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Peeta's PoV:
Everyone who attended the wedding came back to mine and Katniss' house. We talked and laughed. We drank and ate. Overall the evening was lovely and it was thoughtful for everyone to be there for us, but all I could think when I looked over at my gorgeous wife, was how I just wanted to sneak her upstairs so we could embrace all night and be close to each other together. Maybe it was a selfish thought, laced with annoyance that I couldn't even get my wife and I alone. I glanced over at Katniss a few times to find her returning the same look of wanting privacy between us too. I could tell she felt the same.

As the door closes on Haymitch, I sigh hugely in front of Katniss. "It was wonderful that everyone came, but all at the same time I just wanted to be with you, alone. Is that a bad thought?" I ask. Katniss walks up to me in her white, laced dress that comes above her knees for after the ceremony. "No, it's not a bad thought. I was thinking the exact same thing." She says. She kisses me on the lips, slowly at first. But then I feel myself wanting to deepen it. Katniss understands. It's soon became passionate. She hops onto me and I carry her to the sofa, and lay her down, so I am gently hovering over her. "I love you so much." She whispers into my ear whilst nibbling it. I smile at her and reply, "I love you too for eons."

Katniss' PoV:
When Peeta kisses me again, there's that hunger that appears inside of me. A hunger that I have not yet found a way to tame. I suppose it was inevitable between Peeta and I with intimacy at its fullest. Perhaps I was too naive thinking he'd never see my body, but not only that. Peeta seeing my body in a beautiful way, not ugly, how I see it.
We still lay on the sofa, kissing. The hunger is wild inside of me. Like thousands of waves frantically swimming around each other in my stomach. "Peeta what are we doing?" I ask. "Kissing, what else?" He asks. "No, I mean what happens after this? Is it wrong to love you and want to love you more than I ever have done before in a different way?" I ask innocently. "Not at all. If you feel ready, we can do it. But I won't love you less if you don't want to do it. I will still love you with all my heart." He says. Something in my lures towards him. "I'm ready." I say. "Okay." All of a sudden I am relaxed. I can't think about anything else right now. I wouldn't want to be anywhere else right now. I'm complete transported to Peeta.

It all happens so quick. He carries me upstairs, out clothes are off, we're under the covers, our bodies close. Me trying to conceal my scars. "Katniss, stop covering your scars. They're beautiful." He says, kissing each one, so that when I look at them I'll imagine Peeta kissing me rather than torture. "But they're ugly. When I see them, I see someone who was weak, who couldn't prevent them." He sighs and kisses me on the lips gently. "I disagree completely. When I look at your scars, I see someone who endured torture, and survived it. Not someone who died from it. You're so strong. Believe it, please." He begs. I nod, trying to convince him that I believe his words. And the he goes back to kissing me, my neck, my collarbone. His hand grazes my breast.
He's never touched me there.
I don't know if he knows what he's doing, but he's doing a good job of pretending. I kiss him back, equaling the amount of love he's shown to me. He's so beautiful. It's tangible the amount of love between us. Something Peeta needs. I release my lips from his body.
"Are you ready?" He asks. I nod my head. In that split second before his touch every nerve in my body and brain is electrified. It's the anticipation of being together in a way that's more than words, in a way that's so completely tangible.

Then, we become one. Like two pieces in puzzle, meaning to connect. Perfect when they touch. I don't get all the fuss and hassle about it to be honest. At first I can't quite grasp a comfortable position. I wince slightly at the pain in such a foreign place and Peeta shows immediate concern. "Katniss? Are you in pain?"
"It's supposed to hurt a little at first, right?" All Peeta can do is nod. And then it hits me. The satisfaction. My hunger: tamed. The butterflies cocooning in my stomach: they can finally fly. My wings that have been hidden for as long as I can remember: they suddenly flap. Nothing has ever felt quite so amazing.

In the twilight room, our fingers caress each other's skin as if afraid a heavier touch will break the heady magic. We become one, one mind with one goal and purpose, each utterly drunk with love for the other. Making love is not dirty. It is not wrong. It is not something to be ashamed of. It is lust in its most pleasant and kindest way. It is beautiful.


We lay next to each other, holding one another. My naked body against Peeta's. His free hand that isn't tangled around my waist travels up and down my back. It feels like he's drawing circles. "Draw on my back." I say. "Draw something and I'll try to guess what it is." He laughs slightly. "Why?" Peeta asks me, like I'm crazy. "Because I want to imagine what you're thinking in that marvellous brain of yours." He shakes his head and laughs at me. "Okay."

His finger traces circles and I can't make it out very quickly. My mind tries to paint what he's painting. A smooth line, a straight line, another straight line and then a smooth line. I sit up to look at him. "A loveheart?" I ask, cringing slightly. "Yes." He says, smiling and laughing at his drawing. "You're so goofy. But I love you for it." I say. I kiss him passionately and then settle back down.

"I love you. And words can't comprehend it."


I hope this wasn't too smutty. I wanted it to be true but also show sex in a different aspect vs what most people would see it as. Lol, currently cringing at my own words 😑, bye

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