❁ F I F T Y - T H R E E ❁

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❁ 𝐃𝐨𝐯𝐞 ❁

I woke up and felt Corbyn's protective arms around my torso and his hands on my belly protecting the baby.

I looked to my right, to see the love of my life sleeping peacefully with his blonde hair all messy.

I smiled at sight, but then I had a huge urge to go throw up.

I tried to take Corbyn's arms off my torso without waking him up, but I know that it's impossible.

I ran into the bathroom and threw up in the toilet.

A few seconds later, I felt Corbyn grab my hair and he kneel next to me.

"Just 3 more weeks." He said trying to make me feel better.

"I hope so." I said laying my head on his shoulder.

After a few minutes of recovering, I got up and washed my face.

I walked out of the bathroom and sat in my desk chair staring at the box.

"What's that?" He asked putting is arms around my neck.

"My Grandma gave it to me yesterday."

"She finally told you." He said and I looked at him surprised.

"You already know?!"

"I remember her because I met her when I was younger, but I thought it was weird that you called her auntie instead of grandma. But then I thought it was your parents' idea." He said looking at me. "I wasn't the one who was supposed to tell you, the one was your grandma, that's why I didn't told you anything."

"I'm glad you didn't tell me, because if you were the one who told, I probably would have been angry. My mom was the one who told me, through a letter." I said looking at the box. "I still have to read my dad's one. They left letters for everyone. To me, to you, to my brothers, to Daniel, to your parents and to Daniel's."

"Can I read mine?" He asked with his eyes full of hope.

"Why are you so close to them?" I asked him.

"There was a time that my parents were at death's door. Thanks to God, they recovered, but I'll be eternally grateful to them, because they took care of me and distracted me at that difficult time. They also teach me a lot of very useful things and I know they taught it to you too, from what I saw from our training." I smiled at him. "But I also feel like it was my fault they were killed. We used to send letters to keep us updated, most of the time so I could know how you were. But sometimes I still think the letters were their cause of death."

"Don't blame yourself, Corbyn. I bet they loved you like you were their son. Well, technically maybe in a few years you will be..." I said blushing.

"Do you see yourself marrying me? Because that's a dream of mine and I want to make it come true." He said kissing my red cheek.

"Shut up! Let's just read the letters." I said trying to take the red off my cheeks.

"Okay, let's read them, my future wife." I hit him in his chest, and he laughed.


Future life...

- Love, Violet♡

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