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Felicity sat on the couch with her computer in her lap, her fingers were on the keys, but her eyes were on the floor. A soft smile curved her lips as she looked at her son Lucas, lying in his bouncer. What made her heart swell was Otis and Pascal. Pascal always must be within two feet of Lucas. Since the day they moved Lucas into his nursery, Pascal had taken to sleeping in the nursery near the crib. Her smile brightens when she looks to the other side of Lucas and there is Otis staring down at him as if he is the most fascinating person in the world. Well, he IS the most fascinating 9-month-old person to them.

She laughs softly as Lucas coos at Otis, his little chubby hand reaching towards him. Otis licks his fingers, his tail wagging back and forth in excitement. To say that Otis and Pascal have a special relationship with Lucas is an understatement.

Felicity glances toward the door as she hears keys in the lock and her smile brightens again when Oliver walks into the room.

"Hey, I wasn't expecting you home this early. How did things go today?"

Oliver smiled when he saw the scene before him. Lucas flanked by Otis and Pascal with his beautiful wife sitting watch on the couch. Of course, she had a laptop in her lap.

Oliver placed his keys on the side table as he walked over and picked Lucas up into his arms. He would never get tired of holding or just looking at their son. He was the most beautiful thing Oliver had ever seen. Well, next to his wife.

He sat down with Lucas on his lap giving him a kiss before kissing Felicity. "Things went great today. Our meeting with Saber Technologies went just like I had hoped. They are coming on board. Our bid was accepted. And because things went as planned, I decided to give myself the afternoon off to spend with my family."

"Oliver that is great news. This is going to push QC to a whole new level in technology."

Oliver bounced Lucas on his knees. "How was your day?"

Felicity sighed and closed her computer placing it on the coffee table. "Overall things are great. I have six new potential clients that I have to meet with, and I am about to close out two of the apps I was creating."

Felicity's business had taken off after she completed the Healthcare app. She was now considering bringing on a second person and she and Oliver had been spending weekends looking for her some office space. Of course it had to be big enough to house a desk, two dogs and a baby.

Oliver noted the exhaustion in her face. Lucas had been fussy lately but Oliver had been helping by getting up during the night so Felicity could rest. He had come to enjoy the quiet time with his son. "Are you ok babe? You look tired."

As if on cue Felicity yawned and then laughed as she threw a hand over her mouth. "I am. I'm sorry."

"No need to apologize. Why don't you take a nap? I have Lucas, and Tommy isn't arriving for dinner until seven."

Felicity smiled wistfully as she watched Lucas grabbing for Otis' tail. The dog was turning in circles and almost had a smile on his face. Lucas baby giggled each time Otis' tail brushed his hand.

"Well I have something I need to tell you first." Felicity turned so she was facing Oliver and Lucas, her eyes watering slightly. Dammit, she told herself she would not get emotional. Of course, that was hard for her to do these days.

Oliver's forehead crinkled into a frown. "Felicity what is it? Is everything ok? Is it Lucas......?"

Felicity shook her head, "No honey. Lucas is fine. I am fine." She took a deep breath. Ok, just spit it out Smoak.

"Lucas is going to be a big brother."

The words rushed out of her mouth and at first, they did not register with Oliver. He stared at her as if she had just spoken gibberish. She waited patiently and when it finally kicked in her husband's beautiful smile spread across his face.

"Your pregnant?"

Felicity nodded and patted her belly. "Two months."

Otis and Pascal's ears perked up as Oliver said to Lucas, "Did you hear that bubba? You are going to be a big brother!" He looked over at Felicity and then pulled her to him and kissed her head.

"Well I take this to mean you are happy." Felicity teased.

"Felicity, I was happy the day you became my wife, this is beyond happy."

"We have our first doctor's appointment tomorrow." Felicity patted his knee and stood. Oliver leaned down and placed Lucas back in his bouncer.

"Where are you going? We have to celebrate." Oliver looked at her with his eyes shining but she also saw the look. The look that always took her breath away and made her belly flip. But that had to wait.

"Oh no big fella. I am going down that hallway and into our bedroom where I am going to crawl into our bed, ALONE, and take that nap you just offered."

She walked closer and kissed his lips. "Celebrating is what got us into this situation in the first place."

"Felicity have I told you just how much I love you?"

"Every day my love, every day."

And then you walked into my lifeWhere stories live. Discover now