❁ F I F T Y - E I G H T ❁

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❁ 𝐃𝐨𝐯𝐞 ❁

"Why you never told us that?" Zach asked.

"I was just 10... You were going to say I was making it up and besides, you didn't know the truth about our parents job." I said not looking up.

"What are you waiting for?" Jonah asked impatiently.

"Your parents were spies, just like me, my parents, Daniel and his parents." Corbyn said and I could hear the coldness in his voice. "Our parents were a group of best friends at school, when they were recruited to be spies. My mom was your mom's childhood best friend. Your dad was Daniel's mom's twin brother, so that's why you're cousins. Daniel and I are cousins because our dads are brothers."

"Who killed them?" Zach asked.

No one spoke after that question.

"My son, Luke." Grandma said broking the silence.

I looked up at my brothers and they were both looking shocked at Grandma.

"I can't believe that he killed his own sister." Grandma said, starting to cry.

"Why would he do something like that?" Zach asked with tears falling down his face.

"He was always jealous of your mom, so when she was recruited to be a spy, he was very angry that he wasn't. But I don't know what gave him to do something like that." Grandma said in tears.

"I know it's a lot to digest, it wasn't easy for me either, but you have to be careful with Luke, we don't know what he's capable of. We all have to be careful." I said to the three tearful eyes boys in front of me.

"Why were you the only one who knew about our parents' profession?" Zach asked confused.

"They were training me to be a spy without me realizing it." I got up off the couch and ran to my room to get the box.

"Don't run, Dove! You're pregnant!" Corbyn exclaimed worried.

After getting the box, I went back to the living room, opening the box and taking the letters out of the box giving them to the respective owners, still staying some letters for Corbyn's and Daniel's parents.

Daniel, Zach and Jonah looked at me confused.

"They're from our parents, they wrote them before they died." I said smiling softly at the boys.


Everything is falling into place...

- Love, Violet♡

❁ The Girl Who Kill Birds || Corbyn Besson ❁Where stories live. Discover now