❁ T H I R T Y - S I X ❁

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❁ 𝐂𝐨𝐫𝐛𝐲𝐧 ❁

I was sitting by Dove's bed while Daniel had gone to eat something to recover from the draw blood.

"Harry... Harry... Corbyn..." I heard Dove mumble.

"Who's Harry?!" I asked myself.

Suddenly, Dove opened her eyes and sat quickly taking a very deep breath.

I tried to lay her down again, but she was more worried trying to take out the wires she had around her.

"Dove, calm down!"

"No, I have to find Harry!" She said, not looking at me.

I took her face and made her look at me.

"Who's Harry, Dove?" I asked her, trying to figure out what I could do to calm her down.

"Our son." She told me, looking me in the eyes.

"Dove, what are you talking about?" I asked her confused.

"Harry, our s-" She cut herself and looked at her belly.

"I need a doctor, Corbyn. I want to talk to a doctor." She told me with tears in her eyes.

I nodded and went looking for a doctor.


Corbyn is confused, maybe you should help him...

- Love, Violet♡

❁ The Girl Who Kill Birds || Corbyn Besson ❁Where stories live. Discover now