Beware The Crane! - Day Two

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Helena awoke to the sound of Kelsey whimpering on the branch above her, seeing both Kurt and Tiffany's face in the sky last night must really have hurt her, because she hasn't been herself since. Helena had weeped a little over Bo's death, but the two had barley spoken and he was quite annoying. Luckily, the two of them escaped the bloodbath unharmed yesterday, and managed to find a suitable tree in the dead wasteland. They had no supplies what so ever, since both Bo and Tiffany were killed yesterday, and Helena was nothing but thirsty. Her mouth was dry and her throat was sore, she had no idea how Kelsey still had enough water in her body to cry. For a moment, everything was fine, and she sat on the tree branch staring at the dead forest before her, when suddenly there was a flash and she was somewhere else.

"Papa where are you!" Eight year old Helena shouts as she wanders down the hot, crowded main street of District Ten alone. Tears stream down her face as she walks, passing people give her sympathetic looks, but don't help her.

"Papa, please," She whispers, and sinks to her knees on the hot pavement. One minute he had been right beside her, the next, he was gone, it was almost as if he had left her on purpose. She didn't know her way back home from where she was, so instead she curls up into a ball and sobs, trying to ignore the stomping feet of the crowd around her. Later that night, Helena woke up screaming, the worst nightmare she had ever had now imprinted in her mind. She had been on a table, strapped to it, and her Mama stood over her, and kitchen knife in her hand. She went to stab it into Helena's stomach, but as the door flew open, she missed and slice Helena's arm open. Her mother was shot in front of her eyes, and that's when it ended. Helena sobbed as she stands up from her spot, looking around and expecting her Papa to be there. But he wasn't. He wasn't coming back. He was never coming back.

Helena had spent the next six years on the streets, stealing food and looking for shelter each night. She had managed to stay away from peacekeepers and out of trouble, and it wasn't until she was fourteen did someone take her in. She had completely forgotten about the incident, but the thing on her mind now was her dream, and she glanced down at her left arm. A big scar ran along the length of it, her Papa had told her it was from a cat, but now as he realized, her Papa had lied to her. The nightmare wasn't a nightmare. It actually happened, her mother had tried to kill her. For the first time in ten years, her anger for her Papa faded. He hadn't left her because he hated her, he had done it to protect her. Tears well up in Helena's eyes as she thought of this. She would give anything to see her Papa one last time.

"Finally," Henry grumbles as Coopers eyes finally snap open. At first the boy is calm, but when he sees Henry, his eyes widen and he screams, and then tries to escape, but of course, he can't. While he was knocked out, Henry tied him to the exact tree he had ran into last night, the tree that would ruin his life. So many ways to torture him, what should he do. Henry thinks about it, circling the tree while watching Cooper the whole time. He couldn't do too much to the boy, after the 78th Hunger Games, torture that went on for more than fifteen minutes was banned, a boy from District Six had tortured all of his victims, and killed more than anyone in history. Finally an idea popped into his head. Since the boy loves to run so much, why not cut off his feet? Yes, perfect. Finally Henry stopped in front of Cooper, and flipped his sword over in his hands. Before Cooper could even react, Henry brought the sword down on the boys ankle, and Cooper screams in agony. Henry begins to slice off his foot, his sword slowly slicing through the bone, which causes Cooper to scream loudly. Blood seeps out of the wound, coating Henry's hand scarlet. Finally the foot falls away from the leg, and Cooper vomits at the sight of his detached foot. Before the boy can even say a word, Henry plunges his sword into Cooper's left ankle, detaching it in the same way he had the right. Suddenly, Henry hears a shout from somewhere behind him, and he scowls. He was just starting to have fun, he needed to kill the boy now. He could have just plunged his sword into his chest, but no. Instead, he grabs the boys left foot, and pulls it out of the boot, and then slices off the big toe. Cooper's eyes widen as Henry wraps his hand around Cooper's throat, and squeezes. Cooper's tries to take a breath, and Henry shoves the toe down his throat, before he stands up and darts in the opposite direction the shout had come from. He smiles as a canon fires not long after he had left, and is happy with his work, he only wished he could have done more.

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