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The picture on the side/top is the flannel shirt Xyla is letting Luke wear.

Michael was in a commercial, guys.

I laughed so hard when I saw the commercial, because he lost his passport and was stuck in the U.S., and then he was in a commercial.

That's just... I'm sorry, it's just... it's funny.

I have, like, no facts right now. I, uh, can crack my neck, and people either think it's cool or really disgusting because when I crack it it cracks a lot. People think I'm going to twist my head off or something.


I immediately push Luke away from me, then blush at the sudden action.

We had been kissing when I'd heard Calum, and I got scared for a second, causing me to push Luke.

"Sorry," I say sheepishly. Luke is pouting, so I crawl the short distance to him and snuggle into his side. He's still pouting, so I quickly peck his lips, causing him to smile.

"Okay, seriously," Calum says. "What the fuck happened?"

"Uh, well, I touched Xyla," Luke says. "On her arm. Not, like, a place where you would touch a girl. And then she touched me."

"On his arm," I say. "And then we kissed."

"You've known each other for three days, and you've already kissed?!" Calum asks, his eyes wide.

"Who's kissed?!" I hear Michael ask, and him and Ashton come rushing inside the warehouse, Ashton with his backpack on one shoulder and Michael with some towels in his arms.

When the two see Luke and I cuddled up on the couch, Ashton says, "Well, this is just great. Now we have to deal with them being all touchy." He had said it in a joking tone, but it still makes me frown. He notices the look on my face and walks over to me, plopping down beside me on the couch. "I was kidding. I think it's cool that you guys are together."

"Come with me, you two," Calum says, walking towards his section of the warehouse.

I stand up, and so does Ashton.

"Not you," I say, looking at him and giggling. "Luke."

"Oh, right," Ashton says, blushing and sitting back down.

Luke stands up and loosely locks his fingers with mine, then we walk towards where Calum went.

When we get to Calum's section, we see that he's sitting on his bed, staring at the ground.

"So, what are we supposed to do?" Luke asks, causing Calum to look up.

Once we get to the bed, he hops off of it and says, "I might have to do some stuff that you guys might not really like."

"Like what?" I ask.

"Well, I'm going to have to touch you. We'll keep our gloves on, obviously, and I'm not going to touch you anywhere you don't want me to, but we most likely will be touching."

"That isn't that bad."

"Also, we might have to kiss."

My eyes widen, and Luke says, "Calum!"

"You guys have to learn somehow!"

"How could either of us learn anything from that?"

"She could become a better kisser, and you could see where to put your hands and stuff."

Luke groans and rubs a hand over his face. "Xyla?"

"Yeah?" I ask, trying to process everything that's being said.

"How do you feel about this?"

"Well, I mean, I guess I'm okay with it, as long as you are."

He looks between Calum and I, then sighs. "Fine. But this idea sucks."

Calum laughs. "Are you sure you're okay with this?" he asks me, suddenly growing serious.

"Yeah," I say.

"If you feel uncomfortable in any way, just squeeze my arm, okay?"


Luke let's go of my hand and steps back from me, and Calum takes the few steps needed to reach me from where he'd been standing.

"So, first, do this." He takes my right hand in his left one and guides it to the nape of his neck. "Put your other hand there, too." Once both of my hands are at the nape of his neck, he places his on my hips and glances at Luke. "Luke, pay attention to what I'm doing."

"Okay," Luke says.

"Okay, Xyla, sometimes guys like it when girls pull on their hair, so for right now, you can leave your hands where they are, but later you should probably, like, fist your hands in my hair and tug at it."

I nod in understanding.

"What kind of kissing have you guys done?"

"Just closed mouthed. I tried using my tongue, but Luke didn't want to use tongue, so we haven't really."

"The tongue is the best part. You guys are lame. I won't pressure you or anything, but whenever you're ready for tongue, just open your mouth. Are you ready?"

I take a deep breath and say, "Yes."

And then his lips are on mine.


I was going to make this chapter longer, but then LIVESOS finaly came out and I was listening to it and trying to write this, but I only got a little bit of it written because I kept stopping so I could focus on listening to the music.

I have no one to fangirl over 5sos with and it makes me sad because I want to talk to somebody about LIVESOS. If anyone wants to talk about anything about 5sos just message me, I love talking about them.

I always update early in the morning idk why.

It's almost 1:00 A.M. right now.

I still think it's funny that Michael was in that commercial.

In chapter eight I messed something up. I said that Xyla left the door open for Luke like she'd done the first day they met, which was three days ago. But it was actually two days ago. I fixed it, don't worry. Don't panic, guys.

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