Training - Day 1

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Megan winces as she takes a sip of her coffee, and then lets out a cry of pain as it runs over her cuts. The coffee dribbles out of her mouth and down her shirt, and she hears Cooper laugh. She turns to glare at him, and sees him leaning back on his chair, holding a piece of toast, his mouth stretched into a wide grin. She didn't say anything, because her cuts cause her to talk with a lisp, which only makes Cooper laugh more. The least he could do is say sorry to her, but nope. The arrogant bastard didn't even say one word. She stands up from the table and shoots a glance at her Escort, Daisy, who nods at her. Megan walks quickly away to her room, as Daisy prepares to lecture Cooper. As she enters her room, she almost screams when she see's a tall pale man standing behind her bed, but stops herself when she realizes he is just an Avox. He holds her blood stained pillow case in his left hand, and looks at her with envy in his eyes. A pang of guilt hits Megan when she remembers that Avox's have no tongues, and she was making a big deal about hers bleeding. They didn't even have a tongue that could bleed. Before she can even say anything, the Avox walks around the bed and leaves. Megan stares at the empty doorway for a moment as the silver door slides shuts, before turning around and standing over her bed. Last night was the best sleep she'd ever had, at home she just sleeps on a broken old mattress that is extremely uncomfortable. Why can't all of Panem enjoy this stuff? Why should we make all of this so that the idiots here can enjoy is while we starve and live in poverty? She sits down on the bed, and a tear drop rolls down her pale cheek. She thought of home, she thought of her mother making porridge on Sunday mornings, she thought of her dad telling her bedtime stories when she was younger. There was so much she wanted to say to them, and yet she couldn't say anything at all. Suddenly something shifted in the back of her mind, an old memory. She hadn't always lived in poverty.

"Megan there you are!" Megans mother cries as she scoops her daughter up into her arms.

"What's happening mummy," Four year old Megan says, looking at her mothers worn out face.

"We have to leave now," She says, tears streaming down her face.

"Where's Daddy and Jake?" Megan asks, but her mother doesn't say anything. Megan glances over her mothers shoulder to see their house in flames. Peacekeepers surround the building, armed with guns and flamethrowers.

The victors village. That house had been in the victors village. The capitol took away her chance at a rich life, one where she wasn't always cold, always hungry. But why did they live in the victors village? Her mother and father had never competed in the games, but that meant....Jake. A knock on her door brought her out of her thoughts, and she glanced up to see Cooper in the doorway.

"I'm sorry," He says and steps into the room, "I'm sorry for hitting you, I'm sorry for laughing, I'm sorry for being a complete dick,"

"It's OK," Megan whispers as he takes a seat next to her, "It could be worse,"

"How so?" He asks, and Megan glares at him, but she stops quickly.

We could be Avox's, I've been complaining this whole time about my tongue when those people don't even have one, I've been so selfish," She says, and Cooper goes to say something when theirs a knock on the door, and they both turn their heads to see Daisy standing in the doorway.

"It's time to go to training,"

Jase laughed as he saw Maya's face as she walked away from a conversation with Maddilyn. Maya's expression was a mix of fear, anger and concern, where as the large girl behind her was smiling like a mad man.

"Making friends!" Jase jokes as Maya sits down beside him, but she doesn't reply, she just stares at the floor, wide eyed.

"She is so disturbing!" Maya finally says after a few moments of silence, and Jase smiles.

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