Old Past, New Beginnings.

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Katniss' PoV:
Peeta looks frozen. Stunned. Surprised. Glad. Relieved. He looks at Johanna for ages until he finally glances to me smiling; beaming. He walks gladly towards Johanna and embraces her frail body in a warm hug, Johanna doing the same.
"Johanna, I can't believe it's you. It's so good so see you here! How are you?" Peeta says pulling away. She sighs. "I'm fine. But Christmas isn't Christmas without people. So that's where you too come in handy. Can I stay for Christmas?" She lifts her shoulders and arms hoping for what Peeta will definitely give her.
"Of course!" He says.

We all smile at the notion and Peeta offers to make her something to eat whilst she goes to unpack in the spare. She denies and says she ate on the train. I head upstairs with one of her two suitcases and direct her to one of the many spare rooms me and Peeta both have.

"I suppose it looks similar to your house. In fact, probably identical." I say to her.

"Yep." Johanna says as she strolls in the room. It's not too tidy to be honest. There's a layer of dust that sits in the cabinets and the bed is bare. I never bothered putting sheets on the spare beds; no one uses them.

"Obviously we didn't expect you to arrive so, all the spare rooms are a bit sparse. But, it's nothing a bit of bleach and fresh sheets can's solve." I say to her in an unusually happy mood. I am happy today; it's weird, but I'll savour it forever.

"It's fine. Give me some sheets and a cloth and you won't see me for a few hours." She says, before I interrupt. "Nonsense! Me and Peeta will do it for you. You're probably tired from travelling." I say. "Go and rest downstairs with a mug of coffee." She looks at me in denial. "Why don't we do it together? I need to talk to you about something."

"Okay." I say, trying to avoid the obvious of her wanting to talk about a matter that is clearly disturbing her or occupying that head of hers. I walk down the corridor and into the airing cupboard where all the sheets are and collect what I need. I do the same in the bathroom with cleaning products.

"Got everything. We'll start with the pillow cases." We both pick up a pillow and start on putting cases on them. "So, what did you want to talk to me about?" I ask, dying of curiosity.

"Back at home, I do nothing. I only go out to the market to get food when I need it. A few months ago at the market, I don't know how long he's been in 7 for, but this guy was running a stall selling milk from cows he had. I needed milk anyways, so I decided to buy it off him instead of Lily, the woman I usually go to." She says, all in a confused manor.

I think I know where this is going.

"I went up to him and asked for two bottles. Me being me didn't care what I said, so I asked if he's been in 7 for long and he said he hadn't, only 2 months in fact. He said his name was Eric. I introduced myself and I instantly knew he sussed my identity out."

"So, he knows that you were hijacked and you are a victor?" I ask whilst putting a pillow case onto the last pillow.

"Yeah, he knows. We started to get more and more friendly, and I'd go to see him everyday at hob even if I didn't need any food. He's got a sister but his mother died 4 years ago of pneumonia. I think he likes me, and I like him." She says in a very sure manor.

"Have you kissed?" I ask and she glares at me. "What?! I'm a married woman!" I say laughing, to which she copies.

"But have you?" I ask smiling.

"No. Nothing yet." She says.

"Yet." I pronounce clearly, smiling. Johanna grabs a pillow and whacks me playfully across the arm. We both laugh together. I haven't seen her laugh in a while.

"If he's only got a sister, why didn't you stay with him for Christmas, or better still, bring him and his sister here?" I ask curiously.

"I never asked what he was doing and he didn't either. I suppose he thinks I've got plans, but I don't want him to know that I just wallow around my house all day." She says.

"I wanted Peeta to know the same thing after the war." I say smiling. "You'll find love, I know you will Johanna." I say truthfully.

"Yeah yeah, shut up." She says smiling.

We finish tidying her room and go downstairs to help Peeta with some food as we're both hungry now. For the rest of the day, we catch up, talk about going for a long walk tomorrow and connect with on another.

Later that night, we hope Johanna a restful sleep and I apologise in advance for waking her up from my screaming. In bed, me and Peeta embrace each other.
His delicate fingers run up and down my arm as he kisses my head every now and then.
"Peeta?" I ask.
"Do you think Johanna will find love?" I ask.
"Only if she wants to. She doesn't let people into her life often, so if she wants to let someone in she likes then maybe." He says. There's logic behind his response; smart Peeta.
"I suppose." I think for a moment before considering this: "I never really let anyone new into my life, but I let myself love you. I stopped the barricade in my head and it was the best thing I've ever done in my life."

I look up at Peeta. "Peeta, you're the best thing that's happened to me." I say. He doesn't say anything, just kisses me.
"I love you." He says.
"And I love you." I respond.

Goodnight world, see you in a few hours.

Finally stopped procrastinating this chapter and finally published it!! I'll try and get another one out. I'm running out of ideas tbh and aren't that motivated to write anymore chapters but I want to finish it! Arrrr!!! Annie x

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