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It isn't quite 2015 where I live, but happy new year!

I hate when people use the wrong spelling of 'your'. Like, if someone is writing something and they write, "Your so pretty!" it makes me so mad. It's, "You're so pretty!"

People need to learn how to spell.


[Nyx's POV]

"I can't find the book," Ashton says, and I stop reading to look at him. I've been reading him The Fault in Our Stars for a while now, and I've been curled up on one side of the couch that's in my library, while Ashton has been on the other side, facing me with his back against the armrest and his knees to his chest. He'd kicked his boots off before he'd put his feet on my couch, thankfully, and he's wearing adorable Batman socks. He's looking at something on his phone, and I honestly feel kind of hurt that he was looking at his phone instead of listening to me. I sound kind of bitchy and needy, but he wanted me to read to him, and now he's not even paying attention.

"What book?" I ask.

"An Imperial Affliction. I can't find it."

I snort and shake my head. "It isn't a real book. John Green made it up." I close the book and stand up.

"Where are you going?" he asks, his eyebrows knitting together in confusion.

"I don't know. But you're on your phone, so I'm going to go find something to do."

"I was listening to you, I just wanted to find the book. Keep reading, I want to know what happens between Hazel and Augustus." He wiggles his eyebrows suggestively.

I smile and sit back down. "There was a movie made about this book," I say, opening the book again. "It's hard to believe that people used to be able to touch, and that they didn't have to wear gloves all the time."

Ashton nods and plays with one of the many bracelets on his wrist. "My friends just ignore the law and do what they want. Calum, the guy with the black hair, has dated three girls, and the other day he touched one. Like, touched."


"Yeah. It's his thing. It's like he has to touch girls, or he isn't satisfied."

"Have you - have you ever touched a girl? I don't mean sexually or anything, just, like, have you ever touched one?"

"No," he says. "It's not that I wouldn't, I just haven't found a girl I'd like to touch. What about you?"

"Before I saw you guys in the warehouse, I never even considered wanting to touch someone. I thought it would be disgusting to even run my fingers through someone's hair. I wouldn't even be touching their skin, that's how bad I thought touching was."

"But now?" he prods.

I shrug and look down at the book, my eyes scanning over a few words, but my mind doesn't process them; it's too cluttered with thoughts of Ashton and touching.

"If I found the right guy, I think I wouldn't mind touching him."

Neither of us say anything for a few seconds, then Ashton says, "You're not wearing your gloves."

I close the book but keep my eyes focused on it, studying everything on the cover of the it.

"I took them off before you came, because, like I said, I was going to read, and I just like feeling the pages under my fingertips."

"I've never held a book without my gloves on. I don't read unless I have to, so I don't own any books."

"It's just paper. Haven't you touched paper without your gloves on?"

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