Betrayal - Day Four Part Two

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For a moment, nobody moves, all five tributes just stare at the bloody remains of Carter, which hung on the mammoths tusk as it turns around. Megan fights the urge to vomit at the sight of it, and she sees Alfie fails to do so on the other side of the cage, vomiting all over himself.

"OK guys!" Byron shouts, "If we keep fighting like this, we are all going to die, we need a plan,"

Luckily, for now the mammoth seems happy with it's kill, as it just slowly wanders around, not paying any attention to anyone.

"How do you kill a skeleton?" Alfie shouts from the other side, neither him nor Pablo seem to want to be any where near Byron, but who could blame him. Just in case, Megan snatches up the whip that lays on the ground.

"Well my first thought would be too knock off it's head or break it's bones," Zeke shouts back, "But I was the only one with a weapon that could do that kind of damage and now it's over there,"

Megan glances to where the Mammoth has wondered, it has walked back over to the tar pit, and now stands there blocking their way from the hammer.

"Ok, ok, there has to be some way we can kill it," Byron says, and Megan eyes drift back to the tar pit. She had learnt about tar back in District Six, one thing she knew is that it explodes when coming into contact with fire. Fire. Her eyes snap back to where the mammoth stands, it had emerged from the tar pit, and there was still tar dripping off of it. It seems the tributes time for planning was up, as the Mammoth began charging at Megan, Zeke and Byron. Carter's body finally slips from the mammoths tusks, only to have her skull crushed by the mammoths trampling foot. Once again, Megan fought the urge to vomit as blood sprayed everywhere, but as she dove out of the mammoths path she couldn't hold it in any more, vomiting over the ash and dirt.

"I know what to do," She shouts as she wipes her mouth, glancing at Byron and Zeke who dove the opposite way to her, "If we can set the mammoth on fire, the tar that is on the bones will cause it to explode!"

"But how do we do that without dying?" Pablo shouts from behind her, "If we get close to it, or the tar pit, we're dead,"

"If we can get someone to lure the Mammoth over to the far side of the cage, away from the pit, then maybe we can set it on fire there," Zeke shouts, and quickly sprints over to where Pablo and Alfie stand as the mammoth charges again.

"How do we do that?" Byron shouts, running in the opposite direction of the rest of the tributes.

"We throw this!" Alfie says, and Megan watches as he pulls an empty plastic bottle out of Pablo's bag, and then tears a piece of his shirt off, shoving it inside so that a bit sticks out, "Anybody have matches?"

Megan nods and pulls the matches out of her own bag as fast as possible, and just in time to as she barley had enough time to move out of the way as the Mammoth charges once more. She quickly throws the pack matches to Alfie, and then Pablo quickly sprints up to the mammoth, getting it's attention, before darting off towards the far end of the cage with remarkable speed. The rest of us quickly darted to the opposite side, all except Byron, who snatches the bottle and matches from Alfie's grasp and stays within throwing distance. As soon as the mammoth crashes into the side of the cage, and Pablo sprints back towards Megan, Zeke and Alfie, Byron lights the rag on fire and throws it. Megan scrunches her eyes shut as the bottle makes contact with the Mammoth, and it instantly explodes, bits of bone flying everywhere. She watches as one peice of bone flies out and smacks Byron in the cheek, the boy scowls but ignores it, turning to face the rest of us. Before he can even attack, Zeke grabs Megan's hand and begins to run towards the hole in the cage, he ran towards the tar pit, and scoops up his hammer as he runs, not daring to stop. Megan takes one last look back at where Byron stands over Alfie and Pablo, before running back out into the wasteland.

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