Chapter 12

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Jin closed the door, took off his shoes and went to the tv lounge. All alphas were sitting there, waiting for him. Their heads turned to Jin when he came in. Jin qulped, feeling uneasy at the heavy atmosphere.

"I'm back guys." He said.

"Welcome back Jin." Everyone said expect Yoongi. Jin smiled, he sat down next to Yoongi. He knew he was still angry. So he tried to please him.

"Hyungie.." Jin was again cut of by Yoongi. "Why do you smell like another alpha?!" He demanded. Jin gulped, of course he could smell Jungkook of him. "Hyung..."

Yoongi grabbed his neck, pulled him closer to himself, their lips nearly touching. His other hand on Jin's waist, his grip painfully tight. The other four alphas stood up, ready to stop their eldest if he did something.

"It's not w..what you th..think." Jin was having trouble talking as Yoongi's grip was tightening on his neck. Yoongi squeezed his neck more, Jin was now almost choking. Jin placed his hands on Yoongi's hand on his neck. "Pleas..e Suga hyung. It's not what you think." Other alphas gasped when they heard a nickname they never heard before. Yoongi lessened his grip on Jin's neck when he heard Jin's safe word. Suga. He only called him that when Yoongi was giving Jin too much pleasure or pain.

"It better not be." Yoongi growled, darkly.

"Hyung, just listen to Jin. Don't jump to conclusions." Namjoon tried to reason with their eldest.

"Yeah hyung. Let Jin go. Let him explain." Jimin, Hoseok and Taehyung said.

Yoongi looked at the alphas, they were so nervous, so scared by him, they never saw him like this before. Yoongi looked at Jin when Jin whimpered. His eyes stared deeply into Jin's. He lifted his hand from Jin's neck and placed it at Jin's waist. "Speak."

Jin bit his lips, trying to stop himself from crying. He was more than scared. His heart hammering against his chest.

"I was at the super market. Suddenly I smelt pine trees. I looked around, there was a boy, an alpha." Yoongi growled again, baring his fangs at the mention of another alpha. Jin bowed his head as a sign of submission. He didn't want to appear as if he was challenging Yoongi in anyway.

"Hyung he was my mate." Jin said. Everyone gasped.

"Jinnie is it true?" Hoseok asked. Jin just nodded, didn't want to look up in case Yoongi was still angry.

"Oh my god. That's amazing Jin." Jimin said, very excited.

"Tell us more about him." Taehyung asked.

"Quiet." Namjoon said, everyone fell silent. "It's very important topic. It's not a game you can get excited over." The yonger two alphas apologized.

"Are you sure?" Yoongi asked Jin, his voice emotionless. "He didn't have his first rut but he could smell me." Jin said, he was still in submissive position. "He was too young to understand all the mate thing so we went to a cafe to talk. That's all. That's what happened. I promise. I would never betray my alphas. Please believe me." Jin burst into tears. Yoongi softened a bit, he pulled Jin into a hug. Other alphas bent around Jin, patting him, kissing him and telling him that they believed him.

"Jin stop crying. I believe you ok? I'm sorry if I hurted you. I'm sorry." Yoongi said to Jin, he sounded so desperate. Other alphas were shocked at their eldest, they never saw this side of him.

"No I'm the one who is sorry. I made you think I cheated on you all." Jin said. Jin smiled at Yoongi and at all of them.


"You should bring him here quickly." Jimin said, when Jin told them that Jungkook was excited to see them all.

"Yeah. He sounds cute. I like him." Taehyung also agreed on meeting Jungkook.

"Will he be living here?" Hoseok asked.

"If his parents agreed. He is very young." Jin answered. He was sitting close to Yoongi, no space between them. Yoongi's arm was around Jin's waist. After getting angry at Jin, Yoongi was being possessive with him, not letting anyone touch him. 

"Well we need to clean the seventh room then. We must also prepare something for when he gets here. He will one day be living with us. So might as well leave good impressions." Namjoon said. 

"Let's plan for it." Jimin and Taehyung excitedly said. Hoseok agreed with them. Yoongi stood up, Jin's hand in his.

"I'm taking Jin to my room. He must be tired after today's events." and walked of with Jin behind him. Jin waved goodbye to the others. They waved back. When they heard the door close to Yoongi's room, they began to talk

"He just took Jinnie. I wanted to cuddle with him tonight." Jimin whined.

"Yoongi hyung is being very possessive today." Taehyung said when he remembered what happened today.

"Well can you blame him? Imagine your omega being late, coming home smelling like another alpha. Anyone can jump to conclusions and get angry. What can we do if our wolf's possessive side kicks in?" Hoseok said.

"It's true. I too was almost going to lose myself. Just let hyung be with Jin, they both need to sort out their emotions." Namjoon said, his eyes on Yoongi's closed door.


Jin gulped when Yoongi locked the door and turned to look at him. Yoongi's eyes scanned the omega from head to toe, looking for any injury he must have caused him. Jin just stood there silently, afraid to anger the alpha. Yoongi walked towards Jin, wrapping his arms around his waist. He felt Jin flinch then relax, arms wrapping around Yoongi's neck. Yoongi layed his head on Jin's shoulder. He felt Jin's hand playing with his hair. They stood like that for some while, both taking in each other's presence, no one speaking, just the two of them feeling each other.

"Hyung." Jin said quietly, not wanting to disturb the moment between them but still wishing that they talked about what was in their hearts.

"Hhmm?" Yoongi hummed.

"You are not angry anymore right?" Jin asked hesitantly, their arms still around each other.

"I'm not, pancake." Jin blushed when Yoongi used his nickname. It's been some time since he last heard that word. He remembered that Yoongi called him that when they first met.


"Yes hyung?"

"Do you forgive me?"

"Of course I do. Yoonie hyung there is no way I can stay angry at you."

"Are you sure?" Yoongi asked.

Jin unwrapped his arms around Yoongi's neck and clasped his face, hands on each side of his face. He ran his thumb in circular motion on each cheek, his eyes taking in every feature of his hyung's face. Then he looked into Yoongi's eyes.

"Yes. I understand why you got angry and I'm not angry at you." Jin said.

"But I hurt you. There's no excuse for that. I said that I would control my wolf but I wasn't able to. I..." Yoongi continued rambling, but was cut shot when Jin pulled him into a kiss. Yoongi was surprised. Jin pulled back to look at Yoongi.

"Please stop talking. It's not like you." Jin laughed. Yoongi couldn't help but smile too. He watched Jin as his eyes were lit, mouth open into a beautiful smile. He couldn't help but fall deeper into love with Jin.

"Let's sleep Yoongi hyung." Jin said and dragged Yoongi to the bed. They both lay down in each others arms. Both sighing, both content with being with each other.

"Good night, Yoongi hyung." Jin said and snuggled into Yoongi's chest.

"Good night, pancake." Yoongi said and kissed Jin's forehead. Few minutes later, light snoring was heard from the omega. Yoongi smiled at Jin who was now asleep. Yoongi watched Jin for a while, thoughts running through his mind. How can a person love him so much? Yoongi never thought he would be loved. But now he was here with a beautiful person between his arms who loved him, who cared for him. And Yoongi wasn't going to let this person go.

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