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Sorry for taking a longish time to update. I just didn't feel like writing last night.

I'm pretty sure I'm paler than Michael.


I feel his soft lips on mine for a mere second before he jerks away, stumbling back a few steps.

We stare at each other with wide eyes, both of us shocked at what I'd just done.

Before I can apologize, Luke walks over to me and slides an arm around my waist, then brings his lips to mine. Once my mind processes what's happening, I move my lips a bit, trying to do what I'd learned from books. Luke's lips stay completely still, so I mumble, my lips still against his, "You have to move your lips."

"Oh, okay," he says, then slowly starts to move his lips against mine.

I try not to smile at the amazing feeling, but I don't succeed, and my teeth knock against his.

"Sorry!" I say, pulling away.

He just shakes his head and kisses me again, his lips moving rougher than a moment ago.

I hesitantly loop my arms around his neck, then gently run my tongue over his bottom lip, loving how his lip ring feels.

He pulls away, and I can see that he's grimacing. "Are we supposed to use our tongues like that?"

"Yeah," I say. "You just, uh, sort of rub them together, I think."

"That sounds gross."

I nod.

"Maybe we should just stay with lips until next time," he says.

I can't help the smile that spreads across my face. "Next time?"

"Yeah, next time."

I grab his face with both of my hands and pull him down so I can kiss him again. He immediately kisses back, both of us somewhat knowing what to do now. For a while we just stand there, in my kitchen, kissing.

"Your shirt," I say against his lips. "I should go check on it."

As I move away from him, he follows me, trying to reattach our lips, and I giggle and smack his chest.

"You've gone your whole life without kissing," I say as I head to the laundry room.

"Which is why I need to kiss you!" he says, his voice coming from the kitchen.

I see that his shirt is done washing, so I put it in the dryer with a dryer sheet, then set it to the right settings before starting it.

"Your shirt is in the dryer," I say as I enter the kitchen.

Luke is sitting on the island, swinging his legs back and forth.

"Can we kiss now?" he asks eagerly.

The thing is, people here do have sex, but from what I know, they don't kiss. And that sort of worries me. What could be so bad about kissing?

"I think we should just rest for a while," I say. Luke frowns and I roll my eyes. "Okay, fine." I grab his shirt and pull him down to me. We're in an awkward position, since he's still sitting on the island. I'm standing in between his legs, and he's even taller than me now since the island is pretty high up.

"This isn't working," he says, pulling his lips from mine. He grabs my shoulders and gently pushes me back a little bit, then he slides off of the island and loops his arms around my waist.

I hug him, my cheek pressed against his chest, and he seems startled by the action, because for a moment, he doesn't do anything. But, then he starts to hug me back, and we just stand like that. I'm not sure how long we hug, but when we finally pull away from each other, our lips connect again.

It's like now that we've touched each other, we can't get enough of each other.

I pull away, breathless. "Sorry," I say when I see the hurt look in his eyes. "I just need to take a breath."

I can see he's breathing heavily, too. "Yeah. Me, too." He leans against the island and sighs. "Should we talk to Calum about this?"


"Well, he's touched girls, so maybe he knows how to do stuff."

"Yeah, um, I'm not ready to go that far with you."

His eyes widen and his cheeks turn a faint red. "I didn't mean that kind of touching! I meant, like, kissing."

"Calum has kissed girls?"

"Yeah. His girlfriends used to brag to Michael, Calum, and I about how great of a kisser he was. They never really said anything besides how amazing he was and how soft his lips were. The boys and I were glad, because we didn't want them to go into detail. The girls knew their boundaries."

"So, you want to go see him?"

"Yeah. Maybe he can give us some help. As long as he doesn't try demonstrating on either of us."

I laugh and say, "Okay. Do you think they're back at the warehouse by now?"

"Probably." His eyes fill with guilt. "I'm sorry about what I did. I shouldn't have lifted you out of the water while my shirt wasn't really covering you."

"Yeah, that was a mean thing to do." We're both still wearing one glove each, and I take his glove covered hand in my glove covered hand and lead him towards my front door. "But, it led to us touching and kissing, so I'm not really that mad. Put your glove back on."

He takes his glove out of the waistband of the boxers he's still wearing and puts it on.

"Ew," I say, scrunching up my nose.

He rolls his eyes. "I had to put it somewhere, and I don't have my pants on. Where are my pants?"

"Oh, right. I'll go get them." I had put the clothes on my bed when I'd changed into my tank top and boy shorts, and I run upstairs and grab his pants. When I get downstairs I hand them to him, then put my glove back on.

He eventually gets the pants on, then asks, "Are you wearing boy shorts out in public?"

"Yeah," I say. "Let's go."


The warehouse is empty when we get to it, so we settle down on one of the couches, our bodies pressed together.

"We'll be in so much trouble if we get caught," I say.

"Then we won't get caught."

I smile at Luke, looking into his beautiful blue eyes. "Do you think the boys will be okay with us?"

"Yeah. Ashton and Michael are used to hanging out with Cal's girls. Not here, of course. Like, at the movies or something. They're used to it."

"But thy were out in public, so they couldn't really do much."

"I'm sure they'll be fine with us. Are you fine with us?"

"Of course. Why would you even think I wasn't?"

"Well, because you're talking about getting caught, and you're nervous about my friends accepting us."

"I'm sorry. I always think of the worst things the can happen in situations. I don't know why."

"We're going to be fine." He presses a gentle kiss to my lips.

"What did I miss?" I hear Calum ask.


I need a good band to listen to. Can anyone recommend any bands?

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