I do.

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Katniss' PoV:
When we wait outside the Justice Building, my hands tremble. The amount of times that I've been the centre of attention in a crowd up to thousands and haven't felt nervous is uncountable, yet now, I'm more nervous than ever and there will only be at the most 100 people in the room. But the difference between then and now is that, when I spoke to the rebels or in the district 8 hospital, they were behind me. They were leading the rebellion too. But now, all eyes will be on me, and I won't have anyone to follow me. But when I come back down the aisle, I'll have Peeta to lean on.

I realise as we stand and wait, that I am not the only one jittering with nerves. "I bet you wish you had a flask now." I say jokingly. I see Haymitch snicker a little, but then he takes an unexpected pause. I look up to meet his eyes, and he just shakes his head. "No...not now. Not today. Some days deserve to be remembered." I feel the edges of my lips turn into a smile and he offers up his arm to me. "Shall we?" He asks. I link my arm with his. "Any last advice?" I say. The old question sends shivers down my spine. "Yeah," he laughs. "Don't mess up the kiss." And the doors open.

I begin a steady walk.

Amongst the rows of people lie intimate faces. Old friends of the hob, school, and family. Every face familiar to me.
In the crowd,
My mother. Tired, quiet, slightly feeble, tranquil.
Gale. Indifferent, mutual, satisfied. His eyes still possess the colourings of a cloudy day.
Annie with her son, Finn. Happy, unworried, powerfully jovial, selfless.
Then behind them, Plutarch, Effie, Johanna, Cressida, Pollux, Beetee. My friends.

It feels right with Haymitch by my side. Although no one could replace my father, Haymitch filled a gap for my father that only he could. The dress I wear is simply beautiful, thanks to Effie. It's nothing like my original wedding dress on the night of the interviews, but the person who wore that dress was not me. This is me. Elegant, graceful, gorgeous. A curved neckline with silk fabric just touching the floor, with lace fabric sleeves. To accentuate the simpleness, I model a veil with intricate woven flower designs.

Peeta smiles pleasurably from the end of the room. I keep on walking, being tempted to look at Gale. I wonder how he sees me now. I'm not sure what his interpretation of this is. Angry? Happy? Disappointed? Disappointed that it's not him?

Haymitch lets me go. I'm walking on my own now. Only a few more feet until Peeta. And then I reach him. He looks incredibly handsome. A light gray suit with a primrose clipped onto his lapel. He looks sweet and almost innocent in a way. Not to manly, but he looks mature. His lips are turned brightly into a smile. I love his smile. His eyes are a bright blue today. Some days they're quite dark, like the sky during a sunset, but today they're as clear as a lake.

Peeta must notice my nerves. "You okay?" He whispers as I stand opposite him. I nod my head, sheepishly. "You look beautiful." He says, in astonishment. "You don't look to bad yourself." I say, smiling. He mirrors my emotion.

The vicar announces the ceremony, all the meantime, I'm thinking about Peeta. I'm in a trance until the vicar pronounces the word 'vow'. Peeta looks at me and I look at him. We don't know who goes first, so I gesture my hand to him. From his suit pocket, he unravels a piece of paper, with his fine handwriting on. Before reading, he takes a deep breath, imitating my actions when I read mine a few moments after.

"Katniss," he begins. "I promise, you will never feel alone. That I will stay with you by dark nights and walk with you by day. Always.
I promise to share all that I have with you and to give even when it hurts. I promise to put your needs above my own. To protect you.
I will keep alive the memories of those you have loved before me. Honouring your love for them, as you have honoured me with your love.
When times are rough, I will fight side-by-side with you. And when they are peaceful, I will give thanks for every moment spent by your side.
I promise to enjoy every sunrise as it pains the day fresh of the possibilities of our life together. You are my orange crayon, the one I never have enough off. The one I use to colour my sky. You are my entire being. You are my happy ending. I love you infinite times over, Katniss.

I stand there speechless. Trying not to cry and ruin the makeup Effie had applied was so difficult. I take a deep breath and draw back the tears, whilst opening my piece of paper up. Peeta smiles at me and touches my arm gently saying, "you got this." I nod hastily and begin.

"Some days I feel fine. Like the games never happened. And as naive as it sounds, like the war never happened. The deaths of our loved ones seem like they never happened. And then," I sigh "some days everything that has got us here never leaves my conscience and doesn't even when I close my eyes because that reality just gets sucked into a wretched nightmare. It's a vicious cycle that I feel never ends, but there's one thing that gives me some good days out of those bad days.


You, Peeta Mellark, are the reason I wake up in the morning. You are my whole life. You're my favourite place to go when my mind searches for peace. I look over at you and see sunshine. Even though the bad days seems impossible to escape, I will stick by you through everything, in sickness and in health.
Everything is better with you. Everything has been better since you. Infinite times over, I love you Peeta."

Peeta isn't one to cry, but right now at this moment, he couldn't seem to help the tears flow from his blue orbs. I touched his arm. "You ok?" I whisper, laughing slightly. He nods, whipping away his few stray tears.

This is it.

"Katniss Everdeen, do you take Peeta Mellark to be your lawfully wedded husband?"
"I do." I say, immediately turning to face Peeta.
"And do you, Peeta Mellark, take Katniss Everdeen to be your lawfully wedded wife?"
"I do." He says, blissfully satisfied.
"You may kiss the bride."

Peeta leans in and gives a slow and benevolent kiss, knowing that it can't be too loving because everyone is watching us. The crowd claps and awes in congratulations for us both. And with that, I'm now Katniss Mellark.
Peeta's husband. Nothing has ever felt so perfect.

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