Untitled Part 17

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The ride home was quiet, but Oliver held onto Felicity's hand like it was his lifeline. He was fast learning that she was exactly that. The evening had not gone smoothly, in fact he was certain that when they got home Felicity was going to have a talk with her Mother. He thought back over the conversation he had with her before they walked into the sitting room. Marriage and kids had never been something he really thought about. He was too busy running QC to think about a wife and kids. Overall his life had been satisfying as it was; until she came into his life.

Felicity had been the part of his heart that he never knew he was missing. She was that missing puzzle piece that made kids and marriage something he could see in his future. She made him a better person and he knew he never wanted to be without her. Ever.

He also did not want to rush things. Felicity had just recently moved in with him and for now they were both happy with that. They needed to get to know each other's quirks. Did she leave wet towels on the floor? Did he drink out of the milk carton? These were things they were starting to learn about one another, and he was enjoying getting to know the small things about her.

He pulled into his parking spot and Donna got out of the car heading for the elevator. Felicity looked at him and sighed before following her. Oliver sat in the car for a moment. He was going to give them a head start because they needed a moment to talk about the evening.

"Mom! Wait." Felicity called out as Donna was getting on to the elevator. She turned innocent blue eyes to Felicity and held the door and Felicity stepped on as the doors slid noiselessly shut. Felicity turned to her Mom and crossed her arms across her chest.

"What was this evening about? What are you and Thea up to?"

"I don't know what you are talking about sweetheart."

"You know exactly what I am talking about Mom. The whole "slip" about being a grandmother."

The doors opened into their penthouse and Donna walked in removing her high heels. "I was just saying that I am going to be a grandmother some day and maybe I need to improve my wardrobe."

"That was not all that you were saying Mom. You were trying to hint around about babies. I just moved in with Oliver and we are still trying to get used to living together. We are in no way ready for marriage."

"Darling, you are more ready than you think." She walked over and took Felicity's hands in hers. "I see the way you look at each other. No one has ever looked at me the way he looks at you. He is head over heels darling."

"But Mom we just moved in together. I don't appreciate you and Thea trying to force something that we are not yet ready for." Wow, she just realized what she just said. She was not ready for marriage.

Felicity's eyes teared up. God, she loved him so very much. But this evening had brought to the forefront a real fear that she had been suppressing. Donna gasped softly as she saw the look in her daughters' eyes.

"Darling. He is not your father."

Felicity looked at her in surprise. "What?"

"I said, Oliver is not your father."

"How did you.......?"

"How did I know what you were thinking? You're my daughter sweetheart. I know you better than you think. You are afraid that Oliver is going to leave you like your father left me."

Felicity looked away.

"Honey, Oliver is not your father and you are not me."

Felicity and Donna did not hear Oliver come into the room and he stopped in his tracks. He thought for a moment that maybe he should not be listening to their conversation, but he could not for the life of him move.

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