His eyes are his.

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Peeta's PoV:
Every time someone walks by this cold room, I pounce from my cold bed and want it to be someone I know. Haymitch or more preferably Katniss. The last time Haymitch came to see me, Katniss was still unconscious. I long for her. I long for her presence and her voice.

I miss her so much. I regret everything I did to her and I don't think I will ever forgive myself for it. I don't know how to.

Suddenly I hear someone open the door. I spring out of my bed and rush up to him.

"Is she awake?" I ask.

"Yes. And she's ok. Her neck and chest hurt her and she can't speak. But we managed to communicate via notebook and pen. The first thing she tried to ask for was you."

I'm so glad she's ok. I want to talk to her so badly, but I know that's never going to happen.

"But she's going to be ok?" I ask frantically.

"Yes, she'll be fine. The doctors say she just needs plenty of rest."

"Ok." I reply.

"Peeta, I came her to talk to you about something different though." He says. Oh no. Something to do with what happened.

"The doctors here in 12 can't decide what to do with you. They roughly know what is going on in your head, but the technology is too basic here." He says.

I think I know what's coming.

"Peeta, they want to send you somewhere to find out why your attack happened. You still have your moments but something as random and catastrophic as this is puzzling, especially so late after you returned to 12."

He pauses for a moment.

"They want to send you back to the Capitol." He says.

I close my eyes and take a few deep breaths.
Although I am terrified and nervous and scared, I am not shocked. I am not shocked I am so messed up that even professional doctors can't fix me.

"When do I go?" I ask, dreading it may be soon and permanent.

"In a few days. We need to get your transport sorted and a few things cleared out." Haymitch says.

A few days. Three words. Eight letters. One chance. One chance to see Katniss for the last time that could be anything up to 2 years. What will I do?

"Can I see her?" I ask in-patiently.

"The doctors don't know if-"

"CAN I SEE HER?" I shout. I don't care if I'm being obnoxious or rude. I want an answer.

"I'll try and arrange something, but Peeta. She can't even walk, let alone talk." Haymitch says.

"Well, I'll go to her." I say. I'll do anything. Even if it's looking at her through a steel cage.

"And how are you planning to do that?" Haymitch asks, almost mocking my previous statement.

"I don't know. But I can't give up. I can't give up on Katniss. Even if I get to see her for a second, it's better than not seeing her at all." I say. And it's true.

"Let me talk to the doctors son. See if they can allow you something." He says, patting my shoulder and heading towards the door.

"Haymitch." I say, trying to get his attention.

"Stay sober. Katniss will need you now more than ever. Because I'm gone, you'll be the only person she can turn to. Please don't say anything mean. Be a father to her. Be her friend." I say, hoping he'll accept my words and imitate them into actions.

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