Untitled Part 10

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Felicity rubbed her forehead as a pulsing headache hit her. She had been staring at the code she was working on for hours and still had not come up with a solution to solve a very major problem. Palmer Tech had created a watch that could be used as a tiny computer that was going to rival Apple. However, it had glitches that were causing it to fail every 10 minutes. Mr. Sanders was out this morning, but she hoped when he came into the office that she could pull him aside and sit down with him. He had been the original developer for the watch.

She glanced at the time and realizing it was lunch decided it would be a good opportunity to take a break. She wondered if Oliver was free and quickly dialed his extension.


"Wow, listen to you being all authoritarian." She smiled as she sat back in her office chair and then turned to look out her window. She was so very glad she had that window. It had been a saving grace for her sanity the past few days.

Oliver was surprised that Felicity was calling him in the office. From the day she had started their interaction within the office had been miniscule by choice.

"To what do I owe the pleasure of your call Ms. Smoak?" He leaned back in his chair as well smiling. Just the sound of her voice brightened his day.

"Are you free for lunch?"

He was even more surprised that she was asking him to lunch. Maybe he would tease her just a little. "Well I am not sure. I would need to check my calendar."

"Oh gosh, I am sorry Oliver. I didn't even think that you might be busy. I am just having a rough day, well rough several days and I knew that seeing you would cheer me up, but..."


She stopped rambling at the tone of his voice.

"My calendar is always wide open for you."

Felicity let out a soft breath. "Ok. I will meet you at your car in 5 minutes?"

"Why don't you come up to my office first. I have one quick thing I need to finish up before we leave." He had been on conference calls all morning, so he needed to get his notes to Ms. Walker before he left for lunch.

"Ms. Walker. Ms. Smoak will be coming up shortly, please show her right in." He called out to his assistant and she smiled as she acknowledged him. Oliver could tell Ms. Walker really liked Felicity. In fact, everyone in the office liked her. She had fit in seamlessly.

He looked up when heard a voice a couple of seconds later but it was much deeper than the one he as expecting. He groaned when he saw it was Tommy. Tommy was flirting with Ms. Walker as he always did and then he strolled into his office.

"You know one of these days I am going to steal Ms. Walker away from you."

Oliver glared halfheartedly, "Don't you dare."

Tommy plopped down into the chair across from him. "Well if she won't run away with me the least, she can do is work for me." Tommy looked around casually.

"Tommy, what are you doing here?"

"Lunch, remember?"

Oliver frowned. "Lunch."

"Yes, lunch. As in that thing you do where you go to a restaurant, and order food." Tommy could tell Oliver had forgotten their standing lunch date.

"You forgot, didn't you?" Tommy sat up straight and gave Oliver a feigned hurt expression.

"God Tommy, I am sorry...."

Before he could finish apologizing Felicity breezed in and Tommy stood up and grinned widely. "Why Ms. Smoak. What a pleasure running into you." He walked over and took her hand and kissed the back of it gallantly.

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