Chapter 18

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Jin woke up very late, it was lunch time when he did. He headed downstairs, it was weekend and everyone was home. He went to lounge from where he heard the sound of tv playing. Only three alphas were there, Hoseok, Taehyung and Jimin. He was greeted by his alphas's smiles and good mornings. He replied as usual and sat with Hoseok, who was reading a magazine. Hoseok patted his head and continued to read his magazine. Jin pouted and whined

"Hoseokie hyung! Pay me attention." Hoseok looked at the omega, he cooed at how cute he looked "Just one page sweetie."

"I'm going to Jimin then." Jin said and stood up, glaring at Hoseok. Hoseok tried to stop him "Sweetie don't go. I'm sorry. I'm going to put it away" Hoseok said putting away the magazine. "Too late." and Jin went to Jimin and Taehyung who were watching tv.

"Hello baby." Jimin asked. Jin said "I want to cuddle." Jimin smiled and opened his arms, Jin hugged him, sitting on his lap.

"Cuddling? I want to join too." Taehyung said. Jin shifted to Taehyung's lap, hugging him.

Hoseok was watching the three, sitting on the sofa. "Sweetie what about me?" Jin looked at him, while still in Taehyung's lap. "I don't want to hug you anymore."

Jimin and Taehyung laughed "Hyung you missed your chance." Hoseok dropped his head. Then Namjoon walked in

"Ah Jin you woke up. Have you eaten anything?" Jin shook his head. "Do you want pancakes?"

"No. I want chocolates." Jin said. They all looked surprised because Jin didn't eat chocolates as a meal.

"But it's not healthy for you eat them when you just woke up." Namjoon said.

"I still want it." Jin said.

"Kitten..." Namjoon tried to reason with him.

"Joonie hyung please give it to me." He showed his cute, shining eyes. The four alphas cooed at this sight.

"Namjoon hyung give Jin the chocolates." Taehyung said.

"Yes. He never asks like that so just give it to him." Hoseok said.

"If you don't I will." Jimin said. Namjoon sighed, he was defeated. He went to get the chocolates. Jin was so happy when he came back and gave him the chocolates. He happily ate them, after saying thank you to the alphas he went to Yoongi's room. He entered the room without knocking. Yoongi was working on the laptop, he turned around to look at Jin. Jin smiled at him, he closed Yoongi's laptop and sat on the chair, beside Yoongi.

"What are you doing here? And why didn't you knock?" Yoongi asked. But Jin wasn't paying any attention to him. He noticed Yoongi's cup of coffee and took it

"Can I drink this?" Jin asked. After getting Yoongi's approval Jin took a sip. "What you working on hyung?"

Yoongi explained to Jin. But during the explanation Jin felt sleepy. He kept yawning. Yoongi noticed it

"Jin if you are tired then go to sleep."

"Can I sleep here?"

"In my room? Sure if you want to." After hearing this Jin hopped on the bed and fell asleep. Yoongi thought his behavior odd but Jin smelt ok. So he just shrugged it off.


Jungkook came in the evening. They were all sitting together, chatting. Jin and Jungkook were sitting close to each other as they hadn't seen each other for days. When Jungkook entered their house Jin would have liked to jump on him and kiss him but Jin knew that the boy wasn't very comfortable with skinship. So Jin had only hugged him, even though his heart wanted to do more than that. Even when they were sitting together, their shoulders rubbing, they had barely touched each others hands, holding hands was too far of a question.

Jin was hoping and waiting that Jungkook will start living with him so that he could break Jungkook's shy shell and start skinship. He wanted to hold Jungkook's hand so much that he was staring at it so intensely. He was so focused that he wasn't in tune with the conversation that was going on between the alphas. He could only get bits of content of their conversation. All he knew was that they were talking with Jungkook like big brothers, giving him advice, trying to open him up and hearing his insecurities.

They talked like that for hours at least that's how Jin felt. He was still not properly taking part in the conversation. He just added few comments whenever he felt like it. As their conversation was coming to an end Jin began to feel dizzy, so he decided to sleep. He didn't know when his eyes closed and his head fell on Jungkook's shoulders and he passed out. When Jungkook felt a weight on his shoulder he looked to see Jin sleeping. Others also looked at Jin who was asleep.

"He just fell asleep. " Jimin said.

"Was he tired or something?" Hoseok asked.

"I don't think so. Jin did sleep until lunch." Taehyung said.

"Yeah? Then why was he so sleepy when we were talking before?" Yoongi asked, as he recalled the omega was yawning and fell asleep on his bed.

"Is it normal?" Jungkook asked worriedly.

"Hhmm I don't think so. He is never that sleepy." Namjoon said.

"Is it just me or Jin was too quite since Jungkook came." Taehyung asked.

"Now that you mention it he was quite." Jimin said.

"And remember how he wanted the chocolates? His behavior was odd today." Hoseok said.

"But he smells ok unless..." Yoongi said. He sniffed the air in order to catch Jin's scent, to check his pheromones. He quickly stood up walking towards Jin

"Hyung what's wrong?" Namjoon asked as he saw Yoongi grab Jin's wrist and smell it.

"Damn it!" Yoongi shouted. Eveyone flinched. "He was hiding his scent. And he smells different."

"What?" Taehyung walked towards sleeping Jin and sniffed his wrist. "He does smell different."

"Why would he hide his scent? I thought we agreed on that." Namjoon said.

"I don't understand." Jungkook said. They looked at him and sighed. They forgot that he was still unaware about thing like this.

"Jungkookie we forbid Jin from hiding his scent because we won't be able to tell if there is something wrong with him. Jin is very selfless person so he tries his best not to worry us and often bears things alone. In order to prevent him from doing that we made that rule. No one in this house masks their scents. As we are a family and need to know when a person is feeling bad so that we can help him." Jimin explained. Jungkook nodded.

"Then why did he do that?" Jungkook asked. "And why weren't we able to tell?"

"It must be due to his previous scent that is still lingering here. We were just smelling it and didn't know that he was masking his scent." Hoseok said.

"Wake him up." Yoongi said. Everyone stared at him.

"Hyung why?" Jimin asked.

"To ask him why he did it. When we clearly told him not to do it." Yoongi said in a deep voice.

"Jin hyung." Jungkook said softly. He slowly pushed back the hairs that had fallen on Jin's face "Jin hyung wake up." But Jin wasn't moving an inch. Everyone panicked.

"Why isn't he waking up? He usually wakes up so easily." Hoseok said. "He isn't a heavy sleeper." Taehyung said.

Namjoon took Jin from Jungkook's shoulders, carrying him bridal style. "Kitten wake up." He kissed Jin's forehead. But he wasn't moving at all. All of them ran towards Jin. Some checked his pulse, some tried to call his name.

"His pulse is fine." Hoseok and Jimin said.

"But why is he...?" Jungkook said.

"Taehyung, Hoseok ready the cars. We need to take him to the hospital." Namjoon said.


Because I didn't post a chapter yesterday I decided to post two today. Are  you guys waiting for the song of yoongi and iu? I can't wait!!! ❤❤❤❤

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