Untitled Part 9

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Oliver stared at the puppy looking up at him with a sock in its mouth. There was a hole in that sock and from what Oliver could see several other teeth holes. He had been so good about not letting Otis get a hold of any clothing, until today.

"Otis, give me that sock!" He lunged for the puppy who just shot across the room enjoying what he assumed was a game of keep away. Keep the sock away from the human. That is what Otis was thinking. Oliver had a few choice words on his mind.

He lunged again and Otis danced away moving around the couch and toward the kitchen. Oliver was feeling better because now he had him cornered. He was about to grab the sock when he heard the front door open. He gave the puppy one final glare before he walked into the living room. He saw Pascal prance over to the fireplace and plop down, so he turned his gaze to Felicity.

Felicity smiled when she saw Oliver walking toward her, however the scowl on his face and the redness of his cheeks showed something was up. She leaned up and gave him a kiss and then pulled back with a thoughtful look.

"What's up?" Before Oliver could answer Otis came racing into the room and when Felicity saw the sock in his mouth, she immediately knew the answer.

"Been playing tug of war with Otie?"

Oliver frowned, "Otie?"

Otis ran up to Felicity and she started petting him and talking baby talk. "That is what I sometimes call this little bundle of cuteness." Before Oliver could respond she was holding a sock in her hand in front of his face.

He grabbed the sock, "Bundle of annoyance is more like it."

"Oh, is someone being grumpy today?"

Oliver turned and walked to his room as he heard Felicity laugh.

"I told you to get him a few new chew toys." Felicity's voice floated down the hall to him.

"It's been a busy couple of days." Oliver grumbled half heartedly as he walked back into the room. "How did things go today with the team?"

Felicity had been working with the R & D team at QC for a week and so far, things had been great. However, there was one employee that had been pushing back and testing her authority. She had held off talking to Oliver about it but maybe now was a good time.

"Things are great. In fact, they are more than great. Except one person."

Oliver listened as she walked into the kitchen and took a bottle of water from the fridge. He loved how comfortable she had become in his home and if he was being honest, he had been thinking a lot lately about her staying permanently.


Felicity heard the slight grumble in his tone. She knew he was not going to like her answer. The man she was about to name had migrated over from Palmer Tech and he was the one that was most familiar with the projects the team had been working on before the acquisition. She felt he had sour grapes because he had not received the Director position.

"Arnold Sullivan."

Oliver was slightly surprised that she was saying it was Sullivan. But he was also very aware that Sullivan had been running his mouth since they had brought him to QC.

"I will have a talk with him tomorrow."

Felicity huffed, "Oh no you will not. This is my team and I will take care of it."


"Oliver if you go stepping in then that is going to make me look like I can't handle my job."

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