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Because of your comments on the last chapter, I tried not to scratch my skin today, but I caved in I think sixth period. But I didn't do many scratches, and I didn't press my pencil into my skin very hard. Thanks for your comments about my harming myself problem, they really mean a lot to me.

I'll attach pictures of myself to the epilogue so you guys can see what I look like.


[Calum's POV]

Michael and I are both snuggled up on his couch, and I feel like Ashton should be here so I can boast about how I get to cuddle with Mikey and he doesn't.

I called Ashton about half an hour ago, but he didn't pick up.

"What do you want to watch?" Michael asks. His head is on my chest, and my arms are wrapped around his waist while he sits on my lap.

"Video Game High School!" I say as I see Michael scrolling through Netflix and passing up the awesome show. "Michael, go back! I want to watch it!"

"Okay! Jesus, give me a few seconds."

"Jesus gave us time, then he flooded the earth because we were bad people."

"What?" he looks up at me, his finger lifting off of the back button on the TV remote.

"You said, 'Jesus, give me a few seconds' and I told you that Jesus gave us time but we were bad people."

He rolls his eyes and focuses back on the TV. "You're so weird."

"Talking about Jesus isn't weird. Now hit play."

He does, and the first episode of Video Game High School starts.

"Have you ever seen this show?" I ask.


"Have you ever heard of it?"


"You're a fucking gamer, Michael. You should have at least heard of it."

"It's about video games?" he asks, sitting up a bit.


He squeals in happiness, and I smile at his adorableness and kiss his cheek.

We watch the show in silence for a while, but after the third episode, Michael pauses the show and asks, "Isn't it weird how we got together two days ago?"

"Um, I guess?"

"Like, we haven't been together for long at all, but I really like you, and I didn't even know I did until you kissed me. I just feel like I shouldn't like you as much as I do."

"I'm just too irresistible." I smile cheekily and he laughs. "But now I feel like you don't want to like me." I playfully shove him away from me, and he pouts.

"I just don't think I should like you this much. I'm not complaining, I just think it's weird."

I shrug. "I like you a lot, too."

"How long have you liked me?"

I won't meet his eyes as I say, "A while. I, uh, did stuff with a guy a few months ago. I was experimenting, and I figured out that I liked guys, and then I realized that I liked you."

Michael sits up so he's facing me, but he's still on my lap so his face is only a few inches from mine.

"What stuff did you do?" he asks.

"We just touched each other. I didn't want to go too far with him."

Michael nods, and I can see the hurt in his eyes.

"I like you," I say softly, kissing his cute nose. "Not him. And whenever you're ready, I'll be up to do things." I wiggle my eyebrows suggestively, making Michael burst out laughing.

But his laugh is quickly cut off when the warehouse door is knocked down, and two Guards come storming into the warehouse.

Before I can do anything, one of them has Michael in handcuffs, and one of them has me in a pair. They roughly jerk us outside and into the back of a car.

I'd been too shocked to fight, but now my energy returns to me and I lunge toward where the driver is, but a man in the passenger seat punches my jaw before I can get close to him.

I groan and fall back, Michael gasping and trying to help me.

"Don't touch!" the guy who punched me says. "It's bad enough that you two touch, but the fact that you touch each other is just horrendous." He shakes his head and sighs, and I spit blood at him, making it spatter on his nice suit.

His eyes widen and he turns in his seat, but the driver says, "They need to stay alive. You know what will happen if they die."

The man glares at me for a few seconds, and I glare back, but he soon huffs and turns back around in his seat as the car starts and the driver follows another car that's probably occupied by the Guards who captured us, since they're not in this car.

"Yeah, I know," the man grumbles.

"What will happen to us?" Michael asks, his voice loud and strong, as if he isn't scared at all.

"You'll find out, soon enough."

"Where are you taking us?" I ask.

"A member of the Council would like to speak with you. Don't worry, you won't be killed."

Michael let's out a small sigh of relief, which the man in the passenger seat must have heard, because he says, "You know, there are some thing worse than death."

"Fuck you," I say, my hands trembling from the urge to punch him.

The rest of the drive is silent, Michael and I sharing small stares, and my brain is filled with thoughts of what could possibly happen to us when we reach our destination.


Does anyone besides me go to bed between two and four in the morning on school nights?

I end up being more awake when I get less sleep. It's more like taking a nap than sleeping, so my body never really gets time to rest, but it's fine because I think I get enough sleep. It isn't a good amount of sleep, but it's enough to get by on.

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