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Katniss' PoV:
Knock. Knock.

I potter from the living room to the front door and open it. Low and behold, it's Haymitch.

"What do you want?" I ask in a rather snarky tone, hoping he's not come here to ask for some alcohol.

"Woah sweetheart. I thought we were friends." He says putting his hands up like he's surrendering and walks in the house.

He plonks his body onto the chair in the living room. His clothes are some what respectable and he actually smells modest for once. I follow him through.

"Just came to see how you're doing." He says.

"You actually smell and look modest for once. Congratulations." I say, mocking him. He gives me a friendly scowl.

There's a pause.

"So, how are you?" He raises his voice to emphasise his last point.

"I miss him." I say, trying not to sound too desperate.

"You'll be alright. It's been 2, nearly 3 months. He'll be back soon." He says.

"But you don't know that," My voice becomes shaky. "I haven't tried to contact him because I don't want to interfere or distract him, but how will I know he's okay?"

"Yeah, I haven't been called about him, you?" Haymitch asks looking slightly concerned.

I shake my head.

"When I called Dr Aurelius a couple weeks ago, she said he's fine. But that was it," I say, gathering my tears that have collected in my eyes. "I need to hear his voice." I say.

"Look, I'm sure if you ring her, she can get Peeta for you and you two can chat through the phone." He says.

I sigh and laugh to myself slightly.

"You don't get it Haymitch," I pause for a moment. "When I last called her, she said she only helps people who are recovering, not while they're still treatment, like Peeta." I say, gritting my teeth.

"Well that's just great." He says in a sarcastic manor. "Let me sort it out sweetheart." He says.


"You had any booze lately?" I ask, relaxing in my chair. He brings his body up and flings his leg onto his knee.

"A few bottles here and there, but on the whole, I feel," He pauses for moment, trying to find the right word.

"Adequate?" I ask, trying to fill his sentence.

He nods his head and smiles at me.

A sudden idea lands into my head. I didn't know why I hadn't thought of it before. I guess I was so preoccupied with everything going on and couldn't even think of anything logical anymore. But this concept was logical enough.

"I could write to him." I say suddenly.

Haymitch looks over at me almost in shock.

"And who would you address it to?" He asks, as if I'm being dumb.

"I'm not sure, the hospital?" I ask.

"Yeah, but it would take ages to get there. He could be home by then," He says. "What If he got home and someone received the letter and read it for themselves?"

"That's stupid Haymitch. If they got the letter and realised that he wasn't there, they'd send it back." I say looking at the ground.

"It's not stupid, because someone could take that letter to the press, get some cash for it, and before you know it, this catastrophic event of Peeta crumbling and you and him are no longer, could be in the public eye in a matter of days," He says. "Is that what you want? Do you think that's what Peeta wants." He says.

I raise my head from the ground to face Haymitch. He's right. Because we're in the last district, the furthest place away from here is the Capitol. It would take weeks to get there.

"I guess you're right," I pause for a moment recapping what he just said. "What do you mean by me and Peeta are no longer?" I ask curiously.

"Well, I just presumed that you and him were close, closer than friends..."

I let out a sigh and look out the window, trying to think for a moment.

"Me and Peeta were never just friends." I pause and then talk in a manor like I'm telling a life story to Hamyitch.

He sits up more, being more aware of the seriousness of where this is going.

"The a few days before his attack, he was painting in the study. I left him to it and starting to cut some food up. I became so oblivious to what I was doing that I cut my hand. I asked Peeta to bandage it up for me. But when he did I had the urge to kiss him. I don't know why or how, but I just kissed him. It felt right," I say. "Then when I pulled away I saw I got blood on his cheek and I was brought back to the first games with Rue and Marvel and...and Prim."

"All I could see was there faces before they died. I just saw them struggling. I thought by kissing Peeta I had ruined everything we ever had. So I ran. I ran into the woods."

"It wasn't until Peeta came to look for me that I was alone. He checked my hand and it was all silent and content until he asked me, you love me, real or not real?" I take a deep breath.

"And I replied real."

Haymitch chuckled slightly.

"Wow. You never seize to amaze, do you?," He said.

"Whatever you say." Says me who is mutual talking about this.
To be honest I'm mutual on the whole love topic. I mutual about Peeta. As long as he's healthy and happy, I'm okay. But if he never recovers, I'll be a different person. I'll be the same Katniss I was nearly a year ago. I'll be struggling and on the brink of death, because I need him. I need Peeta.

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