❁ T H I R T Y - F I V E ❁

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❁ 𝐃𝐨𝐯𝐞 ❁

And here are these stupid black birds again.

"WHY DON'T YOU LEAVE ME ALONE?!" I yelled at the black creatures and they didn't even move.

"I'm happy now. Why do you keep appearing?" I asked pulling my hair, but then I stopped, because I heard a scream.

I ran towards where the sound of the scream came: from the deep inside of the forest.

When I found it, I saw a little boy being attacked by the black monsters, as I always see.

But this time something was different, my bow and my arrow holder were on the ground against a tree.

I didn't waste any time and picked up my things.

I took out an arrow and shot one of the birds. I repeated this action until I had no more arrows, but it was also enough to kill all creatures.

I ran to the little boy to make sure he was okay.

"Are you okay, baby?" I asked the little guy that have his face burning on his knees.

I sat next to him, he looked up and I gasped.

"Corbyn?" I asked the little boy who's a younger version of Corbyn.

He looked at me and smiled.

"Mommy, don't be silly! Daddy is bigger than me." He said with an adorable giggle.

I cooed at the boy, but then it hit me.

"Mommy?!" I exclaimed and looked confused at the boy.

"Yeah, it's me, mommy! Harry!" He said with a big smile.

"Harry?! Like Harry Potter?" I asked even more confused.

"Yes, you love Harry Potter so much that you decided to call me Harry James." The little boy said proud of his name.

"Wait, you said that Corbyn is your dad?" I asked and he nodded.

"You don't remember, mommy?" The little boy asked on the verge of tears.

I placed him on my lap, I rubbed his back with the palm of my hand, and he laid his head on my chest.

"You don't exist yet, but you've been in my dreams since I was a little girl and I'm glad I was able to save you this time." I said closing my eyes with a smile on my face, feeling that I'm being taken from this amazing dream.



- Love, Violet♡

❁ The Girl Who Kill Birds || Corbyn Besson ❁Where stories live. Discover now