Private Training Sessions

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The day before the games was private training sessions, all twenty four tributes filed into a waiting room that branched off from the training room. One by one, the tributes went into the training room, starting off with Jase. Jase only used a knife, but yet he still managed to impress the game makers. Maya did better, using her crossbow to shoot moving targets. Byron did about the same as Jase, neither of the male careers used a sword or a spear, which was a little unusual. Maddilyn probably did the worst out of the careers with her machete. She was good, but she couldn't run after the moving targets, which was a little depressing to her. Zeke surprised the game-makers with his hammer skills, knocking dummies heads off in one hit. Marge impressed them even more so with her whip skills, the girl had been practicing in private back in District Three, just in case she was reaped. Even though he wasn't a career, Alfie still did just as well as those before him, using his axe to hit targets, and threw smaller ones at targets. Carter was yet another career only using a dagger, the girl could use a spear, but right now she preferred to throw her dagger at targets as well as slash their necks open. The game makers grew bored once Joseph was in there, he was OK with a mace, but he seemed reluctant to use it. Skye tried to impress them with camouflage, but overall failed. District Six is more of the same. Megan shoots spikes at targets with her slingshot, but her aim isn't very good, while Cooper just bores them while he runs the agility course. They become more interested when Arthur stuns them with his hunting bow, and were just impressed with Yasmin's skills with the katana. Phoenix did just as well as any career with his throwing knives, the weapon may be used by girls more than guys, but that didn't stop him impressing the game makers. Anna also used a bow, although she wasn't good as Arthur she still did very well for someone from Eight. Henry is was the only tribute to use his sword, and he better than the two male careers did in their sessions. Chi-Chi tried to use throwing knives as well, but she was no where near as good as Phoenix. Bo threw axes at target as he did yesterday, although he wasn't any better, and Helena did just as bad with her dagger. Kurt did absolutely nothing, he just laughed and spoke loudly to the bored game makers watching him. Kelsey tried to run the obstacle course, but just embarrassed herself with how slow she was. Pablo did a lot better, and did the course under a minute. He then did the agility course and stunned the judges with his skills with a shuriken. Finally, Tiffany went in, by now all the game makers were bored, and she wasn't changing that with her poor skills with a blow dart gun. Later that night, the whole of Panem watched as the tributes scores were revealed.

Jase - 9

Maya - 10

Byron - 9

Maddilyn - 8

Zeke - 8

Marge - 9

Alfie - 7

Carter - 8

Joseph - 5

Skye - 3

Megan - 4

Cooper - 2

Athur - 9

Yasmin - 10

Phoenix - 10

Anna - 8

Henry - 11

Chi-Chi - 2

Bo -1

Helena - 3

Kurt - 0

Kelsey - 2

Pablo - 9

Tiffiny - 1

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