Canons Boom! - Day Twelve Part Two

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"Leave me alone!" Kelsey screams as the zombified Helena swipes at her, missing her head by a few centimeters.

"You left me alone and I died!" The zombie screams and then ducks as Kelsey weakly swings the bone. Her left arm is covered in blood, all from where the zombie has scratched her. The zombie sees its chance as Kelsey recovers from swinging the bone, and tackles her to the ground, Kelsey lets out a scream as the zombie sits up and claws at her face, drawing blood just below her left eye and on her cheek. Kelsey manages to free her hand from underneath the zombies knee, and then uppercuts her in the chin.

"I did not leave you to die!" Kelsey screams as the zombie falls off of her. The zombie glares at her as she scrambles backwards, and Kelsey kicked it in the face.

"Yes you did, it was your fault," It says as Kelsey scrambles up, "It's your fault I died. Your fault Tiffany died. Your fault the retard died!"

Something snaps inside Kelsey as it mentions her dead district partner, how dare she call him retarded. That was sick!

"Don't you fucking say that word," Kelsey screams, and then swings the bone at the zombie which had stood up while she was speaking. The bone smashes the zombie in the neck, and there's a horrible cracking sound as it twists out of place.

"You think this will stop me," The zombie laughs, but before it could even raise an arm to attack, Kelsey swung the bone again, this time hitting it in the side of the head. The zombie stumbles sideways, and Kelsey brings the bone down on top of its head. As soon as the bone makes contact, the zombie explodes into dust. Leaving an enraged Kelsey standing alone.

"Fuck!" She screams, and swings the bone around wildly, kind of in the same way someone would practice swinging a sword. A loud groan causes Kelsey to freeze, and she turns to see a second zombie, except this one was a different tribute.

"M-megan." Kelsey manages to blurt out, and the zombie lifts its head and then snarls, before it begins to sprint towards her. Kelsey lets out a scream and sprints in the opposite direction, she wasn't sure she could kill another zombie. No. She couldn't. All she can do is run.

Pablo stares at the spot that the zombie Alfie had just been, he's been staring at him for the past half hour. At first, he couldn't move out of shock, but as the words of the zombie began to float through his mind, he began to think. Was it his fault that Alfie died? Not really, it was Byron who killed him, and besides, Pablo wouldn't have been able to save him after he had been stabbed in the stomach. He had been too late to begin with. A scream snaps him out of his thoughts, and his eyes dart to the left just in time to see Kelsey sprinting towards in the direction of the lake. He smirks as he watches her tear through the foliage, and takes a step to run after her when he sees the reason she is running. Another zombie, he couldn't quite make out who the tribute was, but he didn't care to find out. For a moment, the zombie pauses and glances in his direction, but before it could move Pablo took off in the other direction. Away from both Kelsey and the zombie. Then he hears it. The bird. The one that dropped Anna into the lake a few days ago, it had to be that one. Something blocks out the sunlight and Pablo glances up to see that he was right. The bird flies above him, and with every meter Pablo runs, the bird descends a little more, and it wouldn't be long before it picked him up. Pablo quickly shoves his hand into the shuriken bag, and pulls one out. He quickly spins around, throwing it at the bird as he does so, before spinning back to the front and sprinting away. He hears it let out a screech of pain and smiles as he knows he made contact. But it wasn't enough. Wind picks up from behind him as the bird begins to descend, and he is blown forwards, his face smacking into the dirt before him. He hears the bird screech loudly right above him, and his head snaps up just in time to see the birds left talon reach for him. Pablo lets out a screech as the birds talon wraps around his body, not to tight so that it causes him pain, but tight enough so that he couldn't escape. He lets out a scream as the bird flaps it's wings, and takes flight.

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