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The picture at the side/top doesn't relate to this chapter at all, but no one should have a reason to show others pictures of Luke.

He was so cute, all dressed up.

Only hemmogermary tried to guess my age, but she (he?) didn't guess right. I am a teenager, so she (he?) was close to figuring out my age. But, I should have specified, you can only guess once per chapter. It doesn't really matter though, because I don't think really any of you guys will try to guess, since only one of you did last chapter.

The rest of you guys made me sad. Like, jeez. I just wanted to know how old my writing makes me seem to you.

I love Rick Riordan's Percy Jackson series, and his Lost Hero series.


I quickly untangle my hands from Luke's and stand up.

"This is where you go?" Nyx asks, looking at the four boys occupying the two couches.

"Nyx, what are you doing here?" I ask.

She shrugs. "These past few days I've seen you driving off with him after school." She gestures to Luke. "So, today I followed you. I just wanted to see where you go."

"How did you follow us? We drove here."

"I have a car, Xyla. You know that. I sort of followed you guys like a stalker in my car when you were walking, and then I just followed you guys all the way here."


"You're my best friend, and I just wanted to know where you've been going."

"You could have just asked me."

"You probably wouldn't have told me the truth."

I sigh and shake my head. "Nyx, you can't just barge in here. This isn't a place for just anyone."

"Oh, but it's a place for you?"

"Not really. The boys are just nice enough to let me hang out with them."

I glance at Ashton and Michael, who keep looking between Nyx and I with worried looks on their faces.

"You, just... fuck," I say. "You can't just come in here and act like you deserve answers to whatever questions you have!"

"But I do deserve answers!"

"No, you don't!"

"Please, just answer one question."

I brush some hair away from my face. "Fine."

"Were you holding hands with the blond guy a couple minutes ago?"

I turn to Luke and bite my lip.

He stands up and walks over to Nyx, his jaw set in a hard line.

"Does it matter?" he asks.

"Well, yeah," she says, craning her neck a bit to see him. "People can't touch."

"They can if they have their gloves on."

"I don't see a glare on your hands, so you aren't wearing your gloves."

He clenches and unclenches his jaw, making a small muscle pop out in his jaw, and it looks really hot.

"Look, I don't know who you think you are-" he starts.

"I'm Xyla's best friend, bitch."

"Okay," Calum says, and I look back at him to see him rising from the couch. He walks past me and to Nyx and Luke. "You are not allowed to just come in here and insult my friend. I don't care who you are, and my friends don't care who you are, except for Xyla. She probably cares. Anyway, you need to go, and never come back, okay?"

Nyx looks at me helplessly. "Xyla!" she says.

"Oh, fuck this," I say, walking over to the three of them. "Calum, lay off. Nyx, stop whining." I lace my fingers with Luke's and lean my head against his arm.

Nyx's eyes widen. "Neither of you have your gloves on, do you?"

Calum groans and says, "Sit down." He turns towards Ashton and Michael, who are still sitting on their couch. "Michael, get up."

"Why?" he asks, pouting.

"So Xyla's friend can sit there."

"But, there's plenty of room on this couch. I don't need to move."

"You can sit with me."

Michael's eyes light up. "Okay."

He stands from the couch and walks over to Calum's couch before plopping down on it.

"Sit," Calum says, pointing to where Ashton is sitting. Nyx scowls and sits down.

"Why are you guys touching?" Nyx asks, looking at me.

"We like to," I reply simply.

"It's against the rules."

"Please, Nyx, try to understand."

"Understand what?"

"That touching isn't a bad thing. It's just... different. But, I don't really expect you to understand. You're probably really confused."

She sighs. "I really don't understand. But, I won't grate you on it. I respect your decisions. You have your reasons for doing what you do."

I breathe a sigh of relief. "Thank you, Nyx."

"Just, be careful, okay? I don't want you getting caught."

"We won't."


I truly am sorry for the short chapters.

I was going to make this chapter longer, but I'm pretty sure I have the flu, so it's hard for me to write.

My head is pounding, my lungs and throat are burning, I keep getting chills, then heat flashes, I'm dizzy, every time I try to stand up, I'll almost fall over, and sometimes if I try to close my eyes, they'll start burning, and then they'll water so it looks like I'm crying but I'm not, really.

It wasn't that bad when I first went to school, but around fifth period, I started getting flu symptoms, and by sixth period I had a fever. My forehead was burning hot.

But I had a test in seventh period, so I couldn't leave. I'm pretty sure I failed that test, since I couldn't focus, and I suck at math anyway.

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