Untitled Part 3

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Oliver woke the next morning, showered and dressed for his day. Felicity had never responded to his text the night before so he was unsure whether she would show today.

If she did not show he could try to come by for lunch and walk Otis quickly before his afternoon conference call. However, the thought annoyed him. He had acted like a jerk the night before and he hoped he got the chance to apologize.

He walked into the kitchen and set the coffee pot percolating before making a quick, simple breakfast of wheat toast and jam. He glanced at his watch and then walked over and picked up his phone. There was still no response.

He walked over to Otis who was waiting obediently in his cage with his tail wagging. Oliver let him out with a soft smile and the puppy raced out, glad to have some freedom of movement. Oliver had to admit he hated having to place the puppy in the cage at night. Otis raced around the living room his tail wagging and Oliver laughed. The puppy did help his stress and knowing he had some time he sat down on the floor in front of the couch.

Otis ran over and started licking his face and Oliver laughed. He could see why Felicity had been laughing so freely yesterday and as he laughed and played with the puppy, he did not realize it lightened his features and made him seem younger.

And that is how Felicity found him that morning.


Felicity left Oliver's penthouse the night before feeling embarrassed and she had to admit frustrated. Taking care of Otis was the best gig she had ever been offered and if he had a good-looking owner, well who was she to complain? However, her day had been a total disaster from start to finish and she could not fault Oliver for firing her.

Well he had never actually said she was fired and when she had received the text from him, relief had swept through her. It had been tough on her when she lost her job at Palmer Tech. She had worked there for 2 years but because she was a low man on the proverbial totem pole, she had been one of the first to go. It didn't matter that she was the best tech they had on their team or that she knew more than even the director. She had been one of the first to be laid off and that had stung.

When she had come across the job for a dog walker, she had started the job thinking it would just be for a brief period. The money was decent, and she loved animals. However, as the weeks had passed, and no jobs had been posted in her field she had continued as a walker. She had slowly built up some regulars and even registered on a website to hopefully gain more business.

But a part deep inside of her still wanted to get back into the tech industry. She had so many ideas and she could not get them off the ground on her own.

She had been so tired that she had fallen asleep the night before without responding to Oliver's text. It had not been intentional, she had just been exhausted. So, she woke early the next morning and decided to surprise Oliver with breakfast and coffee from her favorite bagel shop. She sang a little off tune as she dressed the next morning and then placing Pascal on his leash walked to the bagel shop.

Pascal was such a good dog. She had acquired him from the local shelter about 3 years after moving to Star City. She had been lonely, and Pascal had become not only her companion but her best friend. He was constantly with her and she loved having him by her side.

Felicity walked into Oliver's building juggling two coffee's and a bag of bagels. She had purchased several different options since she did not know his favorite flavor. She just prayed today would go smoother than the day before.

As the elevator whisked her up to his floor, she decided to use her key and have the breakfast waiting for him when he came into the kitchen. She knew he had a busy day ahead of him and she wanted to have breakfast set up and Otis fed.

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