Back Stabbing and Canons - Day Seven

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Head Game maker Lavender scowls as Kelsey manages to escape yet another one of her mutts. It has been three days since Carter and Alfie died in the mammoth cage, and literally nothing has happened, no matter how much she tries. The last time tributes crossed paths with someone out of their alliance was when they dropped Phoenix and Yasmin on top of Jase and Maya, and everyone got away from the fight without a scratch. Marge hasn't left her spot in the house since she chased Megan, but Lavender knew she would have to leave soon, as her food and water supplies were dwindling. Skye and Joseph haven't left their spot either, neither of them have even said a word too each other, not since Skye killed Helena. Megan and Zeke are camping just on the outskirts of the center area, so they are out of range of the careers but still close enough to hunt for food and get water. They needed something to happen soon. Her eyes shift to the screen where Maya is delivering more supplies to Anna. Lavender had to admit, Anna was pretty smart. She has been manipulating Maya for days now, but it's starting to get old, if Anna doesn't do anything soon, Lavender would be forced to kill her. The only other tribute more boring than Anna was Maddilyn, the girl never left the cornucopia, all she did was sit there, eat, complain and cry. Hopefully there will be some drama between the careers soon, as Maya, Jase and Byron have all been talking about when to kill off Maddilyn. Lavender was also waiting for the day Byron and Maya's secrets are revealed, too see what it has done to the career pack. At the moment the most interesting tribute was Pablo. The boy has been circling the lake for days now, every time the careers go to hunt, the boy manages to get into the cornucopia and steal supplies with Maddilyn knowing. At the moment, the only active tributes are Jase and Byron, who have descended into the wasteland, not heading in the direction of any of the tributes. Five or so years ago, the game makers would have led the careers straight to some tributes but for the past few years, Raven has instructed not to do it very often unless she told Lavender to do so, so right now she had no choice but to sit and wait. The game makers have sent up many spots in the center area that, when stepped on, would trigger the giant stalk to come and carry the tribute to where ever the game makers choose. Her eyes then shift to where Maya is just jumping into the lake, and then smiles when she sees Anna slowly making her way to one of the stalk points. Finally, something interesting was about to happen.

Anna smiles as Maya finally disapears from view before standing up and slipping on her heavy backpack. She was pretty much healed as of yesterday morning, but she wanted to wait for Maya to come back one last time before she would kill her. Anna had told her that Jase and Byron were hunting out in the dead land, which means that she would only have to worry about Maddilyn. She grabs her sheath of arrows and slings it over her back, before picking up her bow. It feels good to have the bow in her hand again, before she does anything she notches an arrow, aims it at a nearby tree and fires. The arrow sails through the air almost silently before hitting the tree with a crack, and Anna smiles. Standing up from behind the bushes which had become her home over the past few days. She walks over to the tree and retrieves the arrow, before she begins to walk in the direction Maya had gone. It has been three days since someone died, by now the capitol must be bored and blood thirsty. Someone had to die soon. Last years games had only gone on for nine days, and half the tributes were dead by day two, so it seems these games were to be allot longer. She notices the forest is oddly silent as she ventures towards the cornucopia, usually she was able to hear birds chirping and the sound of the trees swaying in the breeze, but at the moment, it was too calm. The only time that this happened before in these games were when...

"Fuck!" Anna says in a panicked tone as she hears the screech in the distance. This wasn't fair, this can't be happening. Not again. She doesn't even wait to see the giant bird before she turns and sprints in the direction she was going. Hopefully she will reach the lake before the bird reaches her, but the heavy backpack slows her down so she can't run as fast as she usually would. Before long, a large shadow looms over her, growing bigger as the trees begin to thin and she sees the glistening lake in the distance. She hears the bird screech loudly above her as it begins to descend, and Anna quickly realizes it will snatch her up easily in the direction she was running it. She quickly darted to the left, and she heard a loud scratching sound as the stalks talons scrape along the dirt ground harmlessly. Sweat begins to roll down Anna's forehead and her legs burn, wanting her to stop. But she couldn't. She couldn't survive another drop like that. She felt the wind pick up behind her as the bird took flight, and for a moment her hair clouds her vision, but she quickly brushes it out of her eyes and then changes direction once more, now she was heading in the direction of the lake. She heard the bird screech again and she smiles, knowing that it will take the bird a few moments to change direction, but in those same few moments, Anna begins to tire, and she slows down, just as the looming shadow over her begins to grow large again. She was almost at the lake, just a few more meters. Then she felt the talons wrap around her.

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