Forced Together - Day Four Part One

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Alfie would have cried with joy when he finally climbs over the hill that surrounds the centre of the arena, if he had any water left inside of him. He stumbles down the hill, almost tripping over a few times in the process. It felt like months since he left Pablo standing beside the tar pit, and he really regretted it, he also regretted leaving all his supplies with the boy, so now he had nothing but his axes and the clothes on his back. Last night he had slept not to far away from the pit, as it was not very far from here, and he had been to exhausted to continue. When he finally reaches the glistening lake, he sinks to his knees and dunks his whole head in, taking in as much water as possible before pulling his head back out of the water. His thirst was quenched immediately, but he still felt too weak to stand, and he fell into a laying position instead, staring out over the blue lake. He saw the golden cornucopia resting on the centre island, and the sight of it made his eyes droop, and he slowly fell asleep.

Alfie woke to the sound of shouting and his eyes snapped open to see two of the careers, Carter and Byron, in the lake racing towards him, Carter, being from District Four, was way in front of Byron, swimming swiftly through the water towards him. Alfie screamed, and tried to stand up, but he must have been sleeping on his leg awkwardly because it was all numb, and he fell back down again. He turned to the two careers, who were both laughing as they closed the small gap between them. Alfie tried standing up again, and this time he succeeded. He quickly took off in the direction of the tar pit. Hopefully Pablo had camped there the night too, and was still there now so that he could help him. Alfie knew he could wield his axes well, but there was no way he could out fight two careers. He spirits into the nearest cluster of trees, hoping that he would be lucky enough to out run them, but as he glances over his shoulder, he can see them just in the distance, but they were slowly catching up. The trees began to thin, and the next thing he knew, he was sprinting up the green hill that hid the dead wasteland behind. As he reaches the top, he takes one last glance behind him, before racing down the other side.

When Helena eyes slowly open, she isn't quite sure where she is. The scene around her is blurry, and nothing changes when she blinks. Suddenly she is hit with a massive wave of pain, and she groans and scrunches her eyes shut, wishing for the pain to go. For a moment, it does stop, but before she can open her eyes, she is hit with another wave, one stronger than before. She screams in pain, and then she hears rushing footsteps, and is vaguely aware of a presence nearby.

"It'll be ok," The voice says softly, Helena can tell it's a girls voice, but the pain in her head is preventing her from placing the voice, "Kelsey and Joseph will be back soon,"

Helena screams even louder as another wave of pain hits her, and she shoots into an upright position, screaming loudly.

"Crap," The girl whispers, "Joseph what have you done,"

The pain begins to fade again, and Helena finally manages to open her eyes to reveal a roof above her head, and she quickly realizes she is laying in a bed. She manages to turn her head to the side, and sees a large room before her. She doesn't have time to take it in, as yet another wave of pain hits her, this one was almost unbearable, the only way she could describe it was to say it felt like someone had stabbed a knife into her brain, and was slowly twisting the knife. She felt as if she was about to pass out, yet she felt as if she was no where near it. All she wanted to do is fall into a sleep and never wake up. Once again, she manages to open her eyes, and sees Skye, from District Five, staring at her with a fearful look on her face. Helena's gaze drifts to the counter beside the girl, and sees a small knife sitting atop it, and then Helena's gaze returns to Skye.

"T-the knife," She manages to say, and Skye glances at the knife, and then back to Helena with fear in her eyes, "H-here,"

Helena tapped the spot on her chest where her heart was, but Skye shook her head.

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