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2 and a half years later.
Katniss' Pov:
A couple of years go by. Life gains some more normality for me and Peeta and the rest of the world too. We confide in each other. I'm happy, hurting and healing at the same time. Don't ask me how I'm doing it because I don't know, but I'm doing it. I soldier through the bad days with the comfort of Peeta. I endure the happy ones with him. He's my bow. He's my protector. He's my centre when I spin away. You fight some of the bad days to earn the best days of your life. Some days, when I'm awfully low, when the world is cold, I feel a glow just thinking of Peeta and the way he looks all the time. He's begun working in the newly-built bakery again. It's not too affluent as it used to be, but with some icing and a biscuit, Peeta can soon create something magical. 

Haymitch has given up the notion of sobriety. After all these treacherous years, Peeta is my comfort and I understand that alcohol is Haymitch's too. But just to make sure that he hasn't caved in, we check on him everyday. He's decided to choose life, not death, but is always reminding us, especially me, 'whatever you do, don't run back to what broke you.' It's rich coming from Haymitch as alcohol broke him into a world of sadness, but he cares about the two of us. He doesn't want us to become him, which is understandable. 

Today me and Peeta stroll through the meadow, hand in hand. His hand fits in mine like it was meant to be. We talk about things, as anyone does. What he's seen on the television or what life is like at the bakery. And then as we near the end of the meadow, he stops. He kneels down on one knee, struggling slightly with his prosthetic and presents my pearl. But it's not alone. It's surrounded by gold and is met in the centre of a silver band, just like it's been engraved. The band, through realisation, becomes clear to me. It's a ring. My hand slaps over my mouth, as I feel tears swelling in my eyes.

"Katniss Everdeen, the girl to my heart, will you do the honour of marrying me?" Asks Peeta. "Yes!" I exclaim. He gleams with joy and stands up to slide the ring on my finger. All I can do is kiss him slowly and lovingly on his lips. When I kiss him, I think, 

I will love Peeta as long as the sun burns in the sky, as long as the moon shines its light into dark nights, until the raging blue oceans become calm and run dry. I will love you until the end of time and even longer. 

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