❁ F O U R T E E N ❁

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❁ 𝐃𝐨𝐯𝐞 ❁

Corbyn tried to punch me, but I strayed. I grabbed his arm, the one he tried to punch me, and twisted it behind his back. He was distracted trying to recover from the pain, when I hit him with my knee on both of his knees making him fall down on them and I put my arm around his neck, but not too tight, just enough to make him give up.

"Come on, Corbyn! Just give up!" I told him as he tried to get free, but suddenly my body was thrown to the ground, making me hit my head and I groaned in pain.

"What the hell, Daniel!" I heard Corbyn say.

I felt movement near me and then someone put their hands on my face.

"Dove, can you hear me? Open your eyes." Corbyn told me.

Slowly, I tried to open my eyes. When I opened them, I was seeing everything blurred.

"Follow my finger." Corbyn told me, but I was just seeing a blur.

I heard Corbyn sigh and he sat me down.

"Dove, I think we have to get you to the hospi-" I didn't heard what he said next, because I blacked out.



- 𝐋𝐨𝐯𝐞, 𝐕𝐢𝐨𝐥𝐞𝐭♡

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