❁ T W E N T Y - E I G H T ❁

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❁ 𝐃𝐨𝐯𝐞 ❁

Corbyn took me to the pier, a place I rarely go.

We had a lot of fun in several rides and a lot of food.

Right now, we are playing games and we're obviously competing.

Corbyn wanted to win me a pink teddy bear at the game that you have to throw arrows at the balloons on a wall, but I obviously ended up winning. I want to give him the teddy bear, but he threw a tantrum and didn't want it, so I gave it to a little girl who was laughing at him.

"You're such a kid, babe." I said laughing after the little girl left.

He pouted and I placed my arms around his neck, putting him close to me. He smiled at me and placing his arms around my waist, putting our bodies together.

"I feel so lucky to have you!" He exclaimed, making me blush.

"I can say the same thing about you." I told him, pressing my face on his chest covered by his white hoodie.

He put my head up and gave me a gentle kiss on my lips.

We were about to walk to another game when we heard gunshots.



- 𝐋𝐨𝐯𝐞, 𝐕𝐢𝐨𝐥𝐞𝐭♡

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