Untitled Part 24

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Oliver glanced toward the kitchen where Thea and Felicity were talking and laughing. He smiled to himself as he looked at the obvious glow on Felicity's face. She looked so very happy.

Thea and Roy had welcomed them with hugs and congratulatory pats on the back when they arrived for dinner. Oliver did not know Roy as well as he would like so he had been looking forward to getting to know the man that would one day marry his sister.

This also was an excuse to just enjoy the evening and not worry or stress about things that he and Felicity needed to face. They were both avoiding a serious discussion, but he knew that it would happen sooner rather than later. He wanted Felicity's pregnancy to be stress free and to do that they needed to lay all their cards on the table.

They had decided to return to Roy and Thea's after dinner for a drink and the women were standing in the kitchen. Roy looked over to where Thea and Felicity were standing and then gave Oliver a smirk. "Those two women hold our balls in their hands."

Oliver looked Roy in surprise. He was finding that the young man had a sense of humor unlike anyone he had ever met. Well except Tommy.

Oliver sighed in agreement. "I can't argue that."

He gave Roy a piercing look. "What are your intentions towards my sister?"

Roy smiled and said. "I am going to marry her."

Oliver took a sip of his beer. "Well what the hell is taking you so long?"

Roy lifted an eyebrow. "You sure are one to talk. Aren't you the one putting the baby before the wedding?"

Oliver gave him a glare but could not argue.

"Listen, Thea and I have a great relationship. She is serious about her career and moving up in the fashion industry. I am just waiting for the right time. Thea is pretty independent and so fucking stubborn."

Oliver laughed because he could hear the love in Roy's voice.

"That is her Queen side. We are all stubborn."

Roy gave him a look. "What about you? When are you going to propose? You do have a child on the way you know."

Oliver's face softened as he looked at Felicity and then down to her stomach. "Believe me, I do know."

"Thea told me how her leaving messed you up. You need to deal with that." Roy looked square at him. How did Roy know about his insecurity?

"I am not talking about this with you Roy. I hardly know you."

"Well I am going to be your brother-in-law soon, but I get it. I will just leave you with a piece of advice. Communication is what keeps a relationship alive. Once the communication is gone the rest starts to whither, like a flower. Communication is the water."

"Your twelve years old how do you know what keeps a relationship alive?" Oliver spoke harshly and instantly regretted it. He liked Roy and knew he was just trying to help. But he also didn't like to think that maybe there was a kink in his relationship with Felicity and Roy was reminding him that there was one.

Roy snorted. "I have loved your sister since the first day I met her. We have had our ups and downs and believe it or not we have had our share of fights." Oliver huffed a laugh. He knew his sister could be extremely stubborn.

"All I am saying is, don't put off talking to her for too long. Because if you do, you might wake up one day and realize that you resent her."

Oliver's eyes flew to him holding disbelief and if you looked deep enough, awareness. He despite Roy being younger that he spoke the truth.

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