Chapter 20

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Jin being pregnant wasn't easy for the alphas as they thought. Jin's morning sickness was very bad. He would throw up so much. Jin would start craving anytime and until he got what he wanted he continued to shout and scream. All these things were ok for the alphas, they were very patiently providing Jin with whatever he wanted, they never complained. But the thing that bothered them a little was that Jin was very moody. He consistently wanted attention and if one of them said they were busy or they will do it later, Jin would scream at them and find another person to cuddle with.

Even that wasn't the problem. They loved when their omega was being so cute, so clingy and always wanting attention. They would give as many hugs, kisses as they could but the thing that bothered them was that Jin was getting thinner. It was not very noticeable but the alphas could tell. Even Jin didn't know. Jin was eating fine during his pregnancy but maybe due to the excessive throwing up he was getting thinner

In finding out that Jin was pregnant, all of them had forgotten about Jungkook's parents. It was Thursday, the seven were sitting together, talking. Jungkook had been visiting them a lot after finding out about Jin's pregnancy. After school he would come to their house, after chatting or playing games with them he would leave. Jin was very happy about it. He was seeing Jungkook everyday so his omega was content. They had started a bit of skin ship. Not too much but still ok. The other alphas also had accepted him, they had shared their numbers and treated each other as brothers.

As Jin was looking at his alphas, chatting with each other, he felt so happy. How he worried about what if they don't get along. What if they fight. All those worries now seemed to be in the past.

"I nearly forgot. My parents want to meet you all. If you are free on this weekend?" Jungkook asked.

"Sure. I'm free." Hoseok said.

"I have a meeting but I will be free in the evening." Namjoon said.

"My schedule is free for the weekend." Yoongi said.

"We are also free." Jimin said pointing towards Taehyung.

"Then it's settled." Jin said.


"Where are my socks!?" Taehyung shouted from his room.

"How would I know where your socks are!?" Jimin shouted from his room.

Jin sighed after hearing the shouting, he was fixing Namjoon's tie, he couldn't understand how after wearing his ties so many times he still couldn't do it properly.

"They really are like kids huh?" Namjoon chuckled as he heard Jin sigh.

"They look like twins sometimes." Jin said, he fixed the tie and backed away to look at Namjoon. Wow... Jin thought He looks like a full course meal. Jin had seen Namjoon many times in suits but he always surprised Jin at how amazing he looked.

"Don't drool kitten. I'm yours whenever you want." Namjoon said, smirking. Jin laughed nervously "I wasn't staring."

"I never said you were." Namjoon said and pulled Jin to him. His hand went to Jin's face, caressing him, both mates stared into each others eyes. Then he leaned forward and kissed Jin. His tongue ran on Jin's lips and bit his lower lip. Jin opened his mouth letting Namjoon's tongue to enter him. He moaned when the wet tongue explored his mouth, sometimes tugging on his tongue. After few minutes they pulled back, breathing hard

"How much I want you right now." Namjoon said, eyes getting dark. But instead of doing anything he hugged Jin.

"If you feel uncomfortable there anytime tell me or anyone of us immediately." Namjoon said.

"I will." Jin said.

"I need you to promise. You always try to hide your emotions in order to not to worry other people. But now you are with a child Jin. You are not only responsible for your safety but ours child's safety too."

"I promise Joonie hyung." Jin said. He pulled back to look at Namjoon "I'm so happy right now Joonie hyung. Do you know? I have all of you right now with me and I'm going to be a mother too. I'm just so happy."

Namjoon smiled at Jin's words. He kissed his forehead "You deserve it all Jin."

Their moment was broken when Hoseok came in "Sorry guys but can you do something about the kids downstairs. They continue to fight with each other about some socks. Their shouting is making Yoongi hyung angry. I think he's going to kill them."

Jin sighed, pulled himself from Namjoon and walked downstairs. Sure enough Jimin and Taehyung were fighting about some socks. It appeared one of them had worn other's socks without knowing and the other was blaming him for stealing. Jin came towards them, passing Yoongi who was glaring daggers at them. Jin patted his shoulder

"I got it hyung." Jin said and grabbed both of the alphas ears and began to scold them. "What the hell are you guys fighting over some socks for!? Huh!? We need to meet Jungkook's parents and all of us are nervous as hell! And you two are fighting over some socks. Shit! If you like them so much then buy a new pair! Taehyung you are son of a ceo for heaven's sake buy a new pair and stop fighting over it! And Jimin I'm sure that you knew damn well that those socks were Taehyung's as he always wears Gucci! Now stop this bickering and get in the car!" Jin huffed, breathing hard. All of them stared at him. Namjoon put a hand on Jin's shoulder

"Now calm down Jin. You are pregnant, stress is not good for you." Namjoon said. Jin tried to calm himself down. Yoongi chuckled "Pancake that was hot." Jin glared at him.

"I agree. Sweetie I'm getting hard." Hosoek said, smirking.

"Jin you should get angry more." Jimin and Taehyung said. Jin was going to lose his mind when Namjoon rushed him forward towards the door saying "Just ignore them kitten. Don't stress over it. Don't lose your temper. You look amazing tonight you know? You should really wear more white colored clothes." He stopped when Jin turned to look at him. Jin smiled prettily at him before saying

"Namjoon hyung please shut up. I don't want to beat you up." Namjoon gulped and whispered "Sorry Jin." Others laughed but stopped when Jin shot them a glare. They hurriedly started to get ready and ran towards the cars.


Everyone was sitting at the table,food infront of them, chatting. Jungkook's parents were really nice. They immediately accepted Jin as a mate.They even were ok with Jungkook living with them. Now since all the worries were solved they were sitting comfortably, talking with each other. Mr Jeon was talking with all the alphas and Mrs Jeon was talking to Jin. She was sharing Jungkook's cute habits with him, his love for banana milk, his passion for singing. She sometimes asked Jin a question or two.

"Tell me about your parenst Jin."

"My mother was an omega and my father was an alpha but they passed away when I was in high school."

"Oh I'm sorry for asking like that. I didn't know."

"It's ok Mrs Jeon. I understand."

"I heard that you are pregnant Jin." Mrs Jeon said, trying to change ths topic.

"Yes. We just found out last weekend." Jin blushed.

"Congratulations. Though be careful. Take care of yourself ok? Don't listen to the alphas. It's going to be hard for you, remember to always worry about yourself more than them. They must get needy and stuff but don't listen to them. I have only one mate even then I have trouble with him. They all throw tantrums..." and she continued to talk about alphas. Jin just laughed, taking her hands

"Mrs Jeon it's fine. I understand. Please don't stress yourself." Indeed Mrs Jeon was getting angry, recalling all her previous memories.

"What's going on?" Mr Jeon asked, seeing his wife huffing and angry.

"Nothing just having omega to omega talk. Sharing tips, how to live with an alpha." Mrs Jeon said.

"Are you still angry about the past stuff?" Mr Jeon asked, nervously. Mrs Jeon ignored him and turned her attention to the other alphas.

"Listen well, you all better take great care of Jin-ah. He's a kind soul. I pitty him how he has to live with so many alphas. You better not hurt him in anyway or I'm taking Jin from you. Jungkook you too." Mrs Jeon said.

Jin nearly laughed at his mates expressions. But he tried to control himself.

"Don't worry Mrs Jeon. We are taking care of Jin." Namjoon said, nervously. All the other alphas also replied likewise.

"Did I just get scolded?" Jungkook asked. He was scared, it's been sometime since his mother got angry.

"Jungkook you learn from your alphas, treat them like your brothers. You better treat Jin-ah like prince. You never going to find a omega like him." Mrs Jeon continued to talk. All the alphas were getting scared so Jin decided to take action

"You don't have to worry Mrs Jeon. I have them under control. Now why don't we go and refresh ourselves." Jin dragged Mrs Jeon away towards the restrooms.

"I thought I was going to die." Mr Jeon said as he watched Jin and his wife going towards restrooms. The other alphas nodded.

After getting refreshed and calming Mrs Jeon they decided to go back. The omegas sat down again. They continued to talk though alphas were careful not to ignite Mrs Jeon again. As they were talking Jin noticed that Taehyung seemed out of it. During the conversation his eyes would sometimes get kind of sad. Jin was worried though he decided to talk about it when they got home. During all this Jin's hand went on Jungkook's, without knowing about it. He grabbed his hand, intertwining his fingers with Jungkook's. Jungkook flinched a bit but responded.

They all stood up getting, ready to go back. Jin noticed that he was holding Jungkook's hand and let it go. He didn't know he did that, he didn't want to make Jungkook uncomfortable. This all didn't go unnoticed by Mrs Jeon. She called Jin towards her and said

"Jin-ah you must be having trouble with Jungkook." She said.

"No. Everything's fine. He is such a nice boy." Jin said his eyes sparkling.

"He is. But he must be hesitant towards skin ship right?"

Jin nodded.

"I'm sorry Jin. I taught him to be an alpha that doesn't abuse his powers. I taught him to be careful with omegas and betas. Now he is just so distant with all of them. I was so shocked when he came home saying he found his mate. I was worried about his mate, since he doesn't do hugs ans stuff. And as an omega I know hugs and kisses matter a lot. So I'm sorry if you are having some trouble with him. But I guarantee you that he loves it all. He loves being held and kissed. So keep trying to break this shell of his."

"It's ok, Mrs Jeon don't apologize. I can take care of Kookie. He will open up slowly." Jin said, smiling.


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