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1 week later
Katniss' Pov:
Today is just an okay day and that's okay. I don't feel sad, nor do I feel overly jovial. I feel moderately mediocre. I sit on my bed, just thinking. I think a lot. I daydream often, or Peeta says I do, which makes it evident he stares at me a lot. I don't mind. I start to think of Peeta. His eyes. His muscles. Then I think about what he's been through. I try to rid the through of someone hurting Peeta. It makes me want to throw up.

I rummage through my drawers, trying to find the pearl. I hide it from Peeta because I don't know if he knows I still have it. It's only on bad days that I need it, but today I want it. I want to rub it between my fingers and sniff it, hoping his scent still lingers on there. I clatter around hoping to find it underneath or twisted between some clothing, but I stop when I hear Peeta gently walking up to me, speaking up. "Is everything ok?" He asks. I nod my head, looking at the floor. In the corner of my tired eyes, I can feel his lips tugging into a small smile. "Tell me the truth." He says, still smiling. I look up at him. Swallowing the big lump in my throat, I speak up.
"I can't find the Pearl you gave me." I say, sighing. Peeta's looks turn from comedic to commiserating. He looks around the room for a few moments, observing the slight mess I've caused that has taken up my room. "Well, I'm not going to ask if you've looked, but where did you last have it?" He questions. I think for a moment. The last time I had it was in my hand. That's the only place it moves to. And the last time it brought me comfort was when Peeta has shown me the painting. The study!
"It's in the study! Well, it must be. It's not here, so I must have carried it with me. I'll go and look now." I say, but he quickly adds to my speech. "I'll look with you." He says, smiling gladly.

We walk downstairs and start to look in study. "If you look through drawers, I'll look through these pots." Says Peeta. I nod in response. "Okay." I start to look through the drawers, but my eyes catch sight of a book that sits on the desk. It's a medium sized, royal red book, about the size of 2 pairs of hands laid next to each other. I check Peeta isn't looking at what I'm doing and flick through hoping to see his paintings, but to my surprise every single page is blank. However, the front page has the words written 'to those we loved'. I can't help but to think it's some kind of memorial book. But I don't speak up or tell Peeta I've found it because he would have told me about it now if it wasn't a surprise. So, I'll wait. I cautiously place the book back to where it was and pretend I never saw it. I start to look through the drawers again, but all I find is paper, brushes and buttons. I lift my back and ask Peeta if he's found it to which he replies, "No, not yet." I sigh feeling almost certain I've lost it. Apart from Peeta and the medallion, it's something I hold so dear. I don't know why, because to most people it's a stupid Pearl, but to me when I see it, I see Peeta's beautiful face. It's so easy to rub against something and can captivate you for a while. I suppose that's why I love it so much, it takes my mind off of things.

It saddens me greatly if I've lost it. I can't help but to swallow the lump in my throat and let the salty tears collect in my eyes. Peeta comes up to me and I sob gently into his chest unceasingly, hands clutching at his muscly arms. He holds me in silence, rocking ms slowly as my tears soak his chest. A tiny lapse lets me pull away, blinking lashes heavy with tears, I let the last few drop and then stare at Peeta in the eyes. "I don't even know why I'm crying." I say, trying to hide the fact that I'm very sad it's gone. Peeta looks me in the eyes and places both of his soft hands on my arms. "We'll find it. I promise." He says. It's takes me all I can to not kiss him right now. I would if he was expecting it, but he's not. Peeta's head shifts to the side and his eyes begin to narrow. Before I turn around, his eyes widen and his mouth breaks into a beaming smile. He lets go of our embrace and walks up to his easel. And then I see it, the Pearl. It just sits in the rim where the paintings are held to stop them from moving. He picks it up and I walk over smiling too. He places it in my hand, but I place my hand on top of his. He stares at me intently.

I'm crazy, maybe even insane. I dive towards his face and kiss him passionately on the lips.

Lol, cliffhanger. You're welcome

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