Insanity - Day Ten Part Two

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Zeke lets out a shriek and dives to the side as Jase's body topples backwards, nearly crashing into Zeke as he rolls down the valley, and disappears into the mist below. For a moment, anger flashes through Zeke's body, he told everyone not to try and kill each other, and since then, two people have been killed, by his anger quickly fades when Megan lets out a shriek from somewhere to his left, and he turns to see her just manage to jump out of the way as the snakes head smashes into the dirt where she had just been standing. He hears footsteps above him, and a whizzing sound meets his ears as an arrow flies over his head, and hit's the snake directly in the left eye. The snake lets out a hiss of pain and begins to thrash about, trying to free the arrow that is still stuck in its eye, giving Megan enough time to quickly sprint up the hill.

"I know how to kill it," She pants as she nears where Zeke stands, "The water,"

"You mean the river?" Zeke asks, grabbing Megan's hand and pulling her up to the top of the hill.

"Yeah," She pants, "It got hit by a few droplets and even those burned it,"
He glances over to where the snake thrashes about, the arrow still stuck in it's eye, and then glances at the scene on the top of the hill around him. Anna stands just beside Zeke and Megan, preparing to fire another arrow at the snake. Kelsey stands beside Pablo at the back of the cage, the two of them just watching the scene before them. Joseph is kneeling beside the spot where Skye was killed, just staring at the dirt, his face was blank. Maya is still knocked out on the ground near the edge of the snake ring, her crossbow is held loosely in her hand.

"Could you injure it from the stomach?" Anna asks, taking a step towards them, but lets out a cry of pain as she puts pressure on her injured leg.

"Nope, its skin is too rough," Zeke says, and signals for Kelsey and Pablo to come over. He decides to leave Joseph alone, it won't be his fault if the guy dies. Pablo and Kelsey quickly jog over to join the group, both of their faces pale when they see the snake thrashing about in the pit below them.

"How do we kill it then?" Anna asks, panic evident in her deep, brown eyes.

"Well," Zeke says, and glances back at Megan, "I have a plan,"

Kelsey sighs as her, Megan and Pablo stand over the edge of the pit, watching as the arrow finally falls from its eye, and it immediately calms down, it's forked tongue sliding in and out of its mouth. The plan was that her, Megan and Pablo were to lead the snake to the river, and from there they would all go in different directions, and hopefully the snake would go into the river. Kelsey didn't think the plan would work, but it was worth a shot. For a moment, nobody moves, they all just watch the snake as it's head waves from side to side, waiting to feel the vibrations of someone moving.

"We go on three," Megan whispers, "One, Two, and Three!"

All three tributes break out into a sprint, six pairs of eyes all locked onto the far away river which draws closer with every step. Kelsey hears a loud hiss from the pit, and then takes a risky glance over her shoulder to see the snakes head shoot out of the pit behind them, and let out another hiss.

"Look out!" She shouts as the snakes head darts forward at an alarming speed. Pablo and Kelsey quickly dive to the left, and Kelsey lets out a groan of pain as she lands on top of Pablo, causing the two of them to topple to the ground, his knee going straight into her stomach. She wanted to lay there for a moment, and wait for the pain to go away, but she knew she couldn't. If she did, she would die. As quickly as she could, Kelsey quickly rolls to the side, and jumps up, just in time to see the snake recovering from yet another face plant. Megan is already on her feet, running towards the river. As soon as Pablo is up, the two of them sprint after Megan, quickly catching up and pulling ahead of her.

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