Failing my attempts.

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Peeta's Pov:
I come downstairs and see Katniss. She sits on a small chair with her knees curled up to her chest and concentrates on the clock placed on the mantelpiece. It reads 1am. I step gently so I don't frighten her. I walk around the living room chairs and come sit with her on the long sofa beside her.

"Hey." I say, twiddling my thumbs.

"Hey." She muffles.

"What are you doing up at this hour? I didn't hear you wake up from a nightmare." I say. She sighs.

"I just couldn't sleep." She says almost hushed.

"Me neither." I say. A few moments go by until Katniss says something.

"Have you talked to Haymitch lately?" She asks. Although he's a drunk bully, I know that Katniss still cares about him. He's never been very sympathetic towards her. He'd call her insane and crazy. But he is the only father figure left in her life.

"Not really. I saw him come back from the hob the other day with his bag of liquor." I say. She dips her head down and sighs.

"Oh." Is all she can muster.

"Whilst we are here and have nothing else to talk about, I wanted to talk about something with you." I say. She props her head up and her eyes meet with mine.

"I want to start the bakery again." I say. She smiles at me. I wish she would smile more. I love her smile.

"Good for you. I think you should do it. Plus, I'll get more cheese buns." She says smiling again. I laugh slightly.

"Ok, I will then. What should I name it?" I ask.

"I think you should stick with the original, Mellark Bakery." She says.

All of a sudden I feel a twist in my brain. Another episode.

The mention of my family's bakery sets me off. I can't fight it. She killed them.

No! No she didn't!

She killed my family. She killed Finnick, my friend.

My eyes start to twitch in synchronisation with my entire body. My breathing becomes heavy. Very heavy.

I stare at her. That evil person. She killed everyone I loved! She killed thousands and thousands of innocent people! Children! She could do it again! I have to kill her!

Katniss' Pov:

Peeta's eyes become black. His breathing intensifies. Another flashback. It looks bad this time. Worse than ever before.

Although it takes me all the willpower in the world to run away from him, I try to say his name, but before I do I feel him pounce onto me. The chair I used to sit in is collapsed. I feel my head plummet on the ground and I feel a moist substance leak from it. Before I have time to regain my consciousness and touch the back of my head to examine it, I feel Peeta's hands hug around my throat. I can't breathe. I can't breathe! It takes me all of my strength to tell myself to fight back. To not enjoy myself dying, because then I could be with Prim again. I could be with my father and Finnick. But I fight. For Peeta. This is not him. My hands hectically dance around his hands to try to loosen his grip he has enforced upon me, but I can't. He's too strong.

"You mutt! You stinking mutt! You killed them! You killed everyone I care about!" He screams.

I feel myself slipping away. I'm so sorry Peeta. My frantic attempts at trying to free myself are no use. My eyes become sore and I start to close them. But I feel his grip loosen. And then I feel it loosen altogether. But I cannot see anything. I hear him thump to the ground. I hear his deafening cries. I hear him say my name, before I slip out of consciousness...

I hope you guys enjoyed that! I had a bit of a writer's block for this chapter, so after many many attempts of editing here is the final one. lol. Anyways, to those who are still reading this (probably) awful story, thank you! See you soon, Annie!

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