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Peeta's Pov:
Today was Christmas Day. Me and Peeta thought about inviting everyone over, but decided against it. My mother would be quiet and awkward. Annie would have Finn with her which would mean entertaining a 1 and a half year old, which I don't have the will power to do. All the others would be busy with their friends, so it was just me, Peeta and Haymitch. I liked it this way. I could be myself around them. Haymitch nearly fainted when we at last told him me and Peeta were together. Throughout the day, Peeta baked, Haymitch drank and we let him. I sang and they listened. It was peaceful. At around 8, Haymitch went home and me and Peeta were finishing washing the dishes from dinner. 

"Did you enjoy today?" Peeta asks me. I look at him and smile. "Yes. Very much." I reply. "Thank you for everything you got me." I say. Peeta gave me a new, polished and varnished bow with new arrows, a beautiful necklace that was shaped like an oyster which reminded me from the one he opened in the second games and finally, another painting of Prim with Lady. They were all beautiful. I gave Peeta some decorating things I had shipped in from the Capitol as well as some new paint supplies. Of course, we gave Haymitch some new liquor from the Capitol to try. 

"I haven't given you all of your presents yet." He says. I furrow my brows at him in confusion and smile. He wipes his hands on the cloth and takes me by my left hand. "Where are we going?" I ask, laughing slightly. He stays silent until we reach the study. He lets go of my hand and I stand there in complete confusion. He walks over to the desk I never go in, and brings out the same royal-red book I landed on when I was looking for my pearl. I pretend to be naïve about it and act as if I've never seen this book before. He walks over and places it into my hands. 

When I open it, I see the same words: 'to those we loved'. On the first page I am mesmerized by Peeta's fine work. Low and behold is a picture of Prim and below is her name and everything he knew about her that I told him. On the spine of the book, lays a late primrose. This continues over the book as I begin to see all the familiar faces of my haunting past. My father, Finnick, Cinna, Rue, Boggs, Peeta's family and everyone we ever cared about. I can't help but to shed a few tears in happiness and sadness from the sight of these people. The next few pages I can't quite put my finger on where I've seen their faces. Peeta recognises my confusion and frustration. "Haymitch wanted to add the tributes he mentored." He says. My brain clicks and flashes back to when we watched the repeats of past games with their faces in them. "Peeta," I begin, "it's so beautiful. I love it. I love it because everyday I can look at this book and see the faces of people that I loved. It's the best present ever." I breathe out. "You're welcome. I thought you'd like it." He says. 

I love him.

In return, I offer him a long and devoted kiss, to which he instantly connects to. And the whole time I kiss him, I'm thinking, I love him. I love him.

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