Back From the Dead! Day Twelve Part One!

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Lavender's grins as Zeke wakes up screaming. She knew the boy was having nightmares, and things weren't going not get better for him today, not with what the Head mutt game maker as in plan for the remaining five tributes, something that will really push them to the limits. Something Lavender doubts she could watch. She felt a little sick after watching Joseph torture Anna last night, it was horrible, and he had gone from the sweet boy who couldn't hurt a fly, to a brutal killer. A brutal killer who seems to be unstoppable, Lavender wasn't sure any of the other tributes could take him out. But she needed to make sure he didn't win.

"Mam," A voice says from behind her, and turns to see the head mutt maker, Ellie, standing behind her, "The first one has been sent in,"

"Zeke help me!" Megan screams as she begins to claw her way out of pit, "Please save me!"

"I'm trying!" He yells back, sweat runs down his forehead as he tries to escape the invisible force which holds him back, his eyelids are forced open, and he is forced to watch her as the snakes slowly consume her. One by One.

"Why won't you help me?" She screams, "It was you're idea for me to run and now I'm dying,"

"It's your fault!" Another voice says, and Zeke turns to see Skye from District Five standing beside him, blood trickles down for a massive gash in her forehead, and her left leg is a mess of blood and flesh, "We're all dying because of you,"

One by one, all the dead tributes appear, all taunting him, all with tears streaming down their faces. Some of them don't bother Zeke, seeing the dead bodies of Marge and Byron don't really faze him, but the others too, all with hopeless eyes and deformed bodies.

"WHY COULDN'T YOU SAVE ME?" Megan screams, and the suddenly everything goes dark.

Zeke's eyes fly open and he lets out a scream, a scream that probably would alert a tribute on the other side of the arena. Sweat rolls down his forehead and he pants heavily as he takes in the scene around him. He was just on the edge of the cluster of trees he'd spent all night chasing Pablo through, he must have collapsed here, because there was no way he would have fallen asleep with his legs on top of a bush. Slowly he sits up, and tries to forget the nightmare, forget Megan, and forget everyone. The nightmares have plagued him for days, getting worse and worse as each night goes by. He takes in a deep breath, but winces as he feels the dry feeling in his throat, and suddenly his only though is water. He reaches for his backpack, only to find it wasn't there, and scowls as he realizes that Pablo took it. That little shit is so dead. When he reaches the lake, he immediately kneels down before it, and cups his hands before dipping them into the lake, and drinking from them. He has seen tributes just dunk their heads into the lake as if they were animals, but in some way, he was too. He let Megan die. It was his fault. He should have just let Kelsey and Pablo run. He looks down at the lake, only to see Megan staring back at him, and he lets out a scream. He's defiantly insane, he was seeing things now.

"Zeke?" A voice says, and he spins around to see Megan standing behind him, no, she can't be real, it was just a trick of the mind, "Zeke what's wrong?"

"I-I," Zeke begins, but all he can let out is a sob, he's truly gone insane.

"Stop crying," She says, but the softness in her voice is gone, and is replaced by a husky voice. One that did not belong to her, "Stop it now!"

He glances back up at her, and then lets out a shriek. The Megan he saw a few moments ago is gone, instead, he sees a zombified version of her. Her left eye hangs out of its socket, whilst the right one is blood red. Her right arm has bite marks all over her, and her left leg is twisted at an impossible angle.

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