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Peeta's PoV:
A few weeks go by until the sun reaches the morning of the 25th. With Katniss still asleep in bed, I creep downstairs to make some coffee. To some surprise, Johanna isn't out of bed yet. She's usually down first at 7:00 each morning. I use this to my advantage and go and collect all my presents to set them under the tree. Me and Katniss usually open them with Haymitch, but with Johanna around I'm not sure. With either of them not down yet, I decide to make cheese buns.
Let's start the day off good.

After placing them all in the oven, at the most convenient time, Katniss comes down the stairs. I smile proudly at her, to which she reciprocates the action. "Merry Christmas my love." I say, kissing her cheek as she approaches me. "Merry Christmas Peeta." She says. "Is Johanna not down yet?" She asks me. "Not yet. I made some cheese buns for you." I respond, smiling and proud. Katniss smiles back, happy that I've baked her favourite thing.

"When's Haymitch coming around?" She asks. Sighing, I respond. "He won't be up till noon, so probably 1 or 2, but we could always wake him up." Katniss says, on the brink of laughter. "I'd rather not wake him up; in fact it's the last thing I'd want to do." I say truthfully.

"So, what did Santa bring for Christmas?" She asks, jokingly. "Not much but all nice things." I reply. Katniss walks over to the lit tree where she sees her presents from me. "I'll go and get mine." She says, running upstairs like a little child.

When she comes down, a bag packed to the brim with presents accompanies her. Smiling, she walks over to the tree and lays them out. "We'll wait for Johanna to come down. But first, come here." She says, standing near the fireplace with something behind her back. I walk over, smiling mischievously, curious at what she's holding. She brings her arm round and reveals mistletoe. "Wouldn't want to be superstitious would we?" She says. I can't help but to laugh and then to plant a long and loving kiss on her lips.

"I'm lucky to have you Peeta." Katniss says with envy in her eyes. I lightly chuckle and hear noise being created from the old staircase in the house. Johanna comes down in her tank top and some loose leggings with a smile and rolled eyes on her face. "If i had food in my stomach, I would throw up at what you two say to each other." We both laugh at her.

"So, Merry Christmas." She says un- enthusiastically. "What does one really do at Christmas anyway?" She says in her best attempt at a Capitol accent.

"You eat turkey and drink beer and open presents, or I hope that's what you do." Peeta says putting his arm around my waist. "After my family died, Christmas was hard for me. It was another ordinary day but then again, such a miserable day because I am reminded of my loneliness...wow, how to dampen the mood." She says surprised at herself. "Well done Johanna." She mutters under her breath. I walk over, a bit stiff on my prosthetic and touch her shoulder. "You don't need to be lonely today." I say, to which she smiles and touches my hand. 

"Let's not be sad today. Come on, let us open presents." I say. "Good idea." Katniss says.


After opening presents, showering, getting dressed and preparing the lunch, Haymitch comes in through the front door looking a little more tidy than his usual self, carrying a plastic bag. "Wow." I say in imperceptible shock. "Well done, you actually bothered today." I say to him. He rolls his eyes and walks over towards Katniss. "Merry Christmas sweetheart." He says kissing her cheek. She responds and gives him a hug in return. "Am i still young enough to be called sweetheart?" She says to everyone. "I don't know." I say laughing. "But i like it."

"Merry Christmas Peeta." He says shaking my hand. I do the same.
After that, Haymitch gives us presents to open and we offer him a drink to which he accepts. "Cheers." He says, holding his drink up. "Cheers" me, Katniss and Johanna say.

We give Haymitch his presents and he gives me and Peeta ours as he obviously didn't know Johanna would be here for Christmas. At the end of the night, after stuffing our faces with turkey, watching Plutarch on TV and having a few pints of beer in our system, Peeta suggested I sing. I don't usually, in fact I hardly ever do sing anymore. I forget how calming it is. The sound of a smooth but gentle tone takes my mind away from everything else.

"What should I sing?" I say rising from my seat with a pint in my hand and standing in-front of the fireplace. My audience is hardly enthusiastic, as they are sprawled out on the sofas. "Whatever sweetheart. Haven't heard you sing in a while. It'd be nice." Haymitch says with a smile and beer clutched to his palm.
I take a deep breath.
" In the bleak midwinter, frosty wind made moan. Earth stood hard as iron,
Water like a stone,
Snow had fallen, Snow on snow on snow
In the bleak midwinter, Long, long ago
Angels and Arc Angels, May have traveled there,
Cherubim and Seraphim, Thronged the air,
But only his Mother, In her maiden bliss,
Worshiped the beloved, With a kiss,
What can I give him? Poor as I am,
If I were a shepherd, I would give a lamb,
If I were a wise man, I would do my part"

With this last part, I focus my eyes directly to Peeta, whom now leans forward, arms on his legs, staring so deeply, you'd think he could see my soul.

"But what I can I give him
Give him my heart."

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