Untitled Part 1

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Felicity felt like her arm was being pulled from its socket. She had three big dogs today and they were intent on getting to their destination with her in tow. She gripped the leashes tighter and pulled back breathing a sigh of relief as the dogs responded and slowed their pace. It was just another couple of blocks to the dog park and as they crossed the last intersection she noted the park was empty. Good, that was just how she liked it. She sank down on the bench and pulled the dogs toward her talking in soft baby tones. She loved animals. The job as a dog walker had been unexpected but she was finding she enjoyed it.

Animals were easier to deal with than people. Especially people who were calling upset because their hard drive had crashed, or their monitor was on the fritz. She unclipped the leashes and a small smile curved her pink tinged lips as the dogs wandered off to play. Now she could relax. She pulled out the book she had been reading and casting one last glance at her surroundings lost herself in her book.

Books were her one true pleasure. Especially romance novels. She loved to immerse herself in the love story and escape the stresses of her life. The thought of a dashingly dressed man crashing into her life and giving her a happily ever after was a dream she kept to herself. She was a strong, independent woman who was also a romantic.

She snickered at how cocky the man was in this particular novel. Why did the good looking ones think they hung the moon? Time passed quickly as it always did and soon it was time for her to gather the pups and take them home. She had a meeting with a new client today at Noon and she did not want to be late. From what she knew of him he was a CEO of one of the largest companies in Star City. He demanded she be punctual and so she placed her book in her bag and quickly gathered the dogs. She could not be late.

She was late


Oliver pulled on his suit jacket and looked at his watch for the 3rd time. The dog walker he had hired was to have been there at Noon and it was now 12:15. As someone with an extremely busy schedule Oliver was a stickler for punctuality.

He heard the doorbell ring and strode to the door pulling it open with a scowl on his face. What he saw took him completely by surprise.

There was a small blonde, standing in front of him blowing hair from her eyes. She was soaking wet and She was holding a dog leash and had a backpack strapped on. However, what really caught his attention were her shoes. They were caked in mud. His eyes traveled back up and met a pair of pleasing blue eyes that he had to admit were appealing; and then she started babbling.

"Mr. Queen? I am so sorry I am late. I had to return the dogs I was walking this morning and one of the owners was late. Then Patton got loose, and I had to chase him down and of course as he was crossing the street I got splashed with water. Some drivers are so inconsiderate. Of course, once I caught up with him...."

"Ms. Smoak?" His voice was deep and rich and slightly annoyed, and it stopped her rambling immediately.


Felicity tried to act casual as she looked up all six foot one of the man in front of her. He wore a suit like he had been born to model them and his blue eyes, though annoyed, were deep and bright blue. He had a muscular form and short cut blondish brown hair. But what drew her eyes was the scruff that laid quite nicely along his jaw. It itched for fingers to be run through it and so she gripped the leash just a little tighter. She was nervous. Not because her client was so very good looking but because she knew what he was going to say next. Your fired.

"As much as I would love to stand here and listen to you babble for another 20 minutes I am already late for a meeting." Oliver opened the door wider. "Come in but stay right here. I don't want mud all over my floors. I will get you a towel."

Felicity stepped gingerly into his penthouse as he closed the door, and looked around curiously. It was beautiful, a little cold and so very clean. She guessed there was not a speck of dirt in the entire place and she looked down at her clothes and then down to her dog.

"Don't you dare move Pascal." He looked up at her and whined but did not move.

Oliver arrived a few moments later carrying a fluffy white towel with a gorgeous brindle color puppy following obediently behind him, tail wagging.

"Here, you can dry off with this." Oliver handed her the towel and Felicity took it gingerly not quite sure what to do with it. It was so white and clean. She hated to even touch it.

Oliver quirked an eyebrow at her as she stood there and stared at the towel. "Is there a problem?"

"Ummmm, no. Well, yes. This towel is so clean. I hate to get it dirty."

Oliver hid the quirk to his lips that threatened to make him look like he was smiling. She was not going to charm him. He had a busy day ahead of him.

"It is just a towel Ms. Smoak. I have plenty more and the house keeper will wash it." He looked down at the puppy at his feel, tail wagging excitedly. "This is Otis. I got him just a few days ago and I need someone to periodically come by and walk him and maybe feed him if my meetings run late. I can pay you $100 a day."

Felicity was looking at the puppy and talking to him with her usual baby tones when she heard her fee. $100 a day. That was three times what she normally received.

Oliver did not have time waste, so he pulled a key from his pocket and held it out to her. "Here is a key to my apartment. You are only getting this because you have impeccable reviews. If you are thinking of stealing anything, please don't. I have the best security system money can buy and...."

He heard her snort and looked at her in surprise. Her eyes were wide as if she was just as surprised as he was that she had made that noise.

"Is something funny Ms. Smoak?"

"Ummmm no, well yes. You said you have the best security system. Everyone thinks that until, bam! Someone breaks into their apartment and steals their TV and video system and don't even get me started on the DVD's they took."

"That sounds like an interesting story, but I really am very late." Oliver took out his keys and looked down at her still dripping wet, holding the towel. "Please feel free to use the bathroom. It is down the hall on the left. The dryer is right next to it."

He knelt and awkwardly patted Otis on the head. The puppy licked him, and he quickly stood up wiping his cheek. "Now you be good Otis."

He gave Felicity a quick nod before walking out the door.

Felicity looked down at the towel she was still holding in her hand and then at the two dogs that were looking at her expectantly and her shoulders slumped. That had been a complete whirlwind. However, she was still employed and at the fee he was paying her she was thrilled. Otis cocked his head and Pascal whined as she smiled at them.

"Well that went well."

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