Untitled Part 14

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Oliver watched in fascination as Felicity walked the apartment for the fifth time. He had never seen her so agitated and when he tried to calm her down, he just made it worse. Her Mother was coming into town today and Felicity was nervous. Oliver himself was excited to meet Donna. He was looking forward to meeting the woman who had raised Felicity to be the woman she was today. He knew that Felicity's Father had left them when she was young, and he had respect for the woman that had raised Felicity on her own.

Otis and Pascal were laying in front of the fireplace, in their usual spot watching Felicity as well. They both cocked their heads as she mumbled to herself.

"Ok, the kitchen is clean. Beds are made. I put fresh sheets in the guest room. The dogs have been bathed." She was looking as she counted things off in her mind. She finally glanced up to see Oliver leaning against the hallway door just watching her.

"What? Why are you staring at me?" Felicity rushed around moving figurines that were scattered about the room. This was the third time she had touched them this morning.

"Because I have never seen you this flustered." Oliver pushed away from the doorway and walked into the room.

"I am not flustered, I just......" Felicity paused. Was he right? Was she flustered?

"You're just what?" He walked over and placed his hands on her upper arms rubbing them gently.

Felicity let out a sigh at his touch and her shoulders slumped. "It has just been awhile since I have seen my Mother and I want everything to be perfect. I want her to like you and Thea and our home."

"Felicity, breath." Oliver sucked in a deep breath leading Felicity to do the same. They both exhaled and Oliver smiled.

"Everything is going to be great."

Felicity placed her hands on his chest, patting softly when suddenly her eyes grew wide and she looked up at him panicked. "You can still pick her up at the airport, right? I can't miss this meeting today...."

"Felicity." Oliver said her name softly. "Everything is going to be fine."

His soft tone finally cut through her panic and she breathed out and wrapped her arms around his waist hugging him. "I'm sorry I have been so crazy this morning."

Oliver kissed the top of her head. "I forgive you. It's not every day that I get to meet my girlfriend's Mom."

Felicity melted at that. She loved hearing him call her his girlfriend.

"Not to mention my alone time with said Mother will give me an opportunity to hear plenty of cringe worthy Felicity stories." He grinned at her and Felicity groaned.

Oliver took her hand and led her to her computer bag and purse. "Now, get your things together, and head into work. We will see you back here for dinner." Oliver placed her bag over her arm and then handed her keys to her. He had decided to work from home this morning so he could pick up Donna from the airport later.

She smiled up at him. "Whatever would I do without you?"

Oliver grinned down and at her and placed a peck on her lips. "You would be lost forever."

She murmured, "Yes I would." Giving him one more kiss she headed out the door. She had several meetings this morning with a big one at 10 a.m., and she could not be late.


Oliver glanced at his watch as he waited by baggage claim. Donna's plane was supposed to have arrived 15 minutes ago and he glanced around the room as people started to wander into the area. Felicity had shown him a picture of her Mother and he was excited to finally get the chance to meet her.

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