poor Jungkook whose eyes were big "Who gave you permission to mate him!?"

"Hyung what?" Jungkook was confused.

Yoongi pushed him and Jungkook hit the kitchen counter. He cried out in pain. Others ran to the youngest covering him from the eldest alpha.

"Hyung what the hell!?" Hoseok yelled as he picked up the youngest. Others covered them and shot glares at the eldest, who was growling at them.

"What's going on?" They turned to look at Jin as he walked in the kitchen, rubbing his eyes and yawning. He clearly had just woken up.

"Are you alright?" Yoongi said as he rushed towards Jin.

"Huh? I'm fine." Jin said, confused why was he so worked up.

"Did he hurt you!? Why are you wearing his clothes!?" Yoongi said, grabbing the hoodie Jin was wearing, it belonged to Jungkook.

"How would Kookie hurt me? We just mated so of course I'm wearing his clothes. My clothes were there but you know I prefer to wear all of your clothes because they are comfy." Jin said.

"Take it off!" Yoongi yelled. Jin was shook, he whimpered by the sudden anger of alpha. Yoongi moved to take the hoodie off him but Jin him pushed away

"What's wrong Yoongi hyung!?" Jin shouted a bit. He was scared by how he was acting. Namjoon and Hoseok walked towards Jin, standing beside him.

"Hyung you aren't making any sense. Calm down." Namjoon said, pushing Jin behind him.

"Yeah calm down. You even hurt Jungkook." Hoseok said.

Jin eyes shot towards Jungkook, worry apparent in his eyes. "Kookie love you are hurt?" He began to walk towards him but he was yanked by his wrist.

"Stay away from him." Yoongi growled.

Jin tried loosing his hand that was holding him. "I don't understand what are so worked up about." Jin said, getting angry.

"He mated you in his rut!" Yoongi shouted.

"So what! You done it too. So did Taehyung so did Namjoon hyung!" Jin shouted. He wasn't able to understand why Yoongi was acting this way.

"He might have hurt you! He is inexperienced!" Yoongi yelled back.

"It's just mating. Everyone is inexperienced at one point!"

"Take off your clothes! I need to see if he hurt you anywhere! " Yoongi yelled tugging at his clothes.

"Hyung are you mad!? I'm fine! Why can't you just trust Jungkook!? He didn't hurt me!" Jin tried getting away from him but before he would even blink Yoongi ripped his hoodie off. A deafening silence filled the place. All were shocked at the scene. Jin was naked in front of them all. It was ok it's not like they hadn't seen him naked before but it was common knowledge that Jin hated being naked infront of many people.

A sound of slap was heard. Jin had slapped Yoongi. They all gasped.

"How could you!?" Jin sobbed, tears running down his face. Yoongi blinked few times before understanding what happened. He moved towards Jin, but he backed away.

Namjoon came between Yoongi and Jin afraid they might do something they will regret later.

"Jin I..." Yoongi tried saying.

"What!? Sorry!? Save it Hyung." Jin yelled. Hoseok took off his long coat and made him wear it. Jin grabbed his hand, burying his head in his chest. Namjoon came and hugged him from behind. He shot a glare to the eldest.

"Hyung it would be better if you give Jin some space." Namjoon said.

"Jin please. I was just worried." Yoongi tried saying. He was now getting glares and growls from other alphas. They were upset with him. He had hurt Jungkook now he hurted Jin, ripped his clothes even when he knew how much he hated it.

"Worried!? You always had a fucking issue with Jungkook! You were always so possessive. I always tried protizing you. Even if it ment not giving enough attention to others. Because you were moody and snapped at them. Now you are jealous that Jungkook took my attention from you.!"

"No Jin." Yoongi was getting again. He was not used to Jin yelling at him or others glaring at him. "I don't want his inexperience to hurt you." He said through gritted teeth.

Jin just snapped "Inexperience!? At least he was alot better then you for first time! Atleast he didn't hurt me for first time!"

Yoongi and everyone's eyes went wide. The alphas never knew how Jin met Yoongi or when they first mated. They were surprised hearing that something serious happened between them, something they kept hidden.

Yoongi had enough. He walked towards the door and went out into the night. No one stopped him. It was not like he could be stopped. They all knew he was angry and dangerous right now. It was better he cooled himself.

The alphas instead payed their attention to Jin, who was still crying. They gathered around him.

"It's ok sweetie. Don't cry." Hoseok said to Jin who was clinging to his shirt.

"I'm sure he had a reason for acting the way he did." Namjoon said, patting Jin's back.

"Still it doesn't justify what he did." Jin sobbed.

"Of course it doesn't. It doesn't justify hurting you or Jungkook. " Taehyung said, taking his hand and kissing it.

"Jungkookie." Jin called out younger's name. The youngest was still in shock, eyes big and scared. "Are you alright?" Jin asked as he moved to hug the youngest.

"Don't take what hyung says serious ok?" Namjoon said.

"Y-yeah." Jungkook said as Jin hugged him tighter. Jin kissed his nose, getting a small giggle from the young alpha. Jin smiled, happy that Jungkook was feeling better.

"Would hyung come back?" Jimin suddenly asked.

There was a silence. No one truly knew. Then it all crashed on Jin. He just processed what happened. He just shouted and yelled at his alpha, his mate, his hyung. Guilt coursed through his body and he began to cry again

"Hyung?" Jungkook asked when Jin began to shake in his arm.

"Jin-ah what...?" Taehyung tried saying but he was cut off by a sob from Jin.

"What if he n-never c-comes back? What i-if he left us?" Jin sobbed.

"No no kitten. He would never leave you." Namjoon said, trying to reassure him.

"But I slapped him. Hyung I shouted at him. He must be angry. He's going to leave me." Jin said, hiccuping.

"No Jin he will be back. Then you can apologize. Everything will be fine." Jimin said.

Suddenly Jin's legs gave out. He would have fallen if not for Jungkook holding him. They rushed towards him, worried.

"Jin what's wrong?" Taehyung asked.

"He just mated. He must be tired. I'm going to take him to sleep." Namjoon said, reaching forward and taking Jin from Jungkook's arms. But Jin struggled

"No. Namjoon hyung we need to find Yoongi hyung. What if he doesn't come back?" Jin said as Namjoon picked him up in his arms.

"Sweetie, why don't you sleep huh? When you wake up he would be back. " Hoseok said, gently brushing his hair.

"He would be back?" Jin hiccuped.

"Of course. He will never leave you." Hoseok said kissing his cheek.

Then all the alphas reassured him, kissing him and hugging him. When Jin was satisfied Namjoon took him to sleep.
Now Hoseok and the maknaes were together. After some time Jungkook spoke

"Hyungs?" Jungkook asked.

They turned their attention to the youngest.

"Is it my fault? Should I have not mated with Jin hyung?" His voice trembled. It appeared he was near to crying.

"No Jungkookie. You did nothing wrong." Jimin said.

"Jin is your mate too. Mating with him is natural." Hoseok said.

"Yoongi hyung was just afraid that you might have exhausted Jin. Since it was your first time." Taehyung said. "Like Namjoon hyung said don't listen to what Yoongi hyung says." He patted Jungkook's back.

Jimin hugged him "Do you want to play Jungkookie?" He wanted his attention averted. He was young and scared. He was probably blaming himself.

Jungkook smiled lightly "Yes." Making everyone smile.


Hello guys thank you for reading. The end is near. Be prepared. 

OMG!!! Suga gave us Agust G 2. Aaa!!! It's amazing. I was so surprised. I have been jumping around like crazy. Love it. Suga is amazing. 💜💜💜

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